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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Sucks to be an iOS developer. Apple will never give up it’s 30% of your money. EVER.

It is one of the driving forces behind RTO. There is no small amount of worry over a total collapse of the commercial real estate market. When large companies announce RTO it helps keep the commercial real estate market going.

Counter point to that is that companies that force RTO end up loosing the good employees who actually liked remote work. So the real estate is “saved” and they get a “free” layoff with no severance payouts but the company gets a brain drain.

Companies, currently, are viewing this as a net positive.

I too heard “There ain’t no gettin’ offa this train!”.

Guess they don’t think their readership is smart enough to know what a “sock puppet” or “puppet” account is.

Then if you wear it you’ll be an even bigger dingus and make other dinguses look less dingusy. It would kinda be a public service of sorts I guess.

I am fully aware my sad, poor, sorry ass is not the target market for pretty much any Apple product.

$300 for a strap from Apple? That’s cheap compared to the $999 wheels. People are gonna gobble those up lickety split.

As long as it’s on the stock market and the expectation from share holders is infinite growth nothing will change no matter who’s in charge.

Jesus fuck these corpo propaganda machines are really behind. They are reporting shit everyone who isn’t a CEO figured out years ago. Maybe talk to some people who aren’t CEO’s or any form of upper management and get a fucking clue.

Shhhh. That is future poor peoples problem and capitalism doesn’t think about those people. Now, wouldn’t you love to pay hundreds of dollars a month for the privilege of being able to surf the internet ANYWHERE in the world at lightning fast speeds? Doesn’t that sound great? All the porn all the time. What could be better?

For a high end enterprise geared headset

That Apple wants to sell to John, Martha and their 2.5 children.

It’s Apple. I expected nothing less than the most ridiculously priced products to be produced by them. So the figure is eye watering but expected. If these sellout, as some predict, it proves unequivocally that Apple fanboys are the most rabid idiots in existence.

Seems like a common sense action for an overly broad law that could be used to censor all manor of speech to “protect the children”.

Yes, but somehow this deal will be okay even though it looks like some pretty big names in the VO/A community were never asked for their opinion or approval.

Let me guess: It’s all bigger and better and smarter than it was last year? And anything that isn’t had AI slapped on/in it along with everything else also getting AI.

Why give poor people cheap, reliable, fast hardwired access to information when you can give them expensive unreliable satellite access to information.

Open your wallet and prepare your credit cards it’s gonna be a helluva ride!

This problem can also be avoided by just not buying their shitty coffee and food.

P.S. Fuck Starbucks!

When can we expect a lawsuit against Fidelity for saying bad things about “X” and how Musky destroyed it?

If it’s true then imagine the price tags they will put on these machines to make profit.

Any chance to senselessly gouge their consumers is a good one for Apple.

Does everyone really want the entire dash covered in screens? Is that really what everyone wants? I really dislike where car design is going. But I like buttons and dials so maybe I’m just old and dumb or something.

You’d have to be a fool to give this guy your money.

A fool and his money are easily parted.