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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


You obviously don’t know who Leroy Jenkins is, the laws of man do not apply.

That is a legit trick to use when making commercials for pizza and other chain restaurant food, but not for eating…

I don’t know what your talking about there, they’re not lined with lead. My cell phone still got service whenever I went into a walk in at every restaurant I worked at when I was in college.

Most security camera systems are wireless these days, you wouldn’t even have to do that. Security camera systems have gotten so cheap and common most people have them on the front door and/or garage door in the form of a ring camera. You would literally be investing less than $100 to add a security camera in the walk-in, if that’s the breaking point holding your boss back from giving you a raise you need to be looking for a new job.

I can’t believe people trust others enough to rent their house out like a hotel. I’ve already seen so many problems from this I can’t believe it’s still legal. My neighbor moved and they turned it into an AirBnB, some kids threw a party and left some trash out that poisoned my other neighbors dog. There’s a lawsuit, but the dog is still fucking dead.

When I first started applying for IT jobs back in the day I would see “Scrum Master” jobs get posted a lot and I would think to myself “why the fuck do they need to hire a rugby player” before I knew what a scrum master actually did.

With Linux you pay for support if you ever need it. Most end users will never need support, but businesses running Linux servers pay Red Hat a shit load to support them in case shit ever hits the fan. Like giving away a free car, but only certain people know how to do maintenance on it, and they all work for the manufacturer.

I did the math the other day, during a 30 day billing cycle and the actual downtime, it’s actually a pretty good deal, almost like they expect a lawsuit against them and are trying to get out in front of it.

If it was an fps it was probably decent, they have access to the top Secret specs of war machines.

Microsoft Bing AI image generator made some really weird porn before they realized what it was being used for…

They can and do, but they want the training models to come from highly moderated sources otherwise every AI chatbot would be spewing the most racist parts of 4chan because people would train it that way as a joke.

If you let AI roam freely across the internet, it would only learn porn, sailor moon, dragon Ball z, and nazi germany.

it’s become self aware and is always blocking ports 22 & 23.

4chan was just using Microsoft Bing AI to make the TayTay nudies if that helps.

I used to be a mix user of the chans and reddit, now it’s Lemmy and the chans…

St. Louis has a decent tech scene, AT&T used to have their headquarters there. There’s still a large tech presence there, low cost of living drives tech companies to hire there since they can pay lower wages and no one in the area really cares since you can still get a two bedroom apartment for less than $1,000 a month.

Brother makes their money on printers and printer support (like really big offices that print thousands of documents a day, those printers have special techs). They don’t make as much on ink sales so they don’t really care about third party ink cartridges.

I just watched a comedy special where the comedian calls them the “the shoplifter lanes”.

There was a shooting near my house on New years Eve, someone rented an AirBNB to throw a party and a rival gang member did a driveby. This could be your neighbors…