• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Amazing that for just 15k they’d be willing to jeopordize so much. Not just info about the US Navy but also putting their selves at risk for long detention and forever in trouble. High risk low reward.

Tip: correcting energy dashboard
I noticed in the past month that my daily energy production doubled in size. The problem is persistent but doesn't show up on a daily basis. I don't have a definite fix but can however fix these weird spikes manually. I decided to post to show how to correct these spikes when they occur. Let's say there's a weird spike in the evening which adds 100kWh to my Solis Energy Today kWh. This would look like this: ![](https://i.imgur.com/ux7ep1O.png) The problem is located on a sensor which reports the daily kWh total. In this case it's Solis. My next step would be to go to the settings menu and look for Development settings > Statistics Tool and look for the sensor which has the problem. Then it's a search to the right moment on which the error occurs. In this case see: ![](https://i.imgur.com/JHZoG2c.jpg) Now just adjust the incorrect value to the desired one. In my case this is 0. Then just reload the energy dashboard and the error won't show. Good luck for whoever gets into the same boat.

2023-06-14 Latest release 2023.6.2
Release 2023.6.2 - June 14 Change pyoppleio to pyoppleio-legacy (@tinysnake - #88050) (opple docs) Fix issue with Insteon linked devices maintaining current state (@teharris1 - #94286) (insteon docs) Bump elkm1-lib to 2.2.5 (@gwww - #94296) (elkm1 docs) Bump pylitterbot to 2023.4.2 (@natekspencer - #94301) (litterrobot docs) Upgrade sisyphus-control to 3.1.3 (@jkeljo - #94310) (sisyphus docs) fix: electrasmart - cast temperature to int in set_temperature (@jafar-atili - #94368) (electrasmart docs) Fix dep noaa-coops for noaa_tides (@jbouwh - #94370) (noaa_tides docs) Fix deprecated asyncio.wait use with coroutines (@syssi - #94371) (xiaomi_miio docs) Update xknxproject to 3.1.1 (@farmio - #94375) (knx docs) Re-add event listeners after Z-Wave server disconnection (@raman325 - #94383) (zwave_js docs) Fix ZHA binding api to actually return responses (@jasonkuster - #94388) (zha docs) Abort youtube configuration if user has no channel (@joostlek - #94402) (youtube docs) Update knx-frontend to 2023.6.9.195839 (@farmio - #94404) (knx docs) Bump unifiprotect to 4.10.3 (@AngellusMortis - #94416) (unifiprotect docs) Fix: Xiaomi Miio Fan, delay off countdown unit conversion (@golles - #94428) (xiaomi_miio docs) Add unit inference for Amps and VA in APCUPSD integration (@yuxincs - #94431) (apcupsd docs) Fix manual update for Command Line (@gjohansson-ST - #94433) (command_line docs) Fix reload service in Command Line (@gjohansson-ST - #94436) (command_line docs) Set default value for endpoint in zwave device automations (@raman325 - #94445) (zwave_js docs) Revert “Bump pydaikin 2.9.1 (#93635)” (@mover85 - #94469) (daikin docs) Bump russound_rio to 1.0.0 (@chphilli - #94500) (russound_rio docs) Fix entity and device selector TypedDict’s (@raman325 - #94510) Bump yalexs-ble to 2.1.18 (@bdraco - #94547) (august docs) (yalexs_ble docs) Bump regenmaschine to 2023.06.0 (@bachya - #94554) (rainmachine docs) Update Home Assistant base image to 2023.06.0 (@frenck - #94556) Catch InvalidAuthError in shutdown() method for Shelly gen2 devices (@bieniu - #94563) (shelly docs) Fix keyboard_remote for python 3.11 (@lanrat - #94570) (keyboard_remote docs) Fix failed recovery in roku (@ctalkington - #94572) (roku docs) Fix failed recovery in ipp (@ctalkington - #94573) (ipp docs) Improve multipan debug logging (@emontnemery - #94580) (homeassistant_hardware docs)