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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


to piss time and money away commuting

So much this! Why is it OK for us to waste our most valuable resource, time?? If you waste company time or assets, you’ll be fired.

They ALL are on green screen. There isn’t anyone int his video present “in person”!

So if I look at a painting study it and then emulate the original painter’s artstyle, then I’m in breach of their copyright?

Or if I read a lot of fantasy like GRRM or JK Rowling and I also write a fantasy book and say, that they were my Inspiration, I’m breaching their copyright??

That’s not how it works, and if it is, it shouldn’t be!

Sure, if a start reproducing work, i.e. plagiarizing the work of others, then I’m doing sth wrong.

And to spin this further: If I raise a child on children’s books by a specific author, am I breaching copyright, when my child enters the workforce and starts to earn money??? Stupid, yes! But so are the copyright claims against LLMs, in my opinion.

“Constitution”? What has been constituted? Are they a sovereign nation now? Did they get land? If so, I’d also like to get some land for free!!

What about rails? You need rails first. Who is providing the land where rails will be built on?

But yeah, trains it is!

So as a driver I have now a filter for better rape and murder victims? Nice!

So every accusation of cheating/plagiarism etc. and the resulting bad grades need to be revised because the AI checker incorrectly labelled submissions as “created by AI”? OK.

Big news, yes. But not tech related at all. Those Elon news should be on TMZ.

Only because they write something in their shitty corporate document doesn’t mean that it holds up later. Sure they can write, that you sold your soul to them, but that doesn’t mean that it is binding at all.

After all you never signed any contract with them. Not even via Docusign (which wouldn’t even be binding in my country, lol… worthless).

Yes they can send you a bill, but there’s always room for more toilet paper. Or just send them a fantasy bill back yourself 🤷