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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 24, 2023


Do not use Arch as a daily driver if you are a beginner.

Despite what some people will try to claim, Arch is not stable.

Jesus Christ. The amount of absolute bellends in the world never ceases to confound me.


I just doubt his ability to actually bring it to market in any reasonable capacity anytime soon.

So the complaint here is that Apple’s AI summary… Accurately and succinctly summarised his messages, as he requested?

Literally everyone hates Adobe. At this point I’m shocked there hasn’t been a consortium of companies pushing for alternatives.

It’s not even just about the money. So many companies rely on a workflow and business model that Adobe can change on a whim at literally any time they like. That’s a level of trust I’m surprised that so many companies and governments are completely fine with.

More’s law is at the most fundamental level a observation about the exponential curve of technological progress.

No. Let me reiterate:

Moore’s Law was an observation that semiconductor transistor density roughly doubles every ~2 years.

It is not about technological progress in general. That’s just how the term gets incorrectly applied by a small subsect of people online who want to sound like they’re being technical.

Moore’s Law is what I described above. It is not “technology gets better”.

I am so tired of people, especially people who pretend to be computer experts online, completely failing to understand what Moore’s Law is.

Moore’s Law != “Technology improves over time”

It’s an observation that semiconductor transistor density roughly doubles every ~2 years. That’s it. It doesn’t apply to anything else.

And also for the record, Moore’s Law has been dead for a long time now. Getting large transistor density improvements is hard.

Stopped watching netflix because they banned sharing accounts and £18 (24 USD) monthly was too much for just one person. Cheaper plans didn’t have 4K or 5.1 audio, so it felt like a waste when I couldn’t even use my setup as it is meant to be used.

Never watched prime because I refuse to pay for something then still see ads.

Now I either source stuff by other means (🏴‍☠️🦜) and put it on my media server, or I use BBC iPlayer. Not sure if that’s a thing outside of the UK, but zero ads and decent quality programming is something I’m happy to pay their fee for, especially when it also goes towards funding ad-free TV, radio, news, sport, podcasts, etc.

It’s fucked how greed has completely ruined the streaming market. Back in ~2010 it felt like the market was going in such a positive direction.

iPhone Pro Max screen area: 115.6cm²

iPad Air 11" screen area: 357.6cm²

iPad Air 13" screen area: 519.3cm²

An iPad has between 3 and 4.5 times the screen space than the largest iPhone.

Indeed. Looking up how it works, this is how it should be done. I wish other browsers did this too.

This article is straight up misinformation in that it presents this as an erosion of user privacy. It isn’t.

That said, given how fickle people are online, Mozilla should’ve probably seen this coming and not enabled it on pre-existing Firefox installs.

Based on my pricing…

LCD Deck: starting at £262 ($344)

OLED Deck: starting at £479 ($630)

It’s certainly better. But by enough to justify an 83% higher price? You may as well be saying why buy a MX-5/Miata when a Porsche Boxster 718 is better.

Damn, I’ve had the exact opposite experience. I had to move away from a 1080 Ti that I was having constant instability with, even after I went back to the retailer and got a new card.

Unfortunately at the time, AMD didn’t have anything performance competitive. But it was worth the downgrade for the better drivers.

I can download a decent size LLM such as Llama 3.1 in under 20 seconds then immediately start using it. No terminal, no complicated git commands, just pressing download in a slick-looking, user-friendly GUI.

They’re trivial to run yourself. And most are open source.

I don’t think this would be enforceable at all.

This doesn’t appear to be comparing them, though? Just explaining what two acronyms are?

Soon it will be the mushrooms frying us in garlic butter

Ok then. Confirmed that you want babies to die, and that you love genocide of Uighurs. Sick bastard.

Bye bye.

That’s a massive if.

And I already explained above.

This is your last chance to address what I wrote in my earlier comment. I won’t talk any further until you do.

Ah yes. Being against companies fucking over their workers is racist. 🙄

What an absolute clown take.

Address my comment then I might consider answering subsequent questions from you.

Why do you hate those people?

oMg wHy dO yOu wAnT tHe GeRmAn fAcToRy WoRkErS tO STaRvE tO dEaTh aNd ThEiR bAbiES tO DiE?? wHy dO yOu HaTe tHeM sO mUCh??

The net number of jobs does not change.

That’s not necessarily true at all. Companies downsize virtually all the time when they move.

And it’s not even what I said anyway, you’re putting words in my mouth. I said leaving thousands jobless. Do you understand?

And just glossing over the genocide part, eh? I’ll ask you directly: is genocide bad, good, or neither?

There’s nothing wrong with leaving thousands jobless? Pulling out of an area and community that’s contributed so much to your success? Moving more and more operations to a country that practices genocide?

I think we have very different views on morality.

Meanwhile Renault will be producing the 5 (upcoming small EV) in France for a pretty low price considering modern car (and especially EV) pricing. It’s even got a reasonable range.

My point bringing that up is… if this happens, it’s because VW is being greedy and seeks to outsource labour – likely to Asia. It’s not because it’s a necessary move to make their business viable.

I’ve always liked VAG cars, shit I currently have one, but they’ve been making such massive missteps for years now.

For anybody confused – or I guess for anybody who wants Dolphin as a Flatpak immediately – Dolphin is already available on Flathub, it just currently isn’t verified. It’s packaged by a third party.

Honestly it’s great to see more first party support for Flatpaks/Flathub.

It’s weird that Valve hasn’t with Steam tbh - they already use Flatpaks/Flathub on the deck, and they’ve asked people not to use Ubuntu’s Snaps (competing app packaging standard to Flatpak) version of Steam, or system packages for other distros - saying that you should only use SteamOS, the latest Ubuntu with a .deb package, or the Flatpak (which is unofficial!!). Just make it official, Valve! Telling people to use it when it’s unofficial seems weird.

Anyway, compliments to the Dolphin team, it’s probably the most impressive emulator I’ve ever used.

Tim Sweeney being so against Linux is baffling to me.

You’d think that with Epic battling against Apple and Google’s mobile ecosystems that he’d think “huh, we really shouldn’t put all our eggs in the Windows basket, what with Microsoft clearly trying to go down the locked-down mobile-like route for Windows”, but he doesn’t. He’s just relying on Microsoft’s goodwill (lol). It’s crazy.

Unfortunately, they do not define it that way.

And there are exceptions based on capacity and how long you guarantee the battery capacity will be good for. IIRC, if it still has 70% capacity by 3 years time, it doesn’t have to be replaceable at all.

Most people don’t care about this, and I wish I didn’t, but for whatever reason my brain just hates inconsistency like this, and Windows is the absolute worst for it. It makes me hate using my computer. I’m truly jealous of the people who are completely unfazed by ugly/inconsistent UX, I wish it was a trait I had.

Context menus like this, UI elements from many different windows versions, 5+ UX toolkits in use at any given time, inconsistent padding, inconsistent fonts, inconsistent keyboard shortcuts within MS apps, dark mode preference being listened to for one app and ignored in another.

I hate Apple, have never owned any of their products and likely never will, but they’d be embarrassed if they had a UX this sloppy and inconsistent. They’d straight up not release it, because for all their faults, they do actually value UX consistency.

Linux DEs are far more visually cohesive than Windows (especially the likes of Gnome and ElementaryOS), even KDE which was/is frequently mocked for being a bit ugly and inconsistent has improved leaps and bounds recently and is now far more consistent than Windows. And they’re all working on a combined budget that’s probably less than 1% of Windows’ development budget. Wtf are Microsoft doing??

If Microsoft had actually moved all the settings over to the “new” settings app (it’s 12 years old, btw), I’d be supportive of this.

It’s a joke that windows has 2 settings apps, and searching for specific settings in the start menu will take you to either, or to both.

But as we all know, Microsoft won’t do this properly. They’ll likely just continue with their 75% finished settings app while hiding the control panel, and if you need something not in the settings app you’ll have to open some old menu using a run command or some other terrible convoluted step that makes you feel like you’re running a half-baked Linux distro from 2003.

MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux distros don’t have this issue. Fucking TempleOS doesn’t have this issue. Microsoft is a $3.2 trillion company!

The absolute lack of effort they put into Windows is pathetic. They’re a shining example of why monopolies should not be allowed to happen.

It’s testament to Microsoft’s incompetence that they still haven’t got an “Xbox handheld OS” so-to-speak, or at the very least offered a trimmed down windows with an Xbox UI frontend to handheld OEMs.

The Steam Deck is a success, there’s other handhelds on the market (a common review criticism often being how poor windows works on them), Sony is in discussions with AMD for hardware for a handheld (albeit it’s a long way off).

MS’s incompetence in gaming is staggering.

Them holding a reserve of a cryptocurrency in case something happens to their financial accounts is not the same as peddling crypto.

They’re not trying to sell you any. They’re not telling you that signing up to proton gets you “ProtonCoins” or something.

  • pushing crypto on users

  • injecting crypto affiliate links

  • installing other Brave software without permission on your PC when you install their browser

  • an obscenely high marketing budget that misled people about data collection on Brave

  • a CEO that was fired from Mozilla for being openly homophobic and donating money to a campaign that wanted to undo the legalisation of same-sex marriage (although some users may view this as a good thing)

Instagram isn’t protecting anybody from hate speech. They don’t give a shit.

Unfortunately, no matter who you are, how you or others label you, some people will hate you purely for who you are, and Meta doesn’t (and will never) care.

Would be good if the title detailed which government. There are hundreds.

This. Web engines cost a tremendous amount to develop.

Donations won’t raise hundreds of millions per year, unless they get serious commitment from the enterprise sector, which has already settled on Chromium unfortunately.

They’re in a tough position.

Nope. It’s the bad financial results, news of defective CPUs, and most crucially, Intel announcing they’re going to stop paying out dividends that have done this.

If anything, investors seem to love mass layoffs, unfortunately.

They practically already have.

Arc came out years late and was a flop. It still can’t run a huge amount of games, and where it does, it competes with cards on an inferior node with much smaller die sizes than Arc, that have better stability and significantly lower power consumption.

Battlemage was supposed to be “high performance” (although in Intel speak that likely means mid range at best), but most of the SKUs got cancelled.

They’re bringing Battlemage as a graphics tile on their mobile CPUs. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they also did a desktop release, like AMD did for the 6400/6500 XT.

Going against AMD/Nvidia in the desktop graphics space is on the back-burner. Hopefully they’ll come back to it if they improve their drivers enough, and get better at GPU design.

Pretty short and lacking of details to be considered a proper review, IMO. It doesn’t show any UX, go over all the functionality, etc. Good to see that it’s fully open sourced and E2EE though.

I’ve been thinking recently about a proton drive subscription. I’m still leaving towards that, but I’ll look into this too

Honestly, I think AMD doesn’t even have the choice to be anywhere near as complacent as Intel.

ARM is on the rise, and that means multiple competitors incoming, both in the PC and console space.

Nvidia wanted to buy ARM, and despite that falling apart, Nvidia will be coming out with ARM CPUs (I imagine they’re, smartly, letting Qualcomm and MS sort out the teething issues with Windows on ARM before they swoop in and look polished and stable right out of the starting gate).

AMD also doesn’t have to pay a shitload to maintain, expand, and improve fabs - that’s all on TSMC. So the whole aspect of choosing between investing tens of billions or letting fabs stagnate isn’t a thing for AMD.

Yeah they could stay on the same process for 5 years, but I highly doubt they’d do that given the ARM competition, doubly so because they don’t want somebody else to take away their “we’re TSMC’s second favourites behind Apple” position.

In other words, I don’t think AMD has the financial incentive to stagnate like intel did. From a business perspective, it was an absolute no-brainer for Intel to stagnate; AMD’s comeback was an unlikely one. To date they’re the only company that’s recovered in the x86 space after falling back into complete irrelevance.