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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Thinking about it, it would be nice if when formatting a partition on mlc based drives, you could specify the number of bits per cell used. So an 8tb QLC drive could be formatted as a 2tb SLC for those who want the resilience, without having to commit to it permanently.

I’m sure there are technical reasons that would be difficult, but everything started out difficult until we figured it out.

“We need to get more of our own gay furries! There’s a gay furry gap!”

A lot of people I work with were affected, I wasn’t one of them. I had assumed it was because I put my machine to sleep yesterday (and every other day this week) and just woke it up after booting it. I assumed it was an on startup thing and that’s why I didn’t have it.

Our IT provider already broke EVERYTHING earlier this month when they remote installed" Nexthink Collector" which forced a 30+ minute CHKDSK on every boot for EVERYONE, until they rolled out a fix (which they were at least able to do remotely), and I didn’t want to have to deal with that the week before I go in leave.

But it sounds like it even happened to running systems so now I don’t know why I wasn’t affected, unless it’s a windows 10 only thing?

Our IT have had some grief lately, but at least they specified Intel 12th gen on our latest CAD machines, rather than 13th or 14th, so they’ve got at least one win.

Have they tried firing most of the neurons, keeping only the most hardcore?

I haven’t watched Louis’ video, but I do have a Blizzard account, and up until a couple of days ago I had an active WoW subscription (ended because I wanted to play other games, not to make a point).

I didn’t get presented with any new terms recently, presumably I will in the future should I decide to sign up again, or even dip in on a free trial account.

I did look up the terms though. I’m not in the US so it’s not clear if I’d be bound by it anyway but not only do they have an opt-out clause (11.A.vi) they’re actually less egregious than some EULAs, allowing opt-out via email, rather than requiring a mailed in letter (Roku) and being prominently highlighted at the top.

Lot of folks here dreaming about them going bankrupt, I have to say, I think that’s wishful thinking. The current WoW expansion has been very successful with the highest signups and retention in a long time as they’ve apparently figured out what players actually want. Even without their other IP’s they’re doing ok.

So that’s why the LHR graphics cards were a bit cheaper during the boom

Aww and I was looking forward to a chipped windscreen requiring the replacement of the entire cabin, unless the car had ever been in the rain, in which case fuck you buy a new one.

I don’t trust the Gamble-Tron 2000, I only place my bets according to Smooth Jimmy’s Lock of the week

Weathering steel, we used it for bridges all the time a few years ago, although it seems to have fallen out of favour recently. Asset owners liked it because you don’t have to repaint it every few years (good for both reducing disruption and avoids having people work at height).
The patina can look quite nice (in my subjective opinion) but it’s not particularly resistant to impact, and requires a thicker section size than painted steel.
Automotive application could certainly be… Interesting.

Not that airliners don’t have a lot of things to press (and two people to press them), but the majority of the controls in that image are the navigation, radio, and autopilot controls.

I remember a cracked.com video several years ago saying the tilt sensors in a smartphone could potentially work as a keylogger by listening to a keyboard on the same desk

I was at the coast in the summer, not far from an offshore wind farm, and I didn’t see a single whale in the sky, checkmate libs.

Smart! Now he only needs every person in those countries to sign up and he’ll have have made his 44 billion back in… About 360 years!

In 2016 I bought a 512gb 950pro for £200, not only is it still my boot drive it still has the same windows 10 installation, even though it’s on a completely different motherboard.

Since that new motherboard has three more M.2 slots than the 2016 platform, I just picked up one of the 970 evos in the OP for £43. It can fill in for my current SATA SSD steam cache, which can in turn take the place of my one remaining HDD and I’ll be free of spinning iron.

Although… Now I look at it, the 2tb version is less than twice the price…

Unpopular opinion: I have a relatively new HP printer with an ‘ink subscription’, and I’m pretty satisfied with it. We got it during lockdown for home schooling, apart from those first couple of months we print very low volumes. When we do print it tends to be in bursts of a dozen pages or so. I *could *buy my own cartridges, but as others have said, with low usage they can often dry out long before they’re empty. The subscription carts are bigger and seem to be better made (since they’re intended to be returned and refilled) and if one does dry up, I can just send it back early and it’s HP’s problem (also if i need a half dozen cleaning pages because its been long enough it starts to dry up, those aren’t counted against the subscription).

It costs me £1 a month and that gets me 15 pages. We rarely exceed that, but if something came up where I did need more, I’ve another 45 rolled over pages banked. I’m sure there’s a point where it would no longer make financial sense, but right now its just convenient. Including the cost of the printer itself, it’s cost about £70 over three years.