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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


EU should just go and tell Microsoft that either they will allow consumers to install Windows 11 on hardware that would have no trouble running it (they could even slap a warning that it’s not fully “supported”, like whatever), or tell the user that there’s an eco-friendly alternative: that is running Linux, with instructions on how to do so. Otherwise they just allow a monopoly to have disastrous impact on the environment.

Does that take into account that AI models will become more efficient with time?

Aren’t most XML parsers faster than JSON parsers anyway?

IPA [aɪ̯ pʰiː eɪ̯] as for International Phonetic Alphabet for the real win.

Huh. I had a vague memory that my DVD player allowed regular movie files to be played, but maybe my memory is just bad.

I am pretty sure 1080p video will fit on DVD just fine if formatted as regular data disc. But I am not sure if H.264 or anything newer is supported, and video may not have the highest quality, but still better than 720p I guess.

It still costs nearly as much as minimal wage in my country (OK, ~$200 USD less), I am not going to buy it anytime soon.

To be honest as an Android user, if Apple makes their phone less locked down and give more affordable choices for phones I may try an iPhone, as I am a bit fed up with Android, and there are no other real alternatives.

What if every part of my body is replaced by computer part continously. At what point do I lose my consciousness?

I think this question is hard to answer because not everyone agrees what consciousness even is.

How hard is it to make a decent OS Microsoft? Haven’t you got enough of our money already?

Jesus Fucking Christ. They really want people to switch to Linux, don’t they?

Microsoft should stop trying to become another Apple. This is not going to work.

For browsing the web 4 GB is enough, unless you do some multitasking. Still I wouldn’t buy a computer with less than 8 GB of RAM nowadays.

Old games had a soul. Modern games have microtransactions.

Only Indie games nowadays give me a feeling of getting into something that is made out of love, and not solely for money.

Well, that’s kinda stupid on their part, but I bet they will be rejoining AR race later though, probably too late while Apple and Google creates good AR platforms with massive support of 3rd parties. And I expect Google (or, ekhm, Alphabet?) to show something like that in next few years.

Still, as for Windows AR devices, I expect to there being some 3rd party ones in ~10 years, that have computing power of desktop PC’s we had yesterday or we have today. And we can already see that even mid-budget mobile devices can run heavy desktop environments (like Windows or some Linux desktops (like GNOME and KDE)) with no issues whatsoever, this is just going to expand into AR devices.

I dislike Apple, but this is the way future will like. AR (and maybe VR, but who knows) will definitely be amazing in a decade or so. BUT I think some people will still stick to smartphones, especially ones who don’t want to spend their whole day with technology and social media.

I am definitely buying an AR headset, as long as it’s affordable and can replace at least half of the tasks I do on my computer/phone. The AR device with Windows 11 and computing power of standard computer would be just fucking amazing, and I wouldn’t go back.

It’s 2024 and yet, user programs can still steal data from each other. There should be some kind of permissions system in Windows, like in Android and additionally apps should ask if they can access data of other program.

So is it only useful for people who silently read? Because I don’t see any use case if so, it is not like we think using words, lol.

What real work can even be done on any tablet that is not running desktop OS? I guess you could write stuff or edit spreadsheets, but that’s it.

What are they doing there? I spend a lot of time on YouTube (probably max 2 hours per day), but if there are no new videos from channels I subscribe I just quit.

I never understood the popularity of celebrities and influencers, don’t people have better things to do with their time than waste it on people who monetize their popularity?

Does this also mean Google will let me uninstall Chrome from my Android device? Or is this only about PC’s?

I see nothing wrong with Google wanting to make money on YouTube, and I actually own YouTube Premium myself.

But they should really fix YouTube experience, if you don’t use subscriptions box, your main page will be filled with click-baity low-effort videos and that really sucks. There are also other issues as well.

People living in Central/Eastern Europe: 80%? Amateurs.

I don’t know ANYONE who has a new car produced in last couple of years here in Poland. According to some statistic average age of car is 15.5 years here, in fact I drive 11 year old car myself. There’s just no way I am going to dump so much cash on a freaking car (and personally I’d rather buy some nice electric bicycle instead).

The more I hear about AI-generated content and other crap that is posted online these days, I wonder if I should just start reading books instead, maybe even learn to play on a musical instrument and leave virtual world altogether.

WTF? Why do people like getting notifications at all? Every time I get one on my phone that is not important I am just full of anger because it is distracting me from getting stuff done.

Last time I checked online translators were as shit as 10 years, so I wonder how well this works.

I’d rather play it on the 3DS, but it’s cool that you enjoy it your way :)

Did human-generated content really become so low quality that it is distinguishable from AI-generated content?

Because unless they browse websites other than social media, all they read will be misinformation.

Well, they shouldn’t be. AI while often helpful in some use cases, is not really that powerful like some marketers want you to believe, and very often giving useless or just false data (for example when it comes to chatbots).

If you’d believe everything what they say you would come to conclusion that we should all prepare for singularity or some other shit coming this year or next, which is just bullshit.

I wonder if AI generated texts (or speech) will impact our language. Kinda interesting thing to think about.

After some time toying with CSS I have decided to fuck it and whenever I need to make a website I will just either:

  • Make a plain website with no virtually no styling.
  • Use bootstrap or some other similar shit.

I am sick of reddit, I have just deleted my account(s).