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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 13, 2023


Yeah, but I was thinking more parents buying a console for their kids. Like oh little Jimmy can do his homework on this thing too, great I didn’t have to buy him another computer. Or imagine if Microsoft put windows on Xboxes, every office building would be full of them lol.

I think the biggest thing would be getting a PC with decent specs for $500. Why would anybody buy a Dell desktop or the like ever again? Like even if you don’t game and need to do office work it’d probably be the best option.

Yeah that’s fair. Pokemon Go was Nintendo and I think they have some other mobile games, idk phone gaming isn’t really my thing.

I just got off the phone with Mr. Sony, he also doesn’t know what you’re talking about lol 😂

I explained why it didn’t matter, did you read what I wrote? Can you please answer why Sony stopped making the PSP if it was so successful, maybe I’m missing something?

A total of 22 games sold over a one million copies on the PSP. The number of PSPs sold is irrelevant, the number of games is what matters because most consoles are sold at cost or a loss. People bought the PSP because it was great at running homebrew games. Sony locked that down on the Vita and it sold way worse.

And then you provided a list of other failed attempts to get a piece of the Nintendo handheld market. Just because it was released doesn’t mean it was successful. If the PSP or any of these other handhelds where profitable they would of had successors sold today.

Not to mention every other handheld that’s sold like gangbusters in the past.

Have they though, other than Nintendo. If the PS Vita was making Sony so much money, why no successor? As far I know, the Steam Deck is the only successful non-Nintendo handheld ever.

Definitely, every other piece of Valve hardware has been one and done. I figured valve would cut the Steam Deck since other companies have entered the market.

Verified . On ever Stream game store page it states the Steam Deck compatible, under the ESRB rating. Next time just scroll down and check yourself 👍.

  1. I’m not judging you or telling you what to buy with your money. Everything I wrote is factual.
  2. The i20 is a smaller car than the i30. When I say the Kona is literally the same car as the i30 I mean literally the same car. Same size, same chassis, same interior, made in the same factory. It’s the same exact car except with one being taller and because of that height gets worse gas milage/more Co2.
  3. If you’re upset that someone wrote an article about your life choices, take it up with them. The authors name is at the top.

The whole point of this post is how cars today emit more Co2 than they did ten years ago. I’m just pointing out that people like you are the reason this is true. The Kona is literally(not figuratively) an i30 jacked up a couple of inches and now emits more Co2.

Why not get the i30 instead though? They’re the same car but the Kona gets less gas milage and is worse for the environment?

Kona -

Emission NEDC CO₂, Combined 117 g/km

Fuel Consumption NEDC City 6 l/100km Highway 4.7 l/100km Combined 5.2 l/100km

I30 -

Emission NEDC CO₂, Combined 117 g/km

Fuel Consumption NEDC City 5.4 l/100km Highway 4 l/100km Combined 4.5 l/100km

Kona info

i30 info

I don’t think just because it’s taller it automatically makes it worse.

It makes it get less mpg/range. Also Less “safe” as the higher center of gravity will mean taking emergency maneuvers “swerving to avoid collision” more difficult and the chance of rollover more likely. These are just facts.

And the reason I personally don’t like hatchbacks is because I’m quite tall and I don’t like sitting low as it feels uncomfortable to me and makes getting in and out of a car pain in the ass…

I’m 6’5 and understand where you’re coming from but, your comfort is basically bad for the environment in a small minute way is my point. I’m sure it’s still more efficient then 99% of cars in general by the sound of it though.

Kinda yeah, why not buy a hatchback instead? The Suzuki being taller will inherently have more wind resistance, hence worse gas milage and Co2. Unless you absolutely need the extra ground clearance, which very very few do, it’s stupid.

People will go. I went to “The Queen’s Ball” thing in NYC and it was kinda fun. My wife is a fan of the show so I took her, it’s mostly like a photo op with a bit of a live show and merch. It’ll be a mini theme park for for people that like show xyz from Netflix.