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Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


If it turns out that we’re actually truly past the point of no return and nothing we do will save our species, I don’t think the response is going to be as passive as billionaires would like.

Charge the manager with a separate count of murder for every employee that died due to their orders.

“For too long, the average American has been squeezed by the big banks and financial elites,” Trump wrote. “It’s time we take a stand — together.”

Do people actually believe for a fraction of a second that Donald Trump of all people is on the side of the average American? And that the way to “take a stand” is with a crypto pump and dump scheme?

Remember when every platform renamed PMs to DMs and everyone who pointed out that they’re trying to remove the expectation of privacy was “paranoid”?

There are 3 very important things that have to be respected when using someone’s work. Consent, credit, and compensation. The data is being taken without the consent of users, they’re not being credited for anything, and they don’t receive so much as a cent in exchange.

Not human biases. Biases in the labeled data set.

Who made the data set? Dogs? Pigeons?

4G LTE was the point of no return. It was supposed to mean “it’s not 4G yet but we have an upgrade plan to get there”, but when they finally did, marketing found out that to the average person, going from 4G LTE to 4G sounded like a downgrade, so they rebranded it to 5G.

This is where they have the leverage to push for actual copyright reform, but they won’t. Far more profitable to keep the system broken for everyone but have an exemption for AI megacorps.

1979: A computer can never be held accountable, therefore a computer must never make a management decision.

2023: A computer can never be held accountable, therefore a computer must make all decisions that are inconvenient to take accountability for.

Argument from incredulity is “this sounds absurd, therefore it’s false.” That’s not what this is, this is just pointing out absurdity.

The title, much like the Patriot Act, was very carefully engineered to maximize the social stigma of speaking against it.

I don’t think this one is even an LLM, it looks like the output of a basic article spinning script that takes an existing article and replaces random words with synonyms.

It’s a classic example in education to demonstrate the difference between bandwidth and latency. Extremely high bandwidth, but also extremely high latency. It’s not for practical use, it’s a thought experiment to explain something that’s often counterintuitive to students that are just starting out learning about networking.

We need a use-it-or-lose-it clause for all copyrights. If the rights holder is not making a good faith effort to sell copies, they should forfeit their copyright entirely and the work in question goes straight to the public domain. 5 years is generous, I’d make the grace period 6 months.