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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


True, but that power is also diminished greatly as more and more regular users abandon the site. No eyes on the propaganda makes it worth a lot less.

This already happened. People looking up CPR instructions because a loved one is dying, only to be met with three unskippable ads.

Goodbye Meemaw.

I hate this world and almost everyone on it. Myself most of all. 100% powerless to stop any of this. I want off this hellworld.

We wouldn’t even be able to restart. All the easily available resources have been delved. Three thousand years ago people could scoop pure gold from rivers by the kilos. Today, all decent deposits lie kilometers below the surface.

But it’ll be for the best. We had our shot and blew it.

Between AI and shitcoin mining, these two “technology branches” already consume more power than all the green power added to the grid combined.

It’s why humans will always remain de facto slaves to a few masters. Anything that could potentially be advantageous to all life on Earth? Only if the ones at the top get to profit first. No profit? Enjoy scorching to death on hell-planet for the next forty years!

We’re slowly approaching the “FO” phase of FAFO for a lot of these companies

I already felt this way about intel when they hired fucking Will.I.Am to be spokesperson. He made more money in a month than most of their engineers in a year. That was a decade ago. It’s only been downhill since. I hope they go fully bankrupt at this point and someone worthy can take over the patents.

This is why I cashed out what little crypto I had for physical bullion (gold, silver) that I store at my own home.

Plenty of people laugh at me, but who’ll be laughing when we are all killing each other over a puddle of drinkable water or scraps of food?

Not me, either, but I might at least be able to barter for a few days before getting killed for it by some ragtag militia.

My take is that the super wealthy already know there’s no saving this mess, and they won’t survive much longer either, so they’re just squeezing the lemon for whatever juice is left before it all blows sky high.

Wanna bet that gigafactory somehow gets closed down or cancelled before opening? Tesla might not even survive that long.

Remember: today it’s “just” the Palestinians and you may not be affected or care. But tomorrow, it could be you.

You’re correct, 95% is overblown, but it’s still mindboggling: 20% of the total M2 supply was created in 2020 alone, and it has gone up since:



Which still amounts to theft by inflation, which is something the founding fathers warned explicitly about.

We got robbed blind during the pandemic. Not just in terms of price gouging, mind you. There’s a reason that billionaires’ cumulative wealth went up with the exact same amount it went down for ALL THE REST OF US. 95% of all dollars in existence were “minted” (digitally, ofc) in the last couple of years. That essentially means the dollar in your pocket is already worth just a few CENTS, you just don’t know it yet. But we will.

Good thing I was already de facto boycotting EA games. Not necessarily out of conviction, but because all of them are total shit and simply not worth my time anyway, especially compared to what else is on offer elsewhere. Haven’t even started on BG3 yet.

I didn’t delete my comments before nuking my account, but I’m pretty sure the grand majority were shitposts containing ample amounts of smut, gore and other ridiculous over the top shit. So I consider this a win.

More likely they’ll get the Mitnick treatment.

I think SOMA made it pretty clear we’re never uploading jack shit, at best we’re making a copy for whom it’ll feel as if they’ve been uploaded, but the original remains behind as well.

I feel like the turnaround was somewhere around 2008-2010. Before that they seemed a lot more amicable.

Funny, I’ve been in my current support/devops role for 9 years and every year I wonder more what the hell I’m doing. It somehow seems like I get dumber/lose knowledge/the field expands much more rapidly than my broken mind can keep up with.

I feel like a glorified script kiddie most of the time. I couldn’t program my way out of a wet paper bag if my life depended on it.

I thought the text said “stop AIDS” but practically the same thing.

EULAs and TOSes are as legally binding as a secondhand piece of toiletpaper with a contract written in shit. Almost every single one will be thrown out in court. The problem is getting to that point in the first place, and incurring the (time, effort & money) costs while enduring. Most common people can’t afford that, which the companies know, so they keep making unenforceable EULAs.

Hahah, this reminds me of that time (long ago) when a very old version of our software would also simply crash when attempting to use it on a leap day. When customers called in, all we could do was tell them to wait until tomorrow, and that the problem wouldn’t return for at least another four years.

I have three Greek tortoises and I hope my son will continue to care for them after I’m gone. Barring any sudden illnesses or accidents they should outlive me by a few decades.

Maybe, but I’m already getting on in years and my expertise is mediocre at best. I’m by no means intelligent enough to figure out LLM’s myself so I need to be able to sidestep that gaping hole in my experience/future. I mean, I’m 40 years old and still doing support (for 15+ years now). If I could’ve escaped the helpdesk I probably would have by now. Besides, my heart’s not in it anymore. I used to be very excited about new technologies and developments and now I just feel like a boomer who can’t keep up with the younger generations anymore.

Nah, it’s time for this old dog to find another stomping grounds. I can feel my time nearing its end (career-wise).

I’m not American but I guarantee an AI could do over 95% of my job (techops/devops datacenter). It’s only a matter of time until the upper pencil pushers realise this as well.

As an aside, I know my future isn’t in IT anymore, looking for an exit atm.

The reason you mean is quantum tunneling. Essentially, at that small a scale an electron can ‘teleport’ outside of the system, which is obviously a big nono for computing.

Everyone driving a Tesla: “I’m so important and successful, look at all the peasants turning green with envy”. Peasants: “You couldn’t pay me to be a test crash dummy in one of daddy Elon’s death mobiles.”

Sooo glad my employer moved away from Citrix in favor of Parallels years ago. Dealing with the Citrix client was a nightmare of epic proportions. Imagine the shitstorm with our clients if something like this were to happen to us.

You mean all the shit we’ve been doing via CLI and powershell all this time?

That’s fine, they could give it away for free and I still wouldn’t want it.

That’s crazy. We can almost never fill our support positions. Granted, the pay is nowhere near development salaries, so why would decent devs lower themselves to support roles?

Source: been in support for almost a decade, not good enough to be an actual dev