• 19 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I’ve been playing Seal of Rimmsala, a romhack of Arcana for SNES. This is the furthest I’ve gotten in a first person dungeon crawler, the auto mapper makes a huge difference. Just finished the second dungeon and about to make my journey into the ice-caves.

Id think it was a hoax if the footage wasn’t so convincing

I’m lucky enough to live next to a retro game store. I can still walk over see a random ps1 game, glance through the manual and play it at as soon as I get home. Still lots of great stuff out there and that’s just one system. The game I just made a post about only cost me about $10.

I hate the install/download times for new stuff too. I’m hoping for some sci-fi/tech miracle that solves the whole thing.

Recently grabbed this for PS1. Thought it was pretty awful at first but still playing it an hour later and I'm pretty hooked. Its super hard though! Not much discussion online so I wanted to see if anyone else has played it and maybe has some advice. I have seen the [Game Dungeon](https://youtu.be/tYotAMLOtf4) on it.

Ive got a Magnavox Odyssey. Gift from a family member who knew I collected older games. Its a bit older than I can really get into playing but its fun to bring out every now and then.

Not an unpopular opinion but all of the early Pokémon games could have used a hard mode.

Obscure game but I beat Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout with more then 30 lives without even trying. Though that’s only one of several issues with that game.

Retro games you wish were harder to beat?
Retro games are often known for being more difficult than their modern brethren. Every now and then though you run into a game that is actually too easy. Which game would you prefer to have more of a challenge?

Great little game with a fun, unique mechanic. I'm surprised I've never heard anyone talk about it. Its a bit too easy, but it looks like a fun game to speedrun which makes up for that. I'm going to try to get all the collectibles to unlock the bonus leves and the pool minigame. [Here's some gameplay if you want to check it out](https://youtu.be/dIJ3mYehaKQ?si=H0alUkcqzOh071mV)

Awesome set! I’m still not sure how I want to display my gb/gbc carts

Simpleflips has been releasing these supercuts of his old romhacking competitions and they're really cool! This was my favorite one so far. The creativity of the authors is amazing and Simple is a really funny guy.

Seal of Rimsala, a translation and quality of life improvement hack for the SNES game Arcana (released this week!)
I'd never heard of this game but I'm planning a playthrough of this hack. The developer put in a ton of work and I've enjoyed 90% of the HAL games I've played.

Romhack Wednesdays - Speedrunner plays through a different Super Mario Bros hack each week
Recently stumbled upon this while looking for something to binge on youtube. Always been interested in NES romhacks but I've never wanted to put in the time to find the good ones. If anyone knows other content creators showing off retro romhacks please share!

Thank you so much!! I’ll try the strategywiki rebind and escalate if I need to. I’m going to quote your reply on on the steam discussion page in case anyone looks there.

[Help] [Solved] Issue with keybinds in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (Move forward defaults to Z!)
I recently purchased DMoMaM and the in game keybinds are all messed up. The biggest and most notable is z being bound to move forward instead of W. The default keybinds for the steam deck has w for move forward, as well as all of the highly upvoted community layouts, so something is definitely going wrong. Switching Z out for W is easy enough, but all the other bindings are wrong too and this game has a lot of controls. The mystery of why this is happening is also bothering me. Ive of course tried resetting the controls to default but it sets walk forward right back to Z. I've done some googling and it might be defaulting to the keybinds for an AZERTY keyboard but I have no idea why this would be happening or how to change it. My virtual keyboard is the standard QWERTY layout. If anyone has any ideas for things I could try please let me know!

The only thing I love more than retro games is obscure retro games.

Stumbled upon this youtuber and I really like her style. As much as I enjoy digging through massive lists to find niche retro games to play, it can be nice to just kick back and watch a video review now and then.

I always love Sonic 1 for its bright colors. 2 might add the spindash but it loses a lot of the vividness.

Gotta love that classic sound design :^)

Its cool that passionate people can bring back forgotten projects like this (well I guess not forgotten by everyone)

Hopefully JC Staff can up their game, and they are given some more time to work.

S tier game. I dont think you can pick your tail color in Mario!

Get him an oversized stuffed quarter to play with <3

Congrats! I know how brutal some of those hallway fights can be.

I really liked this cover for Thunder Castle. Never even heard of the game but this is the type of fantasy art I crave. Gameplay doesnt look too bad either! ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/aa09c2b4-3b32-489e-bdea-94d55ff5858b.png)