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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


I also use it a lot for unit tests. It helps a lot when you have to write multiple edge cases, and even find new one at times. Like putting a random int in an enum field (enumField = (myEnum)1000), I didn’t knew you could do that…

It was at first, then they became a for profit organization, Xamarin, who was bought by Microsoft.

No, thank you.

That article, which is from 2015 btw, explain it well. NPAPI caused crashes, and a lot of security issues, that’s why they were removed.

This should probably be posted on a programing community.

To those noob enough to click on the link. Yes, this is a virus.

To those noob enough to click on the link. Yes, this is a virus.

To those noob enough to click on the link. Yes, this is a virus.

It’s a RISC they are not willing to take.

And for me buying one. I postponed replacing my half dead Neato because of that. I don’t want Amazon mapping my living room to analyze what it could sell me.

So… Comically evil?

I stand corrected then, my apologies for not researching the topic enough.

Still, having to find an external power source ton open your own car is kinda badly designed. 😅

Investors have money, not brain. I remember an experiment where their compared a fund run by people and another one run by investing totally randomly. The second one won. Investment has never about being good at it, it was always luck that ran the game. We just hear a lot more about those who won big rather the those who ruined themselves.

The problem with Tesla cars is that they uses two batteries. One is the main one, which is used for propulsion, and the other one, a conventional car battery, is used for most of the critical electronic.

Problem is, both are independent from each other, which mean you can have a full main battery, and still be locked out of your car if the secondary on is out. And those batteries hate cold.

You can have a similar results with gas car, where the ignition won’t happen because of the cold, but at least you can recharge it easily with another car that happens to pass by. For Teslas, you can’t. Because those fuckers decided that it was too unsightly to see the bare battery, and bolted a plastic turd over it to make sure the only person to ever be able to change it is a Tesla tech.

All other car manufacturers, which happens to have a bit more experience than those asses, understood that being able to have an unified battery, that happens to be thermally insulated (and often in the nordic countries, heated), to make sure you actually use them, even in cold weather.

Tesla cars are a perfect example of a product that only survive out of hype. They are overall badly designed, arguably ugly, their only redeeming quality was their autopilot, but even that is starting to crack.

Unless you use most of the charge during the same day, it is quite doable.
Sure the charge is slow, but you can plug it in the evening and let it charge during the night, like you’d do for a smartphone.
Depending on the capacity you may not get a full charge, but it is enough for most uses. If it charges enough for what you’ll do during the day, it isn’t a problem at all.

Fair enough. One of the downsides of high rise buildings.

At home? Not like we are lacking electric outlets.

The article says nothing about what OP implies. The only thing it says is that he died from a heart attack following “injuries received in a biker bar brawl during a night out in Monterey, California.”

OP is a fraud.

The FP5 still have some strange overheating issue. Some day I go from 90% et 10% in 2 hours, sometime it takes 2 day, without any changes in my usages. A reboot fixes it for a time, but I have to do it every 2-3 days…

As of today, they have a habit of creating a brand new store with every new console, whit no port of your old game to the new one. So I won’t count on that. Still would be nice of them if they do.

Fairphone 5, just the basic Gapps (all deactivated), no other bloat.

If you are not ironic, considering the number of patients and it being present on all continents, yes it is, by definition.