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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Plan B secure survival on another planet.
Why? Because:
Plan A Is to make max profits, and don’t give a shit about the only planet that sustains human life.

WTF? How can a CEO walk from responsibility by claiming puffery? Which is the same as admitting to lying!
In civilized countries CEO is a position of responsibility, you can’t just talk up stock or sales with false claims. The requirements for a CEO are higher than usual, exactly because everything they say can have a financial impact.
I’m pretty sure that judgement is not according to normal practices. It’s disgusting they let that pedo walk again and again.

Good question.
The Mars base should be started years ago according to what Musk claimed, and they should have manned flights to Mars by now. And all he has is half failed tests just to do one orbit around earth! 🤣🤣🤣

For 8 years he has claimed Fully autonomous driving will be ready next year. He even claimed years ago, that a car picking you up and driving you across the country was something we can do today!

Enron Musk is a conman, he is obviously a liar, and there are people who still believe him?!

I’m curious why you are downvoted?
When searching “wireless charging efficiency” on Google, Google offer this short explanation:

The efficiency rate of inductive chargers usually falls between 70% and 80%, though some newer models boast efficiencies closer to 90% under optimal conditions. This is slightly lower than the 90% to 95% efficiency rate often seen in traditional wired charging.

Not too far off from the statement above that 93% is already available, and apparently progress is being made.

they’re the same drug,

Of course they are, that’s what it means, it’s copied from the original.

There are also fakes that do not contain real medicine, those are not knockoffs, because they do NOT copy the medicine, only the packaging. The knockoffs are not decidedly fake because they actually work.

I can understand that having your own copy is nice, especially if the service is closed for some reason.
I just don’t bother doing that anymore, I prefer browsing my library on GOG instead of a file-manager.

I’m more shocked how little I need extra space!
I’m rocking an ancient 1TB for backups. And my main is a measly 512GB SSD.
But I don’t store movies anymore, because we always find what we want to see online, and I don’t store games I don’t actively use, because they are in my GOG or Steam libraries.
With 1 gigabit per second internet, it only takes a few minutes to download anyways.

Come to think of it, my phone has almost as much space for use, with the 512GB internal storage. 😋
Maybe I’m a fringe case IDK. But it’s a long time since storage ceased to be a problem.

This story reeks of FUD.

exploiting more than 20,000 common misconfigurations, a capability that may make millions of machines connected to the Internet potential targets,

Because a “common misconfiguration” will absolutely make your system vulnerable!?!
OK show just ONE!

This is FUD to either prevent people from using Linux, or simply a hoax to get attention, or maybe to make you think you need additional security software.

You are probably judging too quickly.
To quote myself:

I don’t think this is really a problem. it allows sites to get some data about their advertising, without users giving up anything personal. The setting can be disabled, but if you do that, you rely on normal cookie policy, so unless you have disabled cookies for the site, in which case many sites don’t work, you will probably be giving up way more data than with the setting on.

If you want to disable it go to “settings” -> “Privacy and security” -> and scroll down until you find: “Website Advertising Preferences” -> Disable the toggle.

I don’t see anything nefarious about this, as far as I can tell, it’s a measure to protect users without breaking functionality of a site.

I don’t think this is really a problem. it allows sites to get some data about their advertising, without users giving up anything personal.
The setting can be disabled, but if you do that, you rely on normal cookie policy, so unless you have disabled cookies for the site, in which case many sites don’t work, you will probably be giving up way more data than with the setting on.

If you want to disable it go to “settings” -> “Privacy and security” -> and scroll down until you find: “Website Advertising Preferences” -> Disable the toggle.

I don’t see anything nefarious about this, as far as I can tell, it’s a measure to protect users without breaking functionality of a site.

When I want to try something, completely shielded from my main browser, I use Falkon.
It’s a tiny open source browser, based on QtWebEngine, and it works surprisingly well IMO, but it’s not a powerhouse like Firefox or Chrome.

But as far as I can tell, this is a total non issue:

I’m European and I own AMD stock, but I don’t root for Intel to fail.
It’s not only Russia, but also China who is getting more aggressive, we need to stick together now more than ever since WW2.
It’s insane that a traitor like Trump has a shot at becoming president of USA!?!?

Intel Foundry scores $3B for defense chips
On a busy Monday, Intel also revealed it won up to $3 billion in funding under the CHIPS and Science Act to establish a secretive manufacturing program called the “Secure Enclave.”

This is probably the saving grace for Intel, USA will not allow to be dependent on production outside USA, and AFAIK there are no other remaining US foundries left that are remotely competitive with a world leading production process.

A dispute over how much profit Intel stood to take from each chip sold to the Japanese electronics giant blocked Intel from settling on the price with Sony,

Yeah that’s what I thought, Intel simply isn’t competitive. For a console SOC the CPU part eats about twice the power of an AMD, and the GPU part cost about twice to make, because it needs twice the die area to compete with AMD on performance. This creates design restrictions, and makes the system more expensive to build.

I’m surprised Intel was even in the game, they’d obviously have to sell at a deficit to compete. Maybe it was to prevent AMD from getting a sweet deal?
If Intel were serious about it, and had confidence in their technologies, they’d have taken a bad deal now, and improved their technologies to make it profitable later. But Intel already has problems with profitability, so maybe they won’t take on another loss giving investment.

When AMD took the console business from Nvidia/Intel, they made a cutthroat offer, that Nvidia refused to compete with, and now AMD is dominant and make good money on consoles.

Will they be more economic than a train?

Another failed Musk psycho promise from 2017, and they still have NOTHING!

This is obviously a joke, but if a business had this poster, it would actually be binding, or at least it would in EU.
So unless there are actual free beers tomorrow, it’s false and illegal advertising.

he was as a good a CEO choice as they could have made.

I’m not so sure, with the scandals of crashing Intel CPU’s we have now, both their CPU line and their production is getting extremely poor PR.
I suspect Gelsinger pushed unfinished products, because he is desperate for results, and now Intel seems worse off than when he took over reputation wise. Gelsinger is losing both money and PR value on 2 fronts for Intel now.

Intel used to have a pretty stellar reputation for reliability, especially in the server market. It seems to me they have little left to build on now.

I just know I don’t like Pat Gelsinger’s over confident bragging style, it seems dishonest. His claim of winning back Apple was ridiculous, Intel was so far behind what Apple was doing with the M1 it wasn’t even funny. And they are even further behind now, than they were then!
Whether he succeeds remains to be seen, but it’s not looking good.

I wonder why EU is dragging their feet for so long, when Xitter clearly doesn’t comply with regulation.
They’ve been giving warnings, but nothing else yet?
Also it kind of pisses me off, when public organisations and politicians that claim to defend democracy still use Xitter.
They are using and helping a platform that clearly has as a goal to undermine democracy.

I suppose the ones where people die are never uploadet.
But other than that, feel free to judge on anecdotal data.

I agree, although LLM models are impressive in some ways, we seem to be hitting some pretty serious limitations of that model.
I’m sure better models will be found, and we will probably have occasional technology leaps in the future as we have had in the past. I just doubt they will continue to accelerate as they have done historically.
Personally I’m a bit disappointed that we haven’t developed more since the 70’s. I thought computer based automation would be much faster and better, and standard working hours would have been about halved around year 2000.
So I’m not that impressed, despite there have been some cool developments. But things take time.

PS: In the 70’s fusion power was estimated by our physics teacher to be about 50 years away.
I remember it clearly, and I remember thinking as a teen, who the hell wants to work on something that will take 50 years?!
Now 50 years later, I’m not sure we are even half way there, and instead of cheap plentiful clean energy, we have climate change because we still use fossil fuels.

So again I’m not that impressed with where we are, compared to what I hoped and expected 50 years ago. And the more time passes, the further away a singularity seems to be. As in it’s never going to happen.

The singularity is a fun idea, but it will never happen, because although technology has historically developed exponentially, we have reached a point where further progress is becoming harder, because limits of physics.
Obviously the hot thing right now is AI, but even if we nail that, it will not change the fact that there are limits of physics that slow down further progress.

Intel fell behind on chip manufacturing while the CEO came from that department.
Allegedly because their strategy was too ambitious at the time, or at least that was the official excuse at the time.
So your summary is not entirely fair.

The decade they tried to make X86 compete with Arm on smartphones.
I have changed “with Arm” to “against Arm” which I suppose could have caused the doubt.

This is not entirely fair though, they spend more than $10 billion over 10 years trying to compete against Arm, but the effort failed despite they had the production process advantage at the time. To get a better picture of the the Intel effort, they spend more on the effort than the entire Arm revenue in that period!
But Noohh ISA doesn’t matter they say. 😂 🤣

As earth is my witness, I promise I did not do any drugs before coming here.
Earth will know the truth!
If we go bankrupt, it’s all those pesky customers running away. Just because we are Nazis. And now they are colluding against Nazism!

Well I for one have never heard about anybody doing anything creative without being paid for it.

But on the other hand, it will also create 800 million new jobs needed for damage control.


swear words that are still taboo on broadcast TV to this day – ended up causing the highest court to rule that the Federal Communications Commission had the authority to regulate what viewers see on broadcast media.

we can and do say fuck without any problem.

Not on public TV you can’t. Beep beep beep Fucking idiots.

Yes and they may actually reelect that criminal traitor malignant narcissist SOB! .
That’s the the country that refuses to regulate guns despite massive amounts of school shootings, but won’t allow words to be written or said because that is apparently more harmful than bullets!!!

It’s absolute insanity.

What’s it say? Go find yourself? Go Fill yourself? IDK is this some game you Americans have where you have to guess the word, because the amount of pearl clutching is just too insane in America?

Ah yes that’s the amazing freedom of speech Americans are so proud of, except they don’t actually have it, they are just indoctrinated to think so.

My god American regulation is so idiotic sometimes!!!

We need AI because it’s convenient to blame for any problems.

Apple should make a virtual headset you can buy in META, then put it on when you are already in a VR setting, except now you can use Apple services with it!

That way it would have zero production cost, be absolutely as useless as it already is, and can be just as overpriced.

It seems like the perfect Apple scheme.

I wanted an Arm based Linux netbook or laptop for many years ever since the multi-core Smartphones came out around 2008.
Already back then the Intel based Netbooks were laughably bad compared to Arm, and couldn’t even play video properly, while you could do that with ease even on early smartphones with Arm at 1080p.

But for some reason Arm has given Linux very little love with their GPU drivers, and AFAIK they still don’t support it well, so now I say go fuck yourself.
Arm is NOT a good company for Linux. How they missed that opportunity for a strong market entry for over a decade I simply cannot fathom.

If AMD made an Arm CPU with Radeon graphics, that would be cool. Because AMD has good open source drivers on Linux, and has generally good Linux support.

Incredible is the right word, how does this still work after more than 47 years? How do they even still have energy to send and receive signals? That’s one heck of a durable power source. How do the computers and sensors still work? The reliability and durability of these probes is amazing. NASA truly had some reality wizards doing what seems like magic to accomplish this.

Either that or, aliens have been helping out and repaired it from time to time.

according to a social media post by Musk himself

Very few in the comments seems to have noticed this pretty crucial part.
Let’s wait and see the actual result.


Ah well, they actually went ahead and did it. Good for Musk I guess, I doubt it’s good for anybody else.

Elon Musk “We dug our own grave with 'FULL SELF DRIVING”"
https://www.youtube.com/@Thunderf00t I considered hard weather this really belongs in Technology, but came to the conclusion that exposing a scammer that is considered a tech genius, does belong here. Because debunking a technology company is as important as showing it, when it's considered valid. That said, I believe most people here are already aware that Musk is not to be trusted blindly. But just how bad it really is, may be news to some.