2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


For my PC I prefer headphones for the immersion. When on the Steam Deck, I use in ear buds. I have a handful of Apple ear pods I’ve amassed over the years that I’ll use when I’m trying to get some quick gaming in. If I get a chance to really sit down and game for an hour or more, I use my JBL Quantum TWS with the USB C receiver. Total immersion, excellent sound quality, noise canceling, and incredible latency. Battery life could always be better, but they’ll comfortably get me through a solid gaming session on the Deck.

I don’t use the speakers on my Deck at all. I probably should play some games with it and see how I like it.

Hi there! Sorry, the contest is already over as of Aug 31st. I’m drawing winners now and just waiting to hear back from people as they trickle in their responses.

Keep an eye on the next one: I’m aiming to do another one somewhere around the upcoming Winter holiday. Cheers!

Happy to pay it forward and help some gamers out! Look out for the next one if you’re interested!

@Googlyman64@lemmy.world - Congratulations! You’ve been selected as the winner of Tomb Raider Definitive Survivor Trilogy! You will have 48 hours to acknowledge me before I send you the code. Please respond to my Direct Message. If you do not respond back to me in 48 hours, your entry will be forfeited and I will redraw for the another winner.

If you do win and claim the game key, for transparency purposes please respond back to my comment letting everyone know you were successful - but only if you want to. Hope to hear back from you!

@Cossty@lemmy.world - Congratulations! You’ve been selected as the winner of NieR:Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition! You will have 48 hours to acknowledge me before I send you the code. Please respond to my Direct Message. If you do not respond back to me in 48 hours, your entry will be forfeited and I will redraw for the another winner.

If you do win and claim the game key, for transparency purposes please respond back to my comment letting everyone know you were successful - but only if you want to. Hope to hear back from you!

@Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world - Congratulations! You’ve been selected as the winner of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade! You will have 48 hours to acknowledge me before I send you the code. Please respond to my Direct Message. If you do not respond back to me in 48 hours, your entry will be forfeited and I will redraw for the another winner.

If you do win and claim the game key, for transparency purposes please respond back to my comment letting everyone know you were successful - but only if you want to. Hope to hear back from you!

@cybertaco@CyberTaco@lemmy.world - Congratulations! You’ve been selected as the winner of Final Fantasy I-VI Bundle (Pixel Remasters)! You will have 48 hours to acknowledge me before I send you the code. Please respond to my Direct Message. If you do not respond back to me in 48 hours, your entry will be forfeited and I will redraw for the another winner.

If you do win and claim the game key, for transparency purposes please respond back to my comment letting everyone know you were successful - but only if you want to. Hope to hear back from you!

@Apeman42@lemmy.world - Congratulations! You’ve been selected as the winner of Final Fantasy I-VI Bundle (Pixel Remasters)! You will have 48 hours to acknowledge me before I send you the code. Please respond to my Direct Message. If you do not respond back to me in 48 hours, your entry will be forfeited and I will redraw for the another winner.

If you do win and claim the game key, for transparency purposes please respond back to my comment letting everyone know you were successful - but only if you want to. Hope to hear back from you!

@M0115732@lemmy.world - Congratulations! You’ve been selected as the winner of Crisis Core -Final Fantasy- VII Reunion! You will have 48 hours to acknowledge me before I send you the code. Please respond to my Direct Message. If you do not respond back to me in 48 hours, your entry will be forfeited and I will redraw for the another winner.

If you do win and claim the game key, for transparency purposes please respond back to my comment letting everyone know you were successful - but only if you want to. Hope to hear back from you!

Or a giveaway where the only permissible entries are pet pics.

Not that I’m biased toward cats or anything like that.

Summer Games Giveaway is Ending - Drawing results starting today!
Hey Everyone! You probably saw my post a few weeks back where I am giving away some Steam codes for a bunch of games: https://lemmy.world/post/18183898 I've been really tied up handling some personal things so I have not been able to start drawing codes on Sep 1st like I planned. However, everything's good on my side, so I'll start drawing winners now! While all the details are in the original post linked above, here's the main bullet points people will care about: - If you are a winner, I will @ mention you in the comments to the original post. - I will also send you a Direct Message - You will have 48 hours to claim. - I also ask that you confirm back to me that you were successful, and it would be great if you post a comment saying you claimed it for transparency. (Optional of course, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do.) - If the winner does not get back to me with a reasonable 48 hours, I will redraw. - I will continue redrawing until game codes are exhausted and all codes have been claimed. All winners will be notified on the original post, not this post. **Therefore, go here:** https://lemmy.world/post/18183898 I will also edit the original post with updates so that everyone can keep track of the winners and codes. For the upcoming winter holiday, I might check and see if any people out there want to collaborate on donating a bunch of keys and then we do a massive games giveaway. People have been messaging me periodically about something like this, and I think it'd be cool to organize. Might have to work it out with the Admins of Lemmy.World, but let's see. Good luck to the winners, and again, very sorry that I wasn't able to start drawing the winners until slightly over a week later! CatZoomies | c/PCMasterRace Moderator

I’m researching getting into 3D printing. My spouse is sort of on board, because they think about the cool things they can do with it. We’d love to print some cool stuff to solve mini problems, but also for the reward of designing and building things ourselves.

Congrats on your bike, that sounds like a really fun and cool project!

I used to want a bike and loved the idea of one. Bikes, as an adult, is something I can’t get into. I wanted to get a sportbike when I was 19 or so, but around then I met my spouse and they told me about their dad’s accident on a bike. The dad was a Navy military person, super into safety. He wore full padded armor, helmet, the works. He was stopped at a light and behind a car. Then a car rear-ended him. He ended up being propelled over the car in front of him and landed in the intersection. Broke his leg, broke a few ribs, messed up his knee, and now he has continued pain he deals with. He wouldn’t be alive if he wasn’t wearing all the proper armor while biking. And then I see bikers on the road without helmets and wearing a tee shirt and jeans LOL. They’re playing a dangerous game. So unfortunately, bikes are now no longer for me!

That’s pretty cool! It was something I was thinking of trying out myself locally, since at the moment I don’t fully understand what I can do with AI. I don’t see a killer app yet, and AI has only helped me on occasion with small tasks.

If you’re reading this, why are you commenting here when you could comment here instead: https://lemmy.world/post/18183898

If you’re a gamer, all the games you played prepared you for this moment. Follow directions. If you can’t follow directions, are you some mindless Lemming that spams through all the text in games?

Image Credit: “TheTitan99” on DeviantArt

I mean technically we do have a Hotdog Car, it’s just not an EV. XD

According to the referenced characters, I’ve shockingly only played two of the FF games on this recipe list!

Dang, I really need to buy a copy of this game for myself!

Also, I know the FF13 game is mixed, but I’ll give some love out there for my badass homegirl, Lightning.

Reminder: Steam Games Giveaway, now extended to Aug 31!
Hey all! I'm a little busy with personal things, so I wanted to extend my games giveaway, and include some more games that a kind Lemming donated. No further donations accepted, sorry! 😅 **Giveaway Extended until August 31, 2024 end of day local time.** I updated the original post and added the new games there! **Go to this post in order to enter:** - https://lemmy.world/post/18183898 Good luck, have fun! CatZoomies | c/PCMasterRace Moderator

LOL oof. I looked at your meme and got pain in a spot I don’t want it to be.

Ooh so pollite! Manners are definitely appreciated, especially when you’tre Travelling.

Yeah sorry, I coudln’t think of anything witty to reply with on your comment like I’m trying to do for majority of comments here :)

I only watched Season 1 and it dropped off my radar, I need to watch this show because I think they’re on 4 or 5 now.

Cute Chupacabra, thank you!

I love being able to quickly wash my vegetables with my

Heck yeah dude, that’s an awesome thing to do for your friend! I went through those pics and you did a bang up job! What specs are in there, if you know? I also really love the Zelda sticker bomb on there, too.

I’m sure he’s super appreciative of it all, but most importantly just to get a bit of autonomy after getting all that crazy stuff situated. Life is hard, but getting through tough times with sheer will and perseverance is such a great feeling.

man that experience you laid out was basically mine, but I was slightly older so I didn’t cry at the time. My brother and I were playing ( I think we swapped controllers at certain points so we can play it together), but we were so shocked when that thing happened. I love that game so much but of course only played the OG on PS1.

Thanks for the meme! I’m sort of a LOTR meme connoisseur!

But realistically when I think about it, if Elrond got close to him and tried to push him, naturally Isildur would try to fight him… you know, so he doesn’t die. Would the Ring call to Elrond? Elves are super susceptible to that spicy ringo. I think Elrond was right to let the king walk away, especially because if he did kill him, mankind would be like “Yo WTF Elves, let’s fight!”

That’s no problem, Boo, you can work your creativity out in FFVII Remake.

Why have I never heard of candied jalapenos? I love jalapenos! Sounds delicious and something I’d want to try at least once!

Ha ha several in some languages, although I may not remember all of them!

I know one or two from India, a few Filippino ones, some Spanish, several signs in American Sign Language, and then I used to know ones from when I was younger and had some friends/coworkers/classmates from Ukraine, Bosnia, Serbia, Lebanon, and one or two in French Creole. I live in a diverse area.

Good god. And I thought The Lord of the Rings was long!

I have never heard of this and gleaned some info about it on Wikipedia. What are your thoughts? Was it worth dedicating your time to reading all that? it sounds like a huge commitment but if it’s good I’ll give it a go.

I read lots of fiction and bits of non-fiction. I guess the longest fiction series that I read would be the Percy Jackson and the Olympians universe from Rick Riordan. He’s got so many different spin-offs and I’ve read almost all of them, so I’d consider that to be like 10k pages, maybe.

Hey, congrats for your wife! I’m sure she’s very much looking forward to that! Definitely do your best to help support her during that time. When my spouse went back to university a few years back, I made sure to give them space and try to do little things like bringing a drink, or a treat when they were studying, etc. It goes a long way, and I wish you both best of luck with that new path and hopefully she lands into a career she’ll love.

2024 overall has been a decent year. As a US citizen who is progressive, living in a Red State, I have my own fears about things. I really hope that enough people will vote and we’ll make sure to keep fascism at bay. Part of why I love things like giveaways, because I think it’s a small treat and a really nice thing to do for others. I got a few game keys over my years at Reddit, and I’d love to see cool stuff like that here if Lemmy grows into a great alternative one day (it’s good, but certainly not great. The engagement is quite low and the comments are not stimulating for niche communities).

You know I was sat here trying to think of a witty reply like I was doing with most of the other commenters, and my eyes focused on the word contest.

Maybe in the future I should host a contest of some kind, and we have to fight each other for the chance to win a Steam key.

Well, maybe not fight because that sounds immoral.

Heck yeah, me too! I never had a PSP and never really heard of this game. But I loved FF7 having played it when I was little, and probably a replay of it when I was a young teen. I loved Final Fantasy Advent Children.

Crisis Core is definitely on my backlog to play. My plan is that in 2031 when Sony eventually releases the conclusion to the FF Remake on PC, I will play all four games back to back.

God I hope it’s sooner than 2031!

It’s been five days since you commented!


Best of luck if you win!

Who cares what your kid wants? Just get Final Fantasy for yourself. Go on, do it!

just kidding! My spouse and I are in talks for having kids, and this is one of the biggest things I’m looking forward to is getting a little one that will be into gaming as much as me.

I love the HP universe, I just hate the author. Hogwarts Legacy was a great game! Best of luck to you and your kid if you win!

Well, even though your username says you’re a refrigerator, I’ll take you word for it.

Really appreciate the introduction to this! I added a reminder for myself to check this out tomorrow - pretty cool you get a whole playlist of songs to listen to each day!

Hell yeah I’ll always take cute cat pics! Thanks for sharing, you love to see a good void.

I haven’t heard of weekly beats, but that’s a pretty dope thing to do. I can’t imagine getting inspired to try to come up with a new song each week, so it sounds like a really cool creative outlet and a lot of fun - provided of course it doesn’t get stressful.

Well that’s a cute pup and I always love a derpy face! I’ll admit a dog birthday party is different, but I’ve never been invited to something like that before. I just give special treats to my pets for their birthdays

Oof, that hurts right in my Freedom! Good meme, but ooh boy does my country have an obesity problem. It’s so sad.

``` Update Sep 21: All winners have claimed the games! Congrats again to all the winners, and thanks everyone for participating! If you didn't win, look out for another giveaway I'll host in the future. Most likely in Winter 2024. I'll try to get us other games besides Action/RPGs lol. :D Note: The games donated by an anonymous Lemmy user are still available. I will make a separate post in !GiftOfGaming@Lemmy.World. I will do this next week so I can rest and recover from my cold. ``` ``` Update Sep 20 - Part 2: Only one last key remaining, pending a response from the winner: - Tomb Raider Definitive Survivor Trilogy - 1 key remaining - Winner: Pending Note: The remaining keys from the anonymous person that donated to me will be given away as a separate post in !giftofgaming@lemmy.world ``` ``` Update Sep 20: Sorry folks, I got back from a work trip and am also getting over a cold. This is the first day that I feel well enough to use my computer, so I'll continue with redraws. So far, most of the keys have been claimed but others have not gotten back to me within the 48 hours. New winners have been selected for the final three games: - Final Fantasy I-VI Bundle (Pixel Remasters) - 1 key remaining - Hogwarts Legacy: Deluxe Edition - 1 key remaining - Tomb Raider Definitive Survivor Trilogy - 1 key remaining Note that the remaining keys from the anonymous person that donated to me will be given away as a separate post in !giftofgaming@lemmy.world ``` ``` Update Sep 8: I made a post here to announce I would start drawing today - https://lemmy.world/post/19534362 I'm a little delayed with giving these games away as my intention was to do it on Sep 1st. Unfortunately some personal things got in the way, but now we're good to go and I can starting handing them out! - All winners have been notified. They have 48 hours to get back to me. See my comments below starting with: "Congratulations! You've been selected as the winner of..." - I will update the list of games below when the game has been claimed by the winner. These games have automatic winners since they were the only one who entered: - Pony Island - [@Aviandelight@mander.xyz](https://mander.xyz/u/Aviandelight) - Sniper Elite 4 - [@EpicStuff@lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca/u/EpicStuff) - Strange Horticulture - [@midimalist@lemdro.id](https://lemdro.id/u/midimalist) - Congrats to the lucky winners!! No one entered for these games. I will make a new post in [!giftofgaming@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/giftofgaming) and will give away the codes there: - Agatha Knife - Calico - Cultures Bundle - Stronghold Crusader HD - Two Point Hospital (EU Region-Locked ONLY) - Valhalla Hills Two-Horned Helmet Edition ``` ``` Update Aug 18: I added more games from a kind, anonymous Lemming. I extended the giveaway to August 31st. No more donations accepted - thank you! ``` Hey PC Master Race community! And hi anyone else that stumbles upon this post and is not a member of the PCMR community! Summer is almost over, and it has been an interesting year for sure. I previously did a giveaway for last [Winter Holiday 2023](https://lemmy.world/post/9926185), and decided I should do another giveaway! Basically because we here in Lemmy are still alive and kicking, and I want to do something nice for a few lucky gamers. ## Games I'm giving away: Some of the games have multiple key codes, denoted by the quantity. 1. ~~Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion | Quantity 1 | [Steam Product Page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1608070/CRISIS_CORE_FINAL_FANTASY_VII_REUNION/)~~ - Winner: [@M0115732@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/M0115732) 2. ~~Final Fantasy I-VI Bundle (Pixel Remasters) | Qty 2 | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/21478/FINAL_FANTASY_IVI_Bundle/)~~ - Winner 1: [@Apeman42@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/Apeman42), Winner 2: [@darkdemize@sh.itjust.works](https://sh.itjust.works/u/darkdemize) 3. ~~Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade | Qty 2 | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1462040/FINAL_FANTASY_VII_REMAKE_INTERGRADE/)~~ - Winner 1: [@Xatolos@reddthat.com](https://reddthat.com/u/Xatolos), Winner 2: [@Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/Fuzzypyro) 4. ~~Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition | Qty 2 | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/990080/Hogwarts_Legacy/)~~ - Winner 1: [@Boxscape@lemmy.sdf.org](https://lemmy.sdf.org/u/Boxscape) , Winner 2: [@meatwads_tooth@sh.itjust.works](https://sh.itjust.works/u/meatwads_tooth) 5. ~~NieR: Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition | Qty 1 | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/524220/NieRAutomata/)~~ - Winner: [@Cossty@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/Cossty) 6. ~~Octopath Traveler | Qty 1 | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/921570/OCTOPATH_TRAVELER/)~~ - Winner: [@tigeruppercut@lemmy.zip](https://lemmy.zip/u/tigeruppercut) 7. ~~Tomb Raider Definitive Survivor Trilogy | Qty 2 | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/34203/Tomb_Raider_Definitive_Survivor_Trilogy/)~~ - Winner 1: [@jeffreyosborne@lemm.ee](https://lemm.ee/u/jeffreyosborne) , Winner 2: [@SuperThr33s@sh.itjust.works](https://sh.itjust.works/u/SuperThr33s) 8. ~~Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft | Qty 1 | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2478970/Tomb_Raider_IIII_Remastered_Starring_Lara_Croft/)~~ - Winner: [@Kaiserschmarrn@feddit.org](https://feddit.org/u/Kaiserschmarrn) **Additional Game Keys donated by an anonymous Lemming** These games come from Humble Bundle, Games Planet, and Fanatical. There is only one key for each of the nine listed below: 1. Agatha Knife | [Steam Product Page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/618950/Agatha_Knife/) 2. Calico | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1112890/Calico/) 3. Cultures Bundle (Cultures: Northland & Cultures: The Wonder of the World) | [Humble Bundle Product Page](https://www.humblebundle.com/store/cultures-bundle) 4. ~~Pony Island | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/405640/Pony_Island/)~~ - Winner: [@Aviandelight@mander.xyz](https://mander.xyz/u/Aviandelight) 5. ~~Sniper Elite 4 - Deluxe | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/312660/Sniper_Elite_4/)~~ - Winner: [@EpicStuff@lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca/u/EpicStuff) 6. ~~Strange Horticulture | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574580/Strange_Horticulture/)~~ - Winner: [@midimalist@lemdro.id](https://lemdro.id/u/midimalist) 7. Stronghold Crusader HD | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/40970/Stronghold_Crusader_HD/) 8. Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/75645/) EU Countries Only (will not activate in any other region): 1. Two Point Hospital | [Steam Product Page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/535930/Two_Point_Hospital/) ``` Update Sep 21: All the games above that aren't striked through are still available. Will post these either next week or the week after, so I can rest and recover from my cold. Post will be in !Giftofgaming@lemmy.world ``` ``` Update Sep 8: The other games listed above did not have anyone enter for them. I will make a new post in [!giftofgaming@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/giftofgaming) to giveaway those keys. The list starts with "Agatha Knife". ``` ## How to Enter: - Comment on this post with the one game you are interested in. - Optional: Post or create a meme that made you laugh and is Safe For Work. NSFW stuff will be deleted. - Optional: Share something interesting, fun, and/or cool that happened to you this year. Or share a hobby you picked up, a show you recently watched, the latest game that blew you away, whatever! Just share something fun to read rather than the usual: "Entering for X game, thanks." ## Restrictions - You can only enter once, and pick only one game. - Your Lemmy account must be at least 30 days old and have participated recently in Lemmy/Fediverse. - If your account appears to be a bot, troll, spam account, or just a creepy/gross/hateful person, you will not be selected. - Moderators of the !PCMasterRace@lemmy.world community are not eligible. ## Winner Selection: - I will randomly select eligibile winners in this original post. - You will be notified via two ways: I will @ mention you and reply on your comment to this post. I will also send you a Private Message on Lemmy. - If you are selected, you will have 48 hours to respond to me to claim your eligibility. - For transparency, please also reply to my public-facing comment so that others know you received and claimed the game successfully. - If I do not get a response from you after 48 hours, you are forfeited and a new winner will be redrawn the next day until all game codes are exhausted. ## Deadlines: - You must enter by end of day **Saturday, August 31, 2024**, local time. - I will make a new post and start drawing winners the following week. ## Disclaimers: - This is not a sponsored post of any kind. I purchased these keys myself, with my hard-earned money, exclusively for the sole purpose of this giveaway. - The keys activate only on Steam as Retail OEM keys. - The keys come only from Green Man Gaming, a legitimate key resller. They do not come from sketchy places like G2A (NEVER, ever do business with companies like G2A or Kinguin). - There are other games, donated by a kind, anonymous Lemming that were sourced from other trusted resellers: Fanatical, Games Planet, and Humble Bundle. These codes all activate on Steam, but do note that Two Point Hospital is region-locked to EU countries only. - Steam Support: How to activate a Product Key - https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/2A12-9D79-C3D7-F870 ## Proof: 1. https://postimg.cc/HrM63Swk 2. https://postimg.cc/gwPN7vsq 3. https://postimg.cc/kVKXJdxP Best of luck! Continue to be kind to each other, and most importantly, be kind to yourself. Regards, CatZoomies | PCMR Moderator, on behalf of the moderation team

Microsoft asks many Game Pass subscribers to pay more for less
Microsoft asks many Game Pass subscribers to pay more for less "Launch day access to first-party titles now restricted to $19.99/month 'Ultimate' tier."

Holiday Giveaway - Steam Codes! - Giveaway Ended
## EDIT January 6, 2024: All games have been accepted by the winners! Thanks everyone for your participation! I loved reading the different messages and hearing some of the positives, the things that made you feel hopeful, and a bit about some of the games you've played. While I wish I could give you all more copies of games, we will do another giveaway like this in the future. Stay safe, and happy 2024 ahead! ## EDIT January 5, 2024: Minor edit for posterity. All games have been claimed apart from God of War. Each winner of God of War never responded so I'm working down the list through a randomizer to select the eligible winner for this game. I'll update this post one final time as soon as we have an eligible winner that claims this final giveaway. ## EDIT January 4, 2024: There was no response received for the selected winners for Elden Ring and God of War. I am re-drawing for both these games and will update this post once these final two game codes are accepted by the new winners. ## EDIT January 3, 2024: All games have been claimed apart from two: Elden Ring and God of War. Considering it is the holiday and there may be some obligations, I'm extending the 24 hour window by another 24 hours. If the winners do not reply by Jan 4, 2024 ~ 9 AM ET, they will be forfeit and I will re-draw new winners. ## EDIT January 2, 2024: Giveaway Ended! All winners have been notified, but they have 24 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond, I will re-draw for the new winner the next day until all codes have been exhausted. I will also be editing this post periodically to acknowledge who won and if they accepted. I loved reading all these comments, and thanks for everyone responding here and also sharing an optional story! There's a lot of positivity and hope out there, which makes me also feel the same. P.S. - I really wish I could afford more games to giveaway to you all, but we can certainly do something like this in the future and perhaps make some kind of collaborative giveaway. Stay safe, and happy new year ahead! ## Original Post: Happy Holidays everyone! In spirit of the holiday and the upcoming new year, I want to do something nice for you all and give away 10 Steam codes for some of my favorite games that I've played recently! ## Games I'm giving away: 1. ~~Elden Ring~~ - Winner [@chaogomu@kbin.social](https://kbin.social/u/chaogomu) 2. ~~God of War~~ - Winner [@MR_GABARISE@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/MR_GABARISE) 3. ~~Hogwarts Legacy~~ - Winner [@silentknyght@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/silentknyght) 4. ~~Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition~~ - Winner [@stefano@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/stefano) 5. ~~Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered~~ - Winner [@OriginalMP3@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/OriginalMP3) 6. ~~Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales~~ - Winner [@b_crussin@programming.dev](https://programming.dev/u/b_crussin) 7. ~~Persona 5 Royal~~ - Winner [@Commiunism@lemmy.wtf](https://lemmy.wtf/u/Commiunism) 8. ~~Returnal~~ - Winner [@Renacles@discuss.tchncs.de](https://discuss.tchncs.de/u/Renacles) 9. ~~Tales of Arise~~ - Winner [@kamenridermaddie@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/kamenridermaddie) 10. ~~UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection~~ - Winner [@mwproductions@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/mwproductions) ## How to Enter: - Comment on this post with the one game you are interested in. - Optional: Share a story about something that made you happy or hopeful this year. Or share a story about a game you recently played that you loved. ## Restrictions: - You can only enter once, and pick only one game. - Your Lemmy account must be at least 30 days old and have participated recently in Lemmy/Fediverse. - If your account appears to be a bot, troll, or spam account, you will not be selected. - Moderators of the !PCMasterRace@lemmy.world community are not eligible. ## Winner Selection: - I will randomly select eligible winners below. - You will be notified via two ways: I will @ mention you and reply on your comment to this post. I will also send you a private message. - If you are selected, you will have 24 hours to respond to me to claim your eligibility. - For transparency, please also reply to my public-facing comment so that others know you received and claimed the code successfully. - If I do not get a response from you within 24 hours, you are forfeited and a new winner will be redrawn the next day. ## Deadlines: - You must enter by end of day December 31, 2023, local time. - I will start drawing 10 winners either on Jan 1 and Jan 2. (Hey, I have family obligations so I'll do my best to start on Jan 1.) ## Disclaimers: - This not a sponsored post of any kind. I purchased these keys myself for the sole purpose of this giveaway. - They activate only on Steam as Retail OEM keys. - These keys come from Game Billet, a legitimate reseller. They do not come from sketchy places like G2A (NEVER, ever do business with G2A or companies like them). - Steam Support: How to activate a Product Key - https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/2A12-9D79-C3D7-F870 ## Proof: - https://i.postimg.cc/B64HRwvS/giveaway1.jpg - https://i.postimg.cc/C17k0HZj/giveaway2.jpg Cheers (the holiday kind), CatZoomies | PCMR Moderator, on behalf of the moderation team

God of War is coming to GOG
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/7544165 > https://www.gog.com/en/game/god_of_war > > **Enter the Norse realm** > > His vengeance against the Gods of Olympus years behind him, Kratos now lives as a man in the realm of Norse Gods and monsters. It is in this harsh, unforgiving world that he must fight to survive… and teach his son to do the same. > > **Grasp a second chance** > > Kratos is a father again. As mentor and protector to Atreus, a son determined to earn his respect, he is forced to deal with and control the rage that has long defined him while out in a very dangerous world with his son. > > **Journey to a dark, elemental world of fearsome creatures** > > From the marble and columns of ornate Olympus to the gritty forests, mountains and caves of pre-Viking Norse lore, this is a distinctly new realm with its own pantheon of creatures, monsters and gods. > > **Engage in visceral, physical combat** > > With an over the shoulder camera that brings the player closer to the action than ever before, fights in God of War™ mirror the pantheon of Norse creatures Kratos will face: grand, gritty and grueling. A new main weapon and new abilities retain the defining spirit of the God of War series while presenting a vision of conflict that forges new ground in the genre.

Hello PCMR community! On July 13th, we asked the community for your opinion if you would like to change the name of this community. Results of the Survey : - Yes - 28.1% - No - 71.9% (winner) Of the 1,201 responses received, we as a community have democratically decided that we should not change the name from PC Master Race. I am grateful to our community for your input, as this was a difficult topic to navigate together. If you would like to review the history of this, please check out this post here: https://lemmy.world/post/1430610 We'll pin this post for some time and then consider adding a bullet into the sidebar for this Community to help stave off further discussions around this topic as the community has already decided collectively. Kind regards, The Moderator Team > [@Hurts@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/Hurts) [@_MoveSwiftly@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/_MoveSwiftly) [@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/Brunbrun6766) [@IowaMan@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/IowaMan) [@BobaFett26@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/BobaFett26) [@The_Vampire@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/The_Vampire) [@Fudgeknuckles98@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/Fudgeknuckles98) [@CatZoomies@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/CatZoomies) [@Xeon@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/u/Xeon) [@geosoco@kbin.social](https://kbin.social/u/geosoco) **EDIT 30-Aug-2023:** Due to some of the recent targeted attacks against Lemmy.world, I noticed that the image I shared with this post was purged from their servers. Here's a new screenshot of the results for posterity: https://i.postimg.cc/jqNg5gWx/pcmrsurvey.png