Tier 1 Build-A-Bear 🧸

I’m pretty adorable, but I’ve seen some shit.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 07, 2023


Think it’s because they know the people pirating are the people paying for unlimited?

Pulled back for now, to be retweaked and pushed at a later time

Remember when people were using allo and Google play music? Google doesn’t.

Lashing out =/= defending myself and refusing to put up with your bullshit. I said why I don’t use password managers and you enter the conversation being a sarcastic asshole. I don’t have to put up with that, call it lashing out or whatever the fuck you want but if you can’t handle the heat then stay out of the kitchen. Now fuck off already.

Jfc I don’t fucking care whether or not you believe me, do whatever you want with your passwords.

I could use “A” breath of fresh air
I could go for “A” bite of pizza
I can remember “A” password where you can’t

Next time use context clues

Now please shut the fuck up, this entire interaction with you has been enough for the rest of my life, and at this point you’re literally the last person I would ever listen to about passwords. Have a good “A”!

I’m sorry you can’t even remember one. Maybe work on reading comprehension first. Have a great life!

You do you as well, one of the amazing things about all the technology we have available to us lol.

Be a sarcastic ass all you want, at least I can remember a password without relying on some random company lol. You keep giving all your passwords away though, no skin off my back

Any company trying to get my data, really, and my passwords are the most sensitive of my data. Even if I coded one myself, and kept it completely local, my passwords are all in one place if that device gets compromised.

I can remember my passwords, so why take the gamble?

Who knows? I just keep track of my own passwords so when the rest of you find out I won’t be a part of it lol. Everyone on lemmy is so anti Google and anti Microsoft because of what they do with your data, that it’s actually hilarious that so many just freely give EVERY SINGLE PASSWORD for their accounts to password management apps, like nothing bad could ever come from it.

If you can keep track of your passwords yourself, why take such a massive gamble?

I don’t listen to nearly as much music these days, YouTube music is so ass, I really miss gpm. YouTube can’t even get notifications right, like I get a notification that a band I like released a new album or something so I tap it… and it just fuckin opens the home page of the app??? EVERY SINGLE TIME. How do you fuck up even the most basic feature of the notifications!!!

The “radio” always brings me back to the same shit that’s playing on the actual radio, regardless of me playing the radio based off of bluegrass or fuckin clown techno idfk it will play imagine dragons and blinding lights shit eventually, guaranteed. The algorithms are actually dumpster fires.

Probably around 60% of the roughly 20,000 songs I uploaded (I think that was the limit) didn’t get transferred over and are just gone. Thanks Google.

Also even though the notifications don’t work, it is nice to know when your favorite artists release something new. Gpm was great about this, ytm seems to think I want the hottest vevo shit

Also who the fuck ever thought it was a good idea to use the music video versions for songs instead of the song version, when we’re in the music app, should be fired into the sun. They’re probably the same person that originally synced your video and music “histories,” skewing your YouTube algorithm entirely so your homepage would suggest nothing but music videos

Seriously, what a shitshow of an app, but that’s where most of Google is headed these days

Isn’t this like actually the 5th or 6th price hike in the last year? I already cancelled Netflix when they cracked down on password sharing but this just feels like they’re trying to lose customers

Wait, you mean US corporations will take money to do questionable things? Surprised Pikachu face.

Maybe the US government shouldn’t have set the precedent that that was EXPECTED AND ENCOURAGED

Steam Deck keeps forgetting my SD card is already formatted and has games
Basically the title. Sometimes I turn on the deck and the SD card icon is in the top bar, it shows it's connected but doesn't see any games on it and prompts me to format (and also shows it only has 30mb of space). ~~Rebooting and/or~~ removing and reinserting the SD card seems to fix it until the next time. I'm really not sure why, unless the card is failing and I need a new one? This happened on both my old lcd and the new oled deck so I don't think it's the port. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I’ve literally woken up and rushed to the computer because I came up with an answer to a problem I had while sleeping lol