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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Just rack up that debt. Not gonna pay it anyways. Fucks up my credit? What do I need that for? I’m never gonna own anything in this world.

Can we name one Osama bin Laden high, since we’re naming schools after enemies of the United States who murdered Americans?

In godfather 2, one of the crime syndicates trying to set up a stake in the Cuban casinos with the mob is a giant fruit company. Knowing that the movie takes inspiration from real organized crime dealings in Cuba at the time, I looked into the fruit companies and their history, and it is one of the most atrocious human rights clusterfucks I’ve ever heard of.

Did you find little car too? It’s possible Mr Toad was drunk driving again like in the wind in the Willows

There’s a joke in there somewhere about a priest and a boat full of sailors

So does a kid snapping and shooting up the school, but it doesn’t mean we ignore guns.

I trust the orgy pit has been scraped and buttered!

Seems misleading, as I highly doubt they were charged with “protesting contract with Israel”. Is that a misdemeanor?

Also love that Google workers suddenly grew a conscience

If there’s a minimum wage, there should be a maximum wage

We should agree that it’s our duty to harm a trillionaire. See him, take him out. I think it should apply for billionaires too.

Well your second paragraph is the meat of what I mean. A $300 phone now is shit, whereas 5 years ago you could get a decent one. You gotta get to the $600+ (Canadian) to find anything that’s decent now

Anyone else notice how insane expensive phones have gotten in the last couple of years?

Surprised the cops haven’t been by to arrest the little girl and bust up her lemonade stand

Final Fantasy 3 i think was the first rpg game I ever played as a kid that really sucked me in.

He’s a major shareholder and has made over $150 million off his apple association. Stop defending the ultra rich, this guy would fuck and kill your children if it made him an extra buck, he doesn’t give a fuck about you. Don’t buy into their pr “I’m a good one” narratives

Are you saying he doesn’t profit off apple as one of its largest shareholders?

He’s still the guy making money off the slave labor Apple employs. Best thing he can do is shut up and play the role of the cool guy billionaire who isn’t out of touch, but defending China and tik tok doesn’t help his image

Man who profits from slave labor in China, is against China being fucked with. Why is this news?

Where is this? I’m in Canada and even ours are like half this price

Reminds me of this one, where the guy was having a stroke, so the police pepper sprayed and tased him.


Guess the race of the driver for extra points

Seeing the army recruitment at comic Con always skeeves me out. I see them talking to 16-17 year old socially awkward kids who don’t know any better. Really predatory.

Man, I remember paying $30 in the late 90s for a front row seat at a Megadeth concert in a smaller venue. Ozzy Osbourne and Rob zombie with slipknot cost me like $40

Ticket prices are obscene and I hope Swift isn’t gouging her fans. The last concert I went to pre pandemic, cost me $70 a piece, now those same tickets are easily triple that price. Who can afford this anymore?

Love these pie in the sky articles that get debunked immediately in the comments

Why does anyone support this bullshit company with it’s shitty quality vehicles and lies about what they can do?

How? I remember cable and it was more like paid YouTube.

Netflix is actually adding content I want to see recently. And it’s still the only streaming service that has no ads or is constantly blocking half it’s library behind a channel paywall. Every time I want to watch something on Prime it’s behind yet another channel I have to pay for.

I’m not a wrestling fan but I used to be, so I hope the Netflix deal also includes some of the old library from the 80s and 90s

That smile is so off putting, and his laugh is like that of an evil psychopath

Ape escape was the first game that got me to buy a dual shock controller. The game wouldn’t work without it.

I’ve been seeing a lot of news from Ukraine that make me wonder why they’re not being more secretive. Don’t give the Russians anything.

Show me proof they were targeted. Hanging out in a battlefield while bombs are falling, doesn’t mean you were the target

Both, but lots of know nothing running around a battlefield calling themselves reporters is a bigger issue these days