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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


While true, it’s stupid that things are that way. They shouldn’t be able to hide behind the idea that “we’re not responsible for what our users publish, we’re more like a public forum” while also having total ownership over that content.

No different than someone calling a janitor a “sanitation engineer”. Fancy titles make people happy.

On the note of traffic, I still browse Reddit because it has niche communities that I want to interact with. However, I don’t comment, post, or even up/downvote anymore. My interaction is now purely browsing, and I imagine it may be similar for other once-power users.

  1. The video’s comment section on its native site is… interesting.
  2. I don’t trust this guy. It feels like he’s just slinging things at the wall that most people could intuit without any research. Yes, sometimes things backfire when you try to stifle them. Sometimes, however, the stifling works (otherwise dictators would have a much harder time ruling). That’s just the way things go.
  3. I’ma need some actual data to back up Youtube’s anti-adblocker experiment succeeding/failing. People are so quick to jump on the ‘it failed’ or ‘it succeeded’ bandwagon but the truth is we simply don’t know the result yet, and may not for a long while.
  4. This could’ve been an email. This guy’s delivery is sprawling and lacks conciseness.

Not really, disappointing also includes a failure to fulfill hopes, not just expectations. You can expect an outcome and also be disappointed by it.

I don’t know if this really helps anything? I mean, I suppose it’s nice for the players who are frustrated to know that the cheater was caught, but I see this as making for easy abuse, like how games often kick/ban people automatically based on number of reports and a malicious group figuring out just how many reports it takes using this new information provider.

Nothing new, though. Hopefully, I’m just a worrywart and this is a change for the better though I don’t think it’ll do much in the end.

Lol, you need to play more games. Warframe will literally ban you for farming too much. CoD: Modern Warfare 2 false-banned thousands of players near launch. False bans happen a ton, it’s just that normally they get reversed in short order once someone complains.

It annoys me that the meme’s quote is wrong. It’s “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means”.

Who said the US wasn’t bad?

This is just a strawman argument, just because we’re talking about being lit on fire does not mean the alternative of being dipped in acid is good but you know I’d rather not be simultaneously lit on fire while being dipped in acid if I can help it.

Yeah, I at least personally used to be a bit of a power user and have just stopped posting/upvoting/downvoting altogether, and I’m not even a mod.

Just because people show up does not mean people are engaged.