Big Pimping Big Rofling.

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  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I can not contribute to anything here, I just came to say I really really like the phrase “gobbling something up” :D

Okay that’s just stupid. I’m really fond of AI but that’s just common Greed.

“Free the Serfs?! We can’t survive without their labor!!” “Stop Child labour?! We can’t survive without them!” “40 Hour Work Week?! We can’t survive without their 16 Hour work Days!”

If you can’t make profit yet, then fucking stop.

Username does not check out! Not at all! What have the Wormhole-beings done to you Nagus?!

  • Tells customers to go fuck themselves
  • They leave
  • They stop paying for advertisement
  • Twitter/X makes no money from advertisement


Maybe I’m too young or just had bad luck, but ALL the interactions I’ve ever had with Internet forums have been unbelievably awful. Whenever I asked a question, I was asked why I wanted to know that and was lectured that my reasons were stupid, bad, or wrong (how is that even possible?). People hijacked my post and talked about anything else, and I received NO answer whatsoever! This kind of thing happened way too often, regardless of the type of forum. This occurred in Skyrim forums, Coh2 forums, PC forums, aquarium forums, … I hate forums. It’s good that they are dying, and I, for one, will not miss them at all.

Okay but why? It’s not like it’s personal Data or something. I don’t get why people are mad ._.

EDIT: Ofcourse you can downvote me but I’d really like an answer, tho. The article is not very clear about this.

Oh is he Austrian? Whoops. I guess not then. But our brothers and sisters from the Alps are more then welcome to join us :D

So $11.500 per Person. Huh. I would have guessed it that american Lives would be more expensive.

Thank you for your help! I’ve now set up a VM with Ubuntu and used a different FlashCard to safe it to. And now he is working again!

Huh. Yeah I used the SD Card that Came with the Printer.

WoW. I tried to Update the Firmware and now it’s stuck like this.

Yes this is the Site in contact with the Bed. In my actual Try I’ve “loosend” the PLA a bit from the Coil so it can be passed down easier and decreased the printing speed. If that’s fails I’m gonna try to clean it with alcohol. Thank you for the advice! :D

I would say the Bed is clean. The Picture is the Site in contact with the Bed

My Print won’t stick to the Bed[SOLVED]
Thank you all for your help! After yesterday's Input I managed to Print my Box! The Problem was (mostly) the Bed temperature! The lower Bed temperature (60°C) and the now successful Firmware-Update (special thanks to DABDA) done the trick! Thank you all for your help and your advice! *Hello I'm very new to 3D printing, I'm using a Sovol 06 with 1.75mm PLA. I'm trying to print a Box (for MTG-Cards). But everytime the bottom of the Box starts to "deatche" itself from the Bed. It starts with one corner and then progresses to the whole print. The Nozzle temperature is 200°C and the Bed temperature is 80°C. Can someone help?*

Wow. You are really not very smart smart at all, are you?