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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 14, 2023


I wish there were more Nickel Iron (Edison) home battery options. Those run for over 100 years and are perfect for a home where size/weight don’t matter.

Sony can’t have your electricity cut off if you pirate. Because electricity is a utility.

ISPs want it both ways. They want the legal protections of a utility without the obligations.

The solution is to give them the legal protection they want by declaring them a utility.

Google did it and everyone just accepted it. Oh maybe my website will get a few pennies in ad revenue if someone clicks the link that Google got by copying all my content. Meanwhile Google makes billions by taking those pennies in ad revenue from every single webpage on the entire Internet.

The Risc Isa isn’t simple anymore. It has more instructions than a 90’s CISC CPU.

Arm has 64 bit, 32bit and 16 bit (Thumb) instructions.

The legacy 8-32bit Intel ISA doesn’t eat power if it isn’t used. It wastes a little silicon but it’s extremely tiny on modern CPU’s.

Unlikely. They put a fake keyboard on their most recent Atari 400 despite many 400 games requiring a keyboard.

People said it was just a frogger rip off but as a 2 player game it was really fun.

That won’t stop them from blocking once they notice. Years ago Hulu blocked a Hulu app on xbmc. It wasn’t even like it bypassed ads. But every month they’d block and the developers had to make a work around. So it was one month working, one month not.

Personally I’m fine with never using reddit unless something comes up in a search or a post. It only prolongs switching to alternatives.

Reddit claims that’s illegal too. They now block Microsoft from indexing them because Microsoft isn’t paying them.

How does this work? I thought the API charges killed all free reddit viewers.

What is the advantage of a Pico 2 compared to the ESP32 variants?

"George Kurtz, the CEO of CrowdStrike, used to be a CTO at McAfee, back in 2010 when McAfee had a similar global outage. "

Its simple. Now that China is in the lead, do what China did to the west. If you want access to the markets you have to build a plant in the US and share IP. That’s what the EU just proposed to China’s EV manufacturers.

It’s good for everyone. Consumers get cheap batteries, China gets Western Markets, and Western companies get Chinese technology to drive the next wave of competition.

I recall a Turing test years ago where a human was voted as a robot because they tried that trick but the person happened to have a PhD in the subject.

Here is the link where Sandy Munroe determined the Model Y pack is non repairable and it includes Elon Musk’s reply tweet saying the pack should be seen as “high grade ore”.


Yes, the batteries would need to be replaced but that means designing them to be replaced.

Unlike the Tesla model Y which built the battery into the frame and filled it with foam so that it absolutely cannot get replaced. Musk said the way to replace the battery is to send the entire car to the scrap yard and recover the lithium from the shredder.

It’s the 2600 Asteroids but I don’t get the reference? Is this a badge awarded from an emulator?

Imo, the only solution is every device with an antenna must be legally required to put a manual off switch.

Cell service, wifi, Bluetooth, any future service. If it broadcasts it needs a physical off switch.

If I sold my car to a government official and they found out I had hidden a camera, microphone and GPS in the car, I’d get a visit from the FBI. Yet companies do it with impunity. Does the CEO of Subaru have recordings of Bernie Sanders driving in his car?

I think the reality is this is just so Lt. Colonels can have better stock pictures for their PowerPoint slides.

I bet they made you use a website or app to check in. And that website wasn’t created by the Urgent Care. So everything you entered isn’t protected by HIPPA.

Monocrystalline silicon was used 20 years ago. It’s the oldest solar technology.

According to the source data in a link in the page I linked thin film CIGS rollable solar sheets was the least durable. Panels installed before 2000 had a degradation of 3.5% a year. That’s 10 years to lose 30%. But CIGS solar systems installed after the year 2000 show only .02% degradation a year. The document talks about manufacturing defects that were corrected.


but they used to be dysmal, like 30% reduction in generation capacity over 5 years.

??? Monocrystalline silicon losses less than .4% a year. That means after 50 years it’s still producing 82% of when it was new. It takes 90 years to get a 30% reduction rate.


I’m not qualified to answer but I do know there are losses in transmission and ac/dc conversion for that transmission.

Nuclear is about $6k per KWatt. Solar with battery is about $5k per KWatt.

If it’s cost effective to build and maintain a nuclear reactor for $6k per KWatt, then it can also be done with the cheaper solar.

Yes it takes lots of money, people and planning. So does operating a coal mine. No one says, “We can’t have coal power, where are all the trained miners going to come from? Someone will need to drive that coal to the powerplant and that power plant will need trained electricians. It’s a huge problem!”

A $20k LiPo4 battery in every home can remove almost all base load needs and is available today.

Get to 100% solar, then figure out how much coal/gas/oil can slowly be removed.

I don’t see the problem. Buy the underpriced Chinese Solar. If they raise prices, build a factory. It’s only a few years of overpriced panels, then prices go back down. If they are dumping panels, it’s the Chinese who are handing free money to US consumers.

After the US is 100% solar we can worry about domestic manufacturing for maintaining infrastructure.

When your current washer breaks to the point of being unrepairable, you will find the only choice is an Internet connected washer.

I bought the same model Bosch dishwasher that I bought last year ( I have 2 dishwashers). Bosch added Internet to their dishwashers this year. I was enraged but had no choice. They removed some wash features from buttons and made them selectable only from the app. I haven’t turned the feature on but there’s Wi-Fi in my dishwasher screaming to get out to the Internet. It could likely be hijacked with the right bot attack.

We need a law that all antennas come with a physical switch. Wifi, Cell, whatever comes next. They need a physical cut off switch just like privacy doors have become common on laptop cameras.

I’d like to know where you can get cheap Supermicro because when I looked into their stuff for my home lab it was way more expensive than Dell. I wanted to build it myself but couldn’t justify the price. I ended up buying used Lenovo servers. I got a complete server off of eBay for less than the price of 1 SuperMicro motherboard.

Supermicro seems to be the premium brand for servers compared to Dell’s Walmart approach of being cheaper through mass manufacturing with shortcuts wherever a penny can be saved.

How is supermicro an ai play? They make servers. Lots of companies make servers.

It’s like saying Dell is an ai company.

You were allowed to game but not program???

Dredging the ocean can come after we stop putting trash in it.

It must be both simultaneously. You don’t ignore a patient with a gunshot wound by telling everyone, “Ignore the dying man until we ban guns!”

Except realistically, that trash is constantly getting replenished

I don’t watch Mr Beast but he’s trying to help unlike everyone else. Yes we should stop dumping plastic in the ocean. But removing what is already there is useful just like cleaning trash on the beach is useful. You don’t walk past litter and say, “No point in picking it up, someone else will just throw more.”

There are many non profit ocean cleanup organizations.

You can buy 3rd party toner for Brother and they don’t lock you out of your own printer for doing it.

On brother printers, if the printer says toner is out and you can’t print, you can press a key combo on the printer to reset the toner page counter and then continue printing until there is literally no toner left at all.

You are saying you won’t get played by a machine that will grind you down?

This has been going on for decades. CDDB, IMDB, Redhat.

Anything you volunteer for will be monetized and you will get cut off from your own contributions.

Even here on Lemmy people post Twitter images and Reddit reader apps which only helps those platforms retain mindshare even if they aren’t directly profiting with ads.