A digital citizen

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Watching the actual Daily Show interview would probably be more helpful than this article was:


It was a really good interview, Lina Khan was essentially a guest that Apple TV had blacklisted from Jon’s now cancelled show, they break down some of the ways the Tech Robber Barons have been undermining regulations and laws, while making boatloads of money and manipulating the stock market. They then go into some of Jon’s issues with Apple, his former employer, and why they had Lina Khan blacklisted as a guest on Jon’s now cancelled show, and after hearing her speak I can see why, she’s smart, and knows the topic well, and has some good ideas on how to fix some of the issues we have with regulating and controlling not just tech, but all out of control businesses. Then they discuss AI, how corporate leadership is going to fuck workers over completely using AI, and how AI is currently just a bunch of bullshit being used as an excuse to take our jobs and pay us less.

It all comes down to that risk/reward calculation, for folks like us there’s too much risk and not enough reward, especially if we maintain our sense of ethics and morality, but for those who are okay with being corrupt scumbags there’s far more reward than risk, and to be fair, those people are the types that generally don’t pay attention to the risks in any scenario.

Sure one can say a healthy progressive country should be reward enough, but regardless of how selfless we may think we are we as a species always operates from a self-centered perspective, and ultimately it still comes down to “what’s in it for me”, but this is why devoted anti-corruption folks like Bernie Sanders are the real MVPs, because they’ve managed to push that self-centeredness into the back of their minds in order to work for the betterment of the rest of us while eschewing the rewards, and these people should be praised and protected.

While “What we need is for people like me to be in office” smacks of the “I alone can fix it” fallacy, I tend to share exactly the same sentiments. I definitely think I’m impartial enough to represent all of my would be constituents. However it’s such a hassle to get involved, just the scrutinization alone is what keeps me away. My wife is a paranoid schizophrenic military rape victim, and running for public office would just make her life so much more unbearable, and I definitely wouldn’t want to do that to her. Also as a pot smoker I’m already disinclined to expose my privacy, because not only will I be judged for my harmless vice, but also judged for my moral character based on my vice, and I’d be legally exposed if I’ve left my enemies a way to get around the protection of my medical marijuana license.

I also realize saying all of this is kinda weird since the Right wingers have straight up pedos, rapists, fraudsters, and all kinds of white collar criminals running for office while seemingly flaunting their crimes like it’s a positive part of their resume, because their end goal is a lawless America, but only for the white right people.

It’s amazing how many legit criminals get into public office or important civil service positions, like county coroner, and how their motivations are always so transparent. We need more ways to prevent these types of predators from attaining office.

The Cyber truck is like the Pontiac Aztec’s special ed electrically charged cousin.

It’s going to be like that Star Trek episode where they find Voyager and it’s evolved and achieved sentience.

This blog post is kind of biased but it has good links to some of the articles about the times that Snowden has “toed the party line” for Putin’s regime. So mamy articles coming up in those useless garbage we now call search engines just pull up where Snowden has sworn an oath to Russia and has been given citizenship so therefore he’s eligible to go fight Ukraine now, rather than things more related to my search.

He’s in Russia now being used as a propaganda mouthpiece against the West, that’s how he survives, by doing whatever Russian intel tells him to do.

This isn’t totally a knock against him, he was caught between a rock and a hard place, and chose the “be used by dictators” route, rather than the “definitely go to prison for a while” route.

We just need better whistleblower protections and oversight here in the states, but if anything the spying on us has gotten worse since Snowden, while also still allowing for Internet Nazis to spread like a cancer with almost no pushback.

After reading a bit deeper about this station and this antenna in particular, i have to wonder if this isn’t an attempt at insurance fraud, and why I say that is that this station has been trying to repair that radio tower over the years and have had an issue with the tower going dark repeatedly, maybe they figured they could make more money off the insurance claim, or enough to replace it, and through all of the fundraising and exposure it looks like that’s just what’s going to happen.

It’s really just “we need people so that our real estate investments don’t tank”, I’m rooting for their shit to tank, fuck the rich.

He and DeSantis are already buddy buddy, DeSantis always seems to make sure to protect Musk’s interests whenever there’s some law change that effects Tesla/SpaceX.

Margorie Taylor Greene sees the basis for a new conspiracy theory!

That’s typical of the automotive industry, they don’t pay anyone reasonably, they treat the workers like shit, and then they get mad when the workers protest, unionize, or quit. This is how the automotive industry works from the top down, from the highest executive to the lowliest salesman.

Also from an IT/Development perspective, the money is usually meh, but also the technology is usually expected to be cutting edge, while on the backend they’re cutting corners and costs, thus undermining that “cutting edge” factor.

Okay so what are you getting from either of those that you can’t get from attending the same on Teams/Zoom etc.?

Workshops also just feel like school and the presenters always talk too fast, quiet, or accented for my hearing and ADHD to make it worth me going to one, some dedicated study time always was the better route for me.

Meanwhile strategy sesh’s are just conversations with an end goal, nothing difficult about that at all.

One thing people who are against work from home have to realize is that not everybody functions the same, some people do better remotely, others need the office.

I just wish we could be treated like adults and work in the way we feel most comfortable and efficiently without being mistreated over it and without being astroturfed against it by entities like the Wall St. journal and Bloomberg, sorry rich people but I just don’t give a fuck about your corporate property values.

Why tf do out of touch executives and managers always think that we want to make friends at work? I don’t really care to know any of my coworkers, I just want to do my job in a professional manner, get paid well for it, and then either go home or close the laptop and leave my home office.

Also the only creativity that the office gives me is how to creatively get around the Internet restrictions they place on us, or how to creatively appear to be working when there’s nothing to do.

If I wanted to make friends I’d go to a bar or something else that adults do together in groups, like bowling leagues.

“I was just trying to watch some spider man dancing videos and somehow I wound up being fed Ben Shapiro and PragerU videos”

YouTube’s algorithm sucks, it funnels everyone to far-right garbage, and so many of their “kid’s” videos are videos that kids absolutely shouldn’t be watching.

Exactly, I work on mostly Microsoft cloud platforms and I’ve never heard of anybody using bing chats, hardly anybody even uses bing at all, I run edge chromium and DuckDuckGo on my work computers, who even uses Bing?

Nothing like a cloud provider being part of the problem rather than the solution

Yeah the Air force academy in Colorado is in the same city as some very influential evangelical churches, Colorado Springs, and there’s been a lot of scandal about it for a while.

Report from FFRF

NPR report from around the same time

A more recent scandal where a high ranking air force officer was pushing his ministry on his command

I just realized Keanu would have made a fantastic Spike, however John Cho was pretty good in the now cancelled Netflix show. Really looking forward to what this new show turns out to be.

Is r/ trying to do the scientology/Catholic thing where they want to see what you jerk off to in order to use it as blackmail material?