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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


I’m holding off on buying this until I clear some stuff in my backlog (and hopefully getting the game at a deeper discount).

However from the videos I’ve watched my only criticism is that some of the games look rather complex and would benefit from supplying more information than a small blurb and a controls page. I wish UFO 50 had taken a page from Retro Game Challenge and had some in-universe game manuals and magazines. Still, since I’m planning on buying it at some point obviously not a deal breaker.

Taking lessons from Elon.

Wasn’t Huffman singing Elon’s praises after the Twitter purchase?

Lol this wasn’t patched?

From this video it looks like they patched climbing down a invisible ladder, but I guess they never patched going up a invisible ladder.

I’d describe the Vegas loop as two, one lane tunnels rather than a two lane road. It’s a minor but important distinction, two lane roads have a lot of extra room to maneuver, while the Vegas loop will probably get very entertaining if one of those Teslas break down, especially if say… one catches fire.

Of course, what will be really fun if there’s a mid tunnel fire is that the ventilation system is just “blow air from one station to the next.” So one station has to get burning fumes and heat of a burning car… as well as everyone in the tunnel downwind of the fire.

It’s so nice to see a developer doing this rather then going the “Here’s a updated version of the game! Also we’re removing access the originals so it’s the only version available now.” route.

I can see! Man could you imagine spending a full twenty hours a week socializing with your peers, traveling, or (*gasp*) even exercising!? Why, I’d barely be able to hold it together for my daily hour long “Business meal”!

God knows I’d never be able to soldier through like Musk, constantly promising things like “Mars colony in two years” every year (among other things)while still having the time to spend hours posting “!!” “Concerning” or “XD XD XD” until 3 am on Twitter. Why I probably wouldn’t even have the time to signal boost white supremacists and post dog whistles about we need more babies to stave off “the great replacement”.

I can’t remember where I read it but someone said “LLM’s provide three types of answer: so vague as to be useless, directly plagiarized from a source and reworded, or flat out wrong but confidently stated as the truth.” I’m probably butchering the quote, but that was the gist of it.

I mean… I don’t expect them to scrap GMail, but their reassurance means nothing. IIRC they said the same thing about Stadia.

And some upper manager probably got a bonus bigger than what I’ll earn in a decade for this rebranding.

Considering what we’ve decided to call AI can’t actually make decisions, that’s a no-brainer.

No no, It just means the market is shifting, people are now un-interested in streaming. It has utterly nothing to do with Twitch being run into the ground by the out of touch decrees of management.

Anyway, more firings for the workers and fluffier golden parachutes for company nobility.

I’ll have Youtube start bitching about… once a week or so, but that just means I have to clear my block lists and re-load them.

Yeah… but sometimes you’ve gotta accept that a band-aid is all you can do. While this doesn’t fix the underlying problems, if it works it’ll provide more water and low carbon energy, which is better than nothing.

I really hate the term “simp” but it really fits here. Having legions of people pledging scraps of cash to literally the wealthiest personon Earth is just so… pathetic.

What do you want to bet this is just going to end up being another way for them to mass demonetize videos?

I’ve been having intermittent problems while using Firefox. Of course, all I need to do is clear the Ublock’s filters and re-load them.

Oddly, my brother who uses the same ad-blocker as me and Chrome hasn’t gotten a anti-AdBlock nag screen for months. No idea why.

It was a crypto exchange, I don’t think there is a “legit way” to run one of those.

IMO Mush was trying to run a simple pump and dump scheme with Twitter stock. You know, make some statements about ho he’s going to buy it at a massively inflated price, sell all the stock during the uptick and then suddenly find some issue with the sale and leave. However, during the “make some statements” phase he managed to make some legally binding statements and Twitter and their lawyers held him to them.

So there’s no agenda or plan really, just a larger version of the Dogecoin pump and dumps that Mush has done in the past. It’s just this time rather than some crypto rubes he tried running it on a company with lots of lawyers and it blew up in his face.