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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


This website is cancer, you can’t even use it on mobile, without adblocker in Firefox.

HP is doing a lot of advertisement lately, the boycott must show first fruits. Fuck HP.

It’s only a matter if time til they enshittificate gmail as well.

Sounds more like them trying to boost their stock price with rumors.

Yup, old news and wrong news. Also so many people who hate AI but don’t understand how it works. Pretty disappointing for a technology community.

It’s a big lie. Why not offer the option to delete automatically after 24h if 15mb extra is so much storage?

Or is it about bandwidth? Why no automatic compression on desktop? Oh wait, that feature existed in the past was scrapped. They think you’re fools.

That’s great. Like 5% more fails than regular software projects. Why do people see this as validation for AI failing? Lol

Oh that’s what Grok is. Unnecessary attention for Flux. Musk is going to ruin it for us all.

and then add TV to it, is this now advertised to seniors?

On another news “Why is everyone hating google now?” lol

So they use VMs to simulate user accounts, in future this will be blocked and whatever new AI startup is there won’t have the option to do so. Competition blocked. Forever.

After war on drugs failed you got to spend all that anger on something and find a new enemy.

Recommendations is just an euphemism marketing joke. Every serious journalist would call them what they are, ads.

Microsoft uses damage control.

fancy animation

It was not effective.

If you still can, they’ll find ways to disable the option to turn them off, because it’s time you don’t watch an ad.

This should count as violation of human rights. You’re chained to the seat for hours and have no other option than look at this screen or force your eyes closed. Holy shit, people should get really mad. Flashing ads on a screen you don’t look at directly are still very annoying, even if you look on your phone.

I mean they could disable it until it works, else it’s knowingly misleading people

The internet and technology moved on. We reached a point where google is obsolete. Google decided to cancel any product they had, that was not as successful as their ads space and now they have nothing else left. Is there even one service left that google is leading in? Maybe chromium browser and that’s it. Yet one can easily switch to Firefox right now.

Won’t last long. Free apps will ruin that Amazon subscription plan fast. One can already get a local and free chatAI and it’s already just a few clicks setup and I wouldn’t be surprised if these get made more easier for the mainstream any day. The tech is just too new, but were getting there soon.

I’m a fan of HeliBoard now, it’s not as good as gboard in it’s word finding, but it’s almost there. Good enough to switch away from Google by far.

Your comment reads like rambling, unless you’re so much smarter than anybody else. I couldn’t make out many cohesive thoughts, merely guessing here.

First of, our universe doesn’t change the moment we touch something, else any interaction would create a parallel universe, which in itself is fiction and unobservable.

Then you talk about removing persistent information. Why would you do that and how would you do that? What is the point of even wanting or trying to do that? An AI robot talking and moving isn’t that different than when we had non AI, case based reasoning. Even the most random noise AI can produce is based of something. It’s a sum of values. We didn’t and don’t generate a computerized random number any differnt.

You can’t proof that our universe is or isn’t simulated, simplified the simulation would only need to stimulate your life in your head, not more. Actually what your eyes see and what your brain is receiving, is already a form of simulation, as it is not exact.

No Man’s Sky is using generic if else switch cases to generate randomness. Else you’d get donut planets for instance or a cat as planet, but you never will in infinite generations. Just because there’s mathematical randomness by adding noise, doesn’t make it change much about its constraints. Even current AI is deterministic, but the effort to prove that isn’t realistically approachable. I personality believe even a human brain would be provable deterministic, if you could look into the finest details and reproduce it. But we can’t reverse time, so that’s going to be impossible.

However we can only observe our own current universe. So how would AI change that now? Also our universe is changing even when you yourself interact with nothing.

It would help if your were more precise in what you’re implying. What change of anyone’s perspective? Doesn’t seam to be any different to the past, unless you mean tech illiterate, like people would react on seeing a video/photo of themselves for the first time. It’s not like AI can read your mind and interact with things the same way you would, nor even predict or do the same as you.

AI is just guessing and that’s often good enough, but it can be totally wrong (for now) by doing deterministically things with only one solution. It can summarize text but will fail by simple math calculations, because it’s not calculating but guessing by probability, in its realm of constraints.

They’ll fail so hard, can’t wait to watch this train wrack. If YouTube is gone tomorrow this is just a little inconvincing to me. Competition will pop up for every single element. Be it gaming, music or video trailer or fan made content. YouTube is stacking so high, they haven’t noticed we’re ready to replace them. Not one huge new YouTube, just small parts and people create 4-10 bookmarks to get the same content.

People encourage this as “I got the device for cheaper, so it’s you who’s wrong.” you can’t stop morons with logic or mockery, you need laws restricting companies. It’s something the US has big trouble with and that’s not supposed to be bashing.

I never had the impression that there were enough people for the amount of work anyways. I don’t see jobs go, but shift. Most developers will be fine, because of never ending work, AI is just a tool speeding things up. But not that much, as someone who is good with Google and git, is just a bit slower to find the same answers. And AI needs verification too, even if it links you directly to the issue at hand, via source url.

AI will create new issues. Some of the low level requirement jobs will go, like working in first level support, but only if you learn the AI yourself, else it’s too generic. We’re not there yet, where companies learn their own LLM yet. some outlier try.

We got to understand that there’s still a human layer and a lot of people might prefer calling a human, even if the result is worse, simply because we’re social beings. This can cost a lot of customers, if companies believe they can just shove an AI in front.

No one really knows how good AI will get. As the technology advances, we find more and more hard to solve issues, for instance that AI will make things up or gives wrong answers, despite knowing the real answer, if you pressure hard enough.

Also for security reasons you can’t add AI everywhere, unless you want to send all secrets directly to Microsoft, Google or Facebook.

My 5 cents.

This result has so many loop holes it’s incredible. You can’t read a single sentence without exceptions, unknowns or generosity. Horrible, but Google probably can blackmail the world.

For Twitter I’m apparently also a turbo user, as I get loading errors every day, after opening a few tabs quickly. Then it takes a while before I’m unblocked. Before Elon bought Twitter this never happened.

Maybe Huffman was getting nostalgic and started reminiscing about his jailbait subreddit, that was online for so many years on his beloved Reddit.

I can already see them upselling a new generation of consumers GPUs. Costing twice as much but made for AI and gaming. You heard it here first. 5000 series will have a $5000 GPU.

Not surprised, after they declared hunting season open, in one of the latest business blogs.

They realized it’s better to grab the data, obfuscate and hide them and just pay whatever fin. Data once locked behind any sort of protection or paywall might never be available ever again, so grab like a kleptomaniac.