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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


It’s funny, I think Vegas is perfectly fine as the city of sin so things like this really don’t phase me. It was built on the idea of crime and excess.

What does seem weird to me is how in a desert, why isn’t everything solar? The sun is their only natural resource besides sand. Every rooftop and parking lot and flat surface possible seems like it should be a panel.

It also feels like their insistence is doing nothing but hurting them. The average consumer who doesn’t know the difference between a local account and a Microsoft account won’t know or care about MS doing this.

But the users who do have a preference and do want a local account are just going to be irritated at it and give them bad press. They’ll eventually figure out how to make a local account anyway and it may be the push they need to migrate off of Windows.

Oh, I didn’t even think about that. Definitely makes sense.

In a Korean car too which is funny.

What does the BODG stand for?

The things you listed are not only staples, but also pretty basic and essentially the foods when trying to eat on a budget. What about beef, chicken, eggs, etc?

Is there anything about Aegis that makes it better than Authy? Just looking at the page for Aegis, I’m not seeing a lot of difference. And it being Android only limits it.

If Roku actually does this I would definitely never use them again. Completely asinine behavior. Especially because most people aren’t even using stand alone boxes with their smart TVs.

The people who buy something like this (hopefully) have enough money where $3,500 doesn’t matter or are developers who want to get in early on something that might be big in a few versions.

Everyone else should avoid.

This is nothing new. Buying digital and streaming only versions of media just means you are licensing it. If you care, either break the DRM and reencode, or just pirate it directly.

I’d be fine with this argument if these generative tools were only being used by non-profits. But they aren’t.

So I think there has to be some compromise here. Some type of licensing fee should be paid by these generative AI tools.

Aren’t the Russian hypersonic missiles essentially just regular ballistic missiles? I remember reading something saying that calling them hypersonic was a stretch, and they have been intercepted by standard missile defense systems which actual hypersonic missiles wouldn’t be.

It’s definitely more than the market is not large enough or willing to pay enough to make it worth while. A phone with 3 USB ports, a physical keyboard and a huge ass battery?

That’s not a phone, that’s a laptop. The amount of people willing to pay for that is going to be miniscule.

I used to hate self checkout. I was a cashier at a grocery store back in 2004-2005 and I found self check out slow and finnicky.

I’ve gotten used to them now and it seems like newer ones have resolved most of the speed and weight sensing issue. Now I prefer them with small trips.

My biggest problems now are that I still need a person for booze and coupons. If I could just scan my damn ID when I’m buying beer, and then scan and insert my own coupons, I’d be set.

Probably because it sweats and the pure white nature might make the laser more reflective? Only thing I can think of.

We’re talking two similar but different issues. The first one is support of the OS in general. The OS released 10 years ago, MS supported it for 10 years. The second is how do they handle people who bought computers a year or two or three or whatever after Windows 10 release that had an older CPU. That is where I think there should be some wiggle room. Just put in an easy way to check in the install for example that the user understands that they’re on borrowed time, but they can update to Windows 11. Or if they have to, extend Windows 10 security updates for another year or two. My preference would be allow Windows 11 upgrade, but I’m not hard line on it.

The important part is that there has to be a middle ground. Every OS can not be supported indefinitely on every permutation of hardware without cutoff. But there needs to be flexibility for reasonably modern hardware that can run an OS while maybe not supporting some features or just being old enough where support becomes overly cumbersome.

They can keep supporting windows 10. They made money when windows 10 was installed on that computer, so they should support it.

They have though. For ten years.

I’m sympathetic to MS trying to force updates along. One big problem especially in Enterprise is that the requirement to support ancient OSes and hardware causes unnecessary work, and holds back progress. Look at IE. Or Vista’s performance issues caused by underpowered GPUs.

The question is how long do you support and how forceful are you on requiring upgrades? Linux distros have LTS releases and generally do a great job on long term support, but even they will start deprecating branches.

There has to be a middle ground.

Good point, although by then we’re getting to variables that MS can’t control.

I know people have bypassed the spec check to get 11 installed, I think MS should just allow people to bypass it officially for a certain length of time. It’s a pain in the ass to support older machines and OSes, but striking a middle ground is good.

Windows 10 came out in 2015 and eighth gen Intel and 2nd gen Ryzen came out in 2018. So it would be 7 years of support unless you bought an older computer then.

Why is that a “big worry”? Windows 10 was released in 2015. So 2025 would be over 10 years of support. That’s a more than valid amount of time to support an OS.

I still maintain that YT Premium is a great service if you’re like a lot of people and YT is the majority of your online video consumption. From a price to use comparison standpoint, it’s unbeaten. Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, etc all pale in comparison.

But their insistence on bumping up prices, bundling YT Music and their war on ad blockers now is making it really hard to try to keep it. Hopefully now that Google is trying to cash in, we get some real competitors. Because right now when it comes to the sheer amount of content, visual quality and reliability of streaming nothing compares.

Charging specs are fairly complicated so it is hard to say. Even if your Android phone for example supports faster charging than the iPhone (not hard, the iPhone is one of the slowest charging flagship devices around), it may not support that specific Power Delivery standard. My iPhone for example supports 15W wireless charging. Even though I had a few chargers that supported 15W charging, the iPhone uses a specific PD profile for that and I needed to buy a new charger that supported it to make sure I got the full speed.

So basically without knowing what charger, what specific Android and what specific iPhone you’re using, it is impossible to say. I find it unlikely that the charger itself knows it is connected to an iPhone, let alone would it prioritize it.

False positives happen and it seems like they already resolved it.

It’s unfortunate that MS makes it so hard to take them at their word when they’re so aggressive with forcing Edge down everyone’s throat. That makes even obvious bugs seem nefarious.

Unfortunately, there are still functions that Twitter serves that nothing else does. For breaking news, it’s still unmatched. For celebrities, influencers, politicians, journalists, etc there’s no other platform that has the same microblogging function with the user numbers and clout that Twitter does.

Until that changes, its still useful. It gets less and less useful, but as long as the site is up, allows users to post up to the minute updates and allows users to follow posters, there’s only so far it can fall without real competition.

One thing this article doesn’t get into is whether it is an issue of customer demand or incorrect estimates on how many customers Starlink can handle.

Musk is a dumbass, unserious douche. But from everyone I’ve heard from who has Starlink and NEEDS it, it’s a godsend. For rural and mobile users (van life, RVs, boats, etc) I don’t think there is a better option.

Another question is whether this Starlink service should be nationalized or at least duplicated by other countries. I’m uncomfortable with it being used for war as it is honestly. It’s a supposed civilian, consumer aimed service that I think arguably can be considered a military target right now. Countries like Russia could make an argument for attacking these satellites. And for countries like Ukraine that are relying on it, having it being at the whims of someone like Musk also seems like it isn’t optimal.

I mean, unironically yes. If you fly enough to where economy leg room is a problem, you should be upgrading.

This is the second time in the last few years I think. They’re starting to turn the screw.

I definitely recommend people check out Youtube Premium if you hate ads and use YT a lot on smart TVs and mobile where ad-blocking is more difficult.

The majority of my video watching time is YT and I primarily do it on my phone or TV, so it is worth it for me. I wish I could cut out YT Music and save some money while using a music streaming service I prefer though.

I like Premium, but hate YT Music. I’d rather use another music platform, but YT prices the subscription perfectly so it just doesn’t make sense to use anything else.

But considering my watch time I’d say YT is probably my most used subscription.

I’ve heard about this life hack for years, but I don’t want to risk my primary Google account since my mail is attached. I have to create an acct strictly for YT and try that.

I remember hearing from LTT (whose name is now in the mud) that YT Premium views do pay significantly more. It’s just that there aren’t many YT Premium subscribers compared to non-paying users.

It is mind boggling to me that in the year 2023 we’re complaining about porn, LGBT existence, and fucking book content. Isn’t this what we were laughing at 20 years ago? About book burnings and how stupid the previous generations were for fearing and banning media that challenged them?

I assume just for verified users? A good way to weed out bots, and only suckers, grifters and sex workers with no better options are verified anymore anyway. So limited harm.

And that’s where Comcast and other ISPs should be focusing their energy. Not in places where there is currently good wired competition. But in the rural and underserved areas where even when you have a wired cable option, the service is terrible and you have no other options but cellular and satellite which have their own challenges and problems.

I never cared so much about internet experience as I have now when I have both a cable and fiber option. The only thing that would make it better would be if I had a municipal ISP that would compete with them both.

Cable companies are garbage but this is a rare unneeded self own on Comcast’s part. They’re cashing in on the 5G hype even though their offerings are better. 5G is barely faster than LTE outside of UWB in the US which is extremely limited in coverage.

They’re rolling out multi gig when even my fiber FIOS connection is limited to just under 1Gbps DL. Cable companies like Comcast are even increasing their piss poor upload speeds. There is no need to try to confuse people with this 10G marketing nonsense.

It’s contentious because it is intentionally confusing and doesn’t need to be.

They can just call it DOCSIS 4.0 and tell their actual speeds. It’s not like they need to hide it. Comcast and other cable providers are finally getting multi gig speeds and their piss poor upload speeds are being raised. Meanwhile fiber providers like Verizon FIOS have yet to roll out consumer multgig outside of NYC and still don’t have IPV6 available everywhere.

Is it?

It’s popular because for 15 years it’s been fast, easy, better than the built in IE and legacy Edge and tech savvy people like us have been singing its praises since what? 2010? 2012? When did Firefox become slow and bloated?

People don’t care unless there is a big enough difference in experience. And so far, Chrome hasn’t fallen off a cliff when it comes to speed or rendering. If anything, the question should be why do people still bother to download Chrome when Edge is basically the same browser now?

Firefox fixed its issues a few years back and is now a great browser again. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with the big three on desktop or mobile. But privacy isn’t going to make most people switch anything unless the privacy violations are beyond the pale. And I don’t think Chrome’s are yet. Maybe if they go through with that change to kneecap extensions and gimp adblocking that might change.

This is being done by Studio Wit right? The screenshots I’ve seen of Harley make it seem like Trigger is doing it. She looks so weirdly close to Lucy from Cyberpunk Edgerunners that it makes my brain skip.

I have decently high expectations. DC has done well with their animated stuff for decades. I don’t have any reason to not trust them with this.

I need to look into this it sounds like. I’ve heard people say it can enable back door access, but it’s only been rumors and hypotheticals based on its access rights. If it can for example enable your webcam without any type of notification it’s happening that would be very concerning.

For my Sony TV, updates have improved performance if I bothered to use the built in Android TV interface and it enabled 4K variable refresh rate support for things like the PS5.