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Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


In the comments, there’s a follow-up where she added an accelerometer so that it will mimic arm movements. Though she doesn’t have a demo of cooking with it, just showing that the arm moves up when she moves the sensor up.

In addition to the problems with this that others have stated, this also ignores the wealth distribution among that 1%. Like how much does that 95% go down if we limit it to the top 0.1%? 0.01%?

And good luck typing that in if you don’t know the alphabet it’s written in and can’t copy/paste it.

I’ve found chatGPT to be a great learning aid. You just don’t use it to jump straight to the answers, you use it to explore the gaps and edges of what you know or understand. Add context and details, not final answers.

It is about supply and demand, this is just an attempt to fine tune it to the individual level rather than regional or market level.

It’s fucked, basically an attempt to reduce purchasing power of everyone to low income levels so employers can offer large salaries without needing to actually allow wealth to transfer because of them (assuming the entire economy adopted this and had perfect information to set the price fully proportional to income).

But it is all about supply and demand but attempting to pull information about each individual’s supply and demand for money itself into the equation.

Though income is only part of the story. Commitments, cost of living, other household income, needs, and other expenditures also play a big role in the value someone sees in their money. Eg, if three people make the same but one likes to always have a brand new sports car, one is content with anything that gets them from a to b, and the third bikes everywhere, they’ll have different amounts of money available for everything else. Their car payments affect their demand for money while their salary (and other income) is the supply.

IMO that argument weakens their case. The controller was one of the least problematic things they did. Mechanical controls would have compromised the hull even more, so it was always going to be controlled electronically. I hope the complaint at least offers examples of better options and how those would have had any effect at all on hull integrity.

Not to mention this “apology” has profit for Uber built into it. Or serves as a marketing campaign for them, depending on what kind of deal they offered them to use Uber gift cards for this.

Like with $10 not even being enough to order much of anything, Uber could probably still come out ahead of they offered them at less than half of the “face value”. I regularly get offers for more than $10 off other food delivery services just to sign up, so I wouldn’t even rule out Uber offering to do this for free just for the marketing.

Like I ignore those other offers but had to think about this one before I realized it was just as ignorable because the idea of it being “compensation” made it seem more worthwhile than a marketing giveaway would be.

Plus, I bet there’s an agreement to not sue baked into this offer.

I’m talking about the commercial platforms where the idea is to scale up to the point where some small fee results in large revenues and companies often scale beyond their capacity to review the content of their platform. Others end up hurt in the process while the company makes money from it.

It’s almost like creating a platform where the intent is for users to post content without any kind of curation or manual review is itself a flawed idea. I understand how tempting the whole thing is, to set up a platform that allows you to be a passive middleman and take a cut of all activity on the platform.

Should be a law that if a platform is making money from something, it is also responsible for that content. Curation shouldn’t be enforced by law, but the legality of the content should be, whether it be illegal on its own like in this case or fraud. Ads included.

Yeah, Logitech. I’m going to need to open up my G900 soon because the left mouse button is starting to do the same thing my G7 did back in the day. I hope it’s not more awkward due to the non-removable battery (or less removable, I guess), but the glide pads are larger on this one, I hope they adhere well after being lifted.

I just broke through the ones on my G7. Luckily they didn’t bend downwards from pulling the screws out.

Actually, this time I might even look into getting a better switch instead of fixing the one they put in it. If that’s even a thing, and if there even are more durable mouse button switches because it has been pressed a lot over the years.

It totally is a thing, both getting new switches on their own and the availability of a range of qualities: https://www.maketecheasier.com/replace-faulty-mouse-switches/

Agree on your overall sentiment, though I’d say it is a bit more complicated than that for car doors. You don’t want it to fail and come open while moving, for example, especially if the car is coming to a stop and inertia forces the doors fully open. That Boeing door failed open and it was not very safe.

Vehicle doors should be fail functional rather than open to fail safe. As in designed to be very unlikely to fail and/or still functional even if one or several components do fail.

Edit: I normally avoid commenting on my downvotes (you win some, you lose some) but this one is baffling. What’s controversial or unpopular about what I said?

With sarcasm, one might say that it is desirable to have obviously undesirable thing. Your interpretation is one way, but I think they really meant “stupid” instead of “smart”.

And if they didn’t develop the culture of sweeping safety issues under the rug at all levels, they won’t have much trouble keeping ahead because I’m sure that even at the height of Boeing’s safety ignoring, I bet most of the communication still looked like they took safety seriously. Just those in the know realized that they could make themselves look better by faking it and their management wouldn’t care. I’ve gotta assume that some number of them will think the current safety culture overhaul is really trying to send a message of “just be smarter about ignoring safety, don’t let it get to the point where doors fall off mid-flight and we need to kill some whistleblowers”.

In the whole bad times lead to strong people, which leads to good times, which leads to weak people, which leads to bad times, we’re in the weak people leading to bad times stage. Now things need to get bad enough to start making strong people.

Only problem is the fascists are smarter this time and are pushing everywhere, so this time might not have nation states on the good side.

Yeah, I wish C++ had function/scope epilogs and labeled loops/breaks, too. Those are the cases where the “never use goto” rule can be broken to make better code than adding all of the code that would be required to handle it the “right” way (setting up early exit flags and if statements after each level of nested loop to check the flag).

Yeah, I like the sweet spot that C++ is in. It can do anything C can but then you have classes and STL and all that on top of it.

But this is just using a voice. It might even be their natural voice. I don’t think there’s fraud because it wasn’t presented as Scarlett’s voice. If it wasn’t presented as not her voice, then maybe those other two would apply, though is allowing a service to use your voice the same as endorsement? Is it enough to sound like someone to be considered impersonating them?

This situation lands in a grey area where I can’t endorse or condemn it. I mean, it would have been smarter to just use a different voice. Find a celebrity that would sign on or just use an unrecognisable voice. Ethical or not, and legal or not, it was stupid.

Yeah, it is kinda sketchy, though they might have backed down because they realized there was no winning this in the court of public opinion, regardless of whether they were trying to act in good faith prior to the controversy coming out.

IMO Johansonn making it public was an obvious strategic move because it gave her a strong position because of how unpopular AI is these days. She might have otherwise just paid some lawyers a lot of money to accomplish nothing if it was legally fine and she was adamant about them not using a voice that sounded like hers (guessing the best she would have gotten without going public is them paying her some money to continue using that similar voice or maybe a bit more money to use her actual voice, either way they would have gotten what they wanted).

Even if they hired an actress with a similar voice to train the AI to sound similar to Johansonn, celebrity impersonators have been doing that for (I’d guess) longer than recorded voice media has even existed. I’m having a hard time seeing why one is fine but the other isn’t.

Edit: corrected bad spelling of her name.

I love mixing technology with nudity. But I have also avoided this problem because I don’t mix technology and Apple.

Because you can’t corner the renewables market like the oil markets have been. Also oil dependence means a constant need for oil. Solar panels or windmills are much more install and forget. So yeah, they can invest in oil alternatives, but they won’t make nearly as much money from it.

No, I never forget that because I don’t use sarcasm. I use deadpan, which does carry the risk that people think I’m serious, but I chose this life and can live with that.

Hope we see something about “fees that get added on need to be advertised with the base price, and if it gets added to every purchase, it is part of the base price”.

Well, you see, Ticketmaster is a company that uses technology. And even if they didn’t, they’ve likely heard of technology. And even if they haven’t, they surely exist in a time period that technology also exists in.

All phones with a 3.5mm audio jack have a DAC. You can’t play digital audio without one somewhere along the chain and all audio going through a phone or PC is digital unless you’re picking up a radio signal or some other analog signal that’s being fed directly to the audio jack.

You probably mean it comes with a good DAC, since they aren’t all created equal.

A bit of a tangent, but I believe that’s why people considered Macs better for audio stuff, they probably used a better DAC than most motherboards come with or might have just added that pathway in general back when it wasn’t standard on most PC motherboards and your had to use a sound card if you wanted better audio than the PC speaker which was more of a synthesizer. They’d take a pitch and generate an analog wave at that frequency while a DAC uses a sample rate and series of amplitudes at that frequency to generate rich sound.

I just want a washer that can work with the water softener to determine if there’s enough soft water for a load or if it should request the softener regenerate first. So the smart home I’d like to have is one where sometimes it will advise against doing laundry until I’ve acquired more salt. All without any data leaving my home network, and if I’m accessing it remotely, it’s by accessing my home server without any other computer needing to be involved.

I’d like a resource that lists each model of car and the last year they were made without data connections, or ones that depended on subscriptions that you can just decline or easily disable. I have a car from 2013 but am wondering if I should upgrade it to a latest good model before people start preferring those and the used price goes up even more.

There might be an early short squeeze that could make this pay off. I predict that this one will be very unpredictable.

You can also see this with the old website being much better than the new one and apparently there’s an even newer one that people who like the old new one generally hate.

Alternatively, if you print as rarely as I do, just go to Staples or a print shop. Cheaper and I don’t need to set aside any space for a printer.

The planets needed to be in a certain alignment for the Voyager launches to work out like they did. The slingshot only works in one direction (if you go backwards, you lose momentum). Maybe we haven’t seen another such alignment since, or didn’t have a mission ready to launch if we did.

Yeah, Oculus went from neutral-leaning-positive in my mind to not-worth-consideration as soon as FB bought it.