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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Well, now we know to never buy RGB SSDs.

They’re not pointless for the laity at all.

Church services are for religious education. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure why masses were conducted in Latin until the 1980’s - despite Latin having died out centuries ago.

At best, Latin masses are more about the traditions of man than religious education. At worst, Latin masses are for religious obfuscation, rather than religious education.

It’s impossible to be educated in a language you don’t speak.

It would be one thing if all Catholics were required to learn Latin in school, but they’re not. Since Catholics aren’t required by the RCC to learn Latin and the RCC never taught it, most Catholics never learn it. The ones who do learn it do so either to learn more about the roots of the English language or because they intend to enter a scientific field.

Latin is a beautiful language which a lot of traditional Catholics find more reverent than, for example, English.

Latin is also a dead language.

Most people - Catholics included - don’t speak Latin. It died out at least five centuries ago.

I myself prefer a good reverent Novus Ordo mass to a Tridentine one, but if I understood Latin well I would likely prefer the Tridentine.

You’re only proving my point. Latin masses don’t benefit you. They don’t benefit most people - Catholics included. They haven’t benefited most people for centuries.

I have a dislike for the church, not the laity (churchgoers). Regarding masses, I meant that masses were conducted exclusively in Latin until the 1980’s - which makes those masses pointless for the laity, as Latin has been a dead language for centuries.

I was referring to the days when the Catholic Church kept the Bible in Latin and hunted down anyone who had a copy of it in a local language, burned their Bible, strangled them to death and then burned their dead body at the stake to intimidate the public. I was also referring to the fact that Catholic masses were conducted in Latin until the 1980’s.

Sound Blaster Crackling Problem
I've had a Sound Blaster AE-5 Plus for about nine months. During that time, I've been experiencing a persistent crackling issue. I finally did some research, found some different solutions which reportedly worked for folks, tried a few, and one finally worked for me! Apparently, a bunch of things can cause this crackling issue. In my case, it was the **equalizer**! I just had to disable that and **bam**! Problem solved! *If only Creative had just left that feature disabled by default.* Or in my case, the developer of the open-source drive, since I'm on Linux. The funny thing about it is that, depending on the cause, this crackling issue isn't limited to a single operating system or a single driver; Windows and Linux users alike are experiencing this problem - and Linux users like myself have to use an open-source driver (*not that we mind*) because Creative isn't interested in supporting Linux. Creative would do themselves a *big favor* if they just had the equalizer *disabled by default*. Then people could notice the crackling only after enabling the equalizer and realizing right away that the equalizer was the cause of the crackling. Creative could probably improve sales and prevent returns. If you're experiencing this issue and disabling the equalizer doesn't solve the problem, some other solutions I found from my research are *disabling G-Sync*, switching to a different version of the *Nvidia driver*, and switching the sound filter to *fast roll-off*.