• 31 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Yes lol. I named my other dog Rosie after the lady who runs the camp bar.

It was free, too. Neighbor was getting rid of it and let me have it.

She doesn't like me very much

Oh yes. He’s the best beagle I’ve ever met. Ironic part is that I was actively avoiding beagles when looking at dogs to adopt. This guy was labeled as a coonhound puppy and he looked EXACTLY like one. But then he wasn’t growing. Or teething. Got a DNA test after the vet said he was 5 months old and it turns out he is 100% beagle. I love him more than life itself, but I will never own another beagle lol.

Has anyone here gotten multiplayer modded Minecraft to work over a VPN?
My friend and I want to play modded Minecraft together. We used to use Hamachi when we both had windows machines. Now Hamachi just isn't working. We can connect and communicate on the LAN we made, but I can't connect to the direct connection. There aren't any error messages that help. It just says it couldn't connect. I have a steamdeck and my friend has a Windows desktop. I've done research about it and I am thoroughly lost on what to do. We want to try to do this for free or hella cheap. Has anyone here encountered this issue and found a workaround or anything?

Asked him very politely to move so I could sit and he gave me this look.

Gotta give it to humanity, though. We’re damn good at ruining everything we touch.

Lmao. My goldendoodle hates the vet, as does my one cat, so not all of my pets are lovely for the girls lmao

My beagle is one of the fave patients at the vet I use. All the techs have to come see him when we are there and when I have them trim his nails, 3-4 techs take part just to give him attention the whole time. Only one person is needed for his nails, but he’s Mr popular lmao. If I ask him if he wants to go see the girls at the vet, he loses his mind. He absolutely loves it there.

Because it’s obvious that he’s constantly napping lmao. He plays really hard with my other dog three times a day, eats twice, and sleeps the rest of the time. Cuddles and naptime with me are his fave things. If he wants to go to bed and I’m not, he sings me the song of his people. Dunno if you’ve heard a beagle bay before, but goddamn it’s loud lol.

Every Friday, I work from home. Immediately after clocking out, my dogs and I take a nap. Radar was looking forward to it the most lol

Also, if you have windows 11 pro, you can do:

Sign in options Domain join instead Make local account

If you have windows 11 home you can:

put no@thankyou.com Use whatever as the password Hit next after the error message Make local account

I do this shit at least three times a week at my job. It’s the fuckin worst.

I stopped using the site in 2014. Used to post regularly but got sick of all the porn. I stopped posting art online for a long time. Then I stopped drawing for a while. Now I’m trying to get back into it. Posted on the artshare community a while back and the feedback was nice.

Then she got an exam and her smile went away. She doesn't like the vet touching her. It makes her nervous. She also has allergies and was put on allergy meds. She's thrilled because she gets pill pockets every day now. I'm not thrilled because her medicine is $130/month

I pay for a Spotify family plan and my mom, sister, cousin, and I all use it daily. It’s worth it imo.

I mean her hair it is REALLY bad. My (now ex) groomer did a number on her. The pic is also way zoomed in lol

It’s not a filter, just hella zoomed in lol

Immediately what I thought of when my mom texted me the names lol

Mama Duck is interested in them, but not enough to leave her nest. She doesn't attack me on sight anymore though lol

My dogs have been the same way since Saturday. I have the flu and they’ve been up my ass. My beagle just wants to cuddle and my goldendoodle puppy keeps trying to get me to play more than she usually does. I appreciate them doing their best, but it is not helping me lol.

I use it for writing quick temporary notes for work when I don’t have a pen and paper handy.

I think my oldest cards are from alpha? Maybe beta? I know they were bought right when the game came out. I don’t play much because the cards can’t hold up in a game against current cards. Shit’s just too OP nowadays lol

My parents gave me all of their hella old cards. I don’t think I’ve ever bought cards since I was given so many.

Meanwhile two of my friends can’t afford basic shit because they splurge on cards.

She’s 2/3 poodle and 1/3 golden retriever. I absolutely adore her tail. When she stands, it has this adorable curl in it.

Most dogs that I’ve seen that have poodle in them get their tails cropped. Idk why. Rosie’s tail is just fine lol.

I’m going to try a baby onesie and see if that works. She doesn’t like wearing things, so I don’t want to get a recovery suit until I know that she won’t try to undress herself lol. Recovery suits are kinda expensive

She was restless all night. I'm glad she's finally resting like she needs to.

100%. I got him a bear like that because I love MASH and he didn’t like it. :(

He would not do well at my office lol. He’d bay and just get in the way of actual work lmao. I have to mute my mic most of the time when I am on calls when I wfh because the lil dude will start yelling for no reason.

I’ve been wfh for 3 months. I have to go back to the office a couple days a week starting today. Doctor’s orders. He wants me to get back into the swing of things now that my bones are healed.

Lmao yeah. The room was my grandma’s when she was in hospice care. After she died, the room stayed pretty much the same as she left it other than moving her bed out. My sister’s room had some kind of ceiling issue, so she moved her own bed pinto this room. Now I’m using the room while my broken ankle/leg heals and my sister is (very happily) sleeping on the couch lol.

My house doesn’t have room for a pet ramp, but I got a floor chair to sit with her in comfort lol.

There aren’t any dog parks near me, so my dogs have never been to one. I’m sure that they’d love to go home and see the cats though lol.

I will definitely give her scritches for you

She got down immediately lol. She doesn’t seem to like furniture much. I think it’s because she has a super hard time jumping high enough because of her stumpy lil legs lol. She also doesn’t like cuddles too much. She really likes sitting beside people on the floor. Not playing, not asking for attention. Just vibin.

Right now I’m staying with my parents and I’m pretty much bedridden from a broken ankle/leg that required surgery to fix. My dear Rosie has to come tell me she went outside to pee/poop every time my parents take her out. She runs into the room I’m staying in, puts her front feet on the bed and just wiggles until I pet her head and ask her if she had a good time.

She’ll also just come and say hi throughout the day. She gets very busy harassing my parents’ dogs and trying to get into things, so she doesn’t hang out with me much. My beagle won’t leave my side often anymore, so I’m still getting dog cuddles lol.

She ran around barking like crazy for 30 minutes, then just laid on the floor and sulked until Radar got home.

This lil girl has been giving my sister a rough time all day. I'm laid up because I had ankle surgery, so my sister is in charge of the dogs during the day while pur parents are at work. They're all usually very good for the most part, but miss Rosie was getting into things all dang day.

My puppy would totally chew up medical devices if I had any around. She’s always up to no good lol

I imagine he is going to be even more up my butt after my surgery on Monday. He's the best boi. My goldendoodle puppy is too busy playing to stay with me. She comes and says hi every once in a while though lol.

She is very strange. By far one of the weirdest dogs I’ve had. Apparently all of her relatives are weird, too. Guess it’s genetic.

I was told she just sat there like a good girl the whole time.

He has no symptoms, and I will find out in a few days if he needs antibiotics. He is exhausted from the vet visit.

They got new tie outs and love it

I got COVID and he knows I'm feeling absolutely terrible.

I've been having a panic attack for about an hour. Radar hopped up on my chair with me and has been doing his best to help me. I love this dog

Spent $150 for the shelves and was worried she'd hate them lol.

My one friend was like "I don't believe that's an actual dog. She's too cute to be real" Ngl, I kinda agree lmao.

My beagle has been very lonely and bored and my companionship alone just ain't cutting it at this point. The cats also have no interest in him. So after a lot of thought and research, I got him a baby sister. This pic was taken in the yard an hour after they met. The beagle is called Radar and the lil fluffball is called Rosie. Yes, they are both named after MASH characters.