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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


I remember the browser wars, that’s when microsoft exposed themselves how shitty they were to the world IMO.

That’s a long time ago. Years and years.

The ramp up started then, IMO.

I switched, it’s magic on fire with Linux.

Except for a couple if things, so I also now have a game-box running windows.

Best of two worlds IMO. It also shows how hellish windows is.

I’m all for it, and it’s just the usual “moores law” trend, I just wonder if we won’t hit a wall where (most!) users just won’t need it?

I remember iTunes only letting you change computer like 2-3 times max before the drm would make mysic not work any more, but maybe it was no-drm in the beginning.

I had a chinese 1GB shuffle though so IDK if that’s correct.

The chinese shuffle also doubled up as a usb key (very useful back then) and also didn’t need iTunes to function smh.

Bought a RX 6400 for a little windoze game box, and shelled out around 30€ /35€ more at a conventional well known shop here, materiel dot net. Bought most of my stuff there over the years, nice people, etc.

But I couldn’t just go get it, it “had to” be delivered, so I paid for that too (I guess you do the same on Amazon), high class delivery or so I thought. Ordered thursday, scheduled delivery “wednesday 8h-19h” so okay I WFH but man better be there every minute right?

Got a confirmation SMS/Text around 12, we’re delivering your package today! (No more info).

Surprise, they didnt.

Suddenly it’s scheduled “Thursday 8h-19h”.


I bet I would have gotten my card on saturday if I had used amazon (+30€ too…).

I mean are brick & mortar stores dead now for real maybe?


You do need a link to some data as a bootstrap to node adresses, there is a test link on tenfingers.org you can try using, it downloads a small text file but also adds my live nodes address to your known addresses when you use it.

Or you can just set up two local nodes on with two different ports, run their listeners, add data to them, extract the links and, download from the ‘other’ node to see how things hook up and so on.

The links as tenfingers.db are sqlite databases, so they are easily inspected.

Hey thank you!

I finally have some free time ahead, I’ll put together a first ‘real’ documentation that covers installation and basic use cases so that people actually can have a chance of testing it for real. I’ll swap the cringy 1990 web page for it on tenfingers.org

Do tell if you try it out 👍🏻


You can download the python code, or frozen executables for Linux and Windows on http://tenfingers.org

Or the whole project, which I admit is kind of messy, on codeberg: https://codeberg.org/Valmond/Tenfingers

I posted a more detailed description just below in this theead, please do say if you don’t find it or if you have any kind of questions!

I do know of a project that does what you are looking for, decentralized (100%), FOSS, easy to set up, encrypted…

I built a very basic chat program on top of it quite easily, a “FB clone” is not far away IMO.

So what’s the project? It’s my Tenfingers protocol & implementation (http://tenfingers.org) and it’s just waiting for adoption!

I’m in the process of making the documentation and installation guide, but you can check it out right now.

I’d love showcasing it somewhere, getting feedback, help out with problems etc.

In the meantime I’ll introduce myself into the servers of large corporations and read their emails, codebase, teams and strategic analysis, it’s just learning!

Yeah that’s a shame, electronics seems to have reached a level where most people just don’t need or dream of a better something (PC, phone, etc) and other tech is hard to grasp like biotech.

Wasn’t it open source all the time? The article spins it more like microsoft don’t want to shepherd the project any more, another group takes over?

Isn’t it just less work for m$ or what am I missing?

I built my own because they were quite expensive, lots of fun but very little real use at all. I’m planning on reviving it because it’s lots of fun to tinker with.

People underestimate how much a fucking Million is! It’s like a lifetime salary (3k/m for 27.8 years).

We should call billions thousand millions.

Holy shit, give me just one billion per year and I’ll build you a sexier failure.

Bet your compiler isnt running on that hardware either ;-)

I got both google and xiaomi do that on the same phone, it sure was a hassle to remove both without losing my data…

Ha ha this happened when I took a taxi to the railway station, leaving Paris after 10 years. It was quite nice to get the “tourist” route early in the morning so I rolled with it :-)

If you do it for cheap it sure will look like crap.

Source: me doing it in the nineties without really knowing welding :-D

Back in the day you could buy whole (but small) parts, cut away the rusy one and solder in the new one (paint with anti rust paint). Did it on my cheap ass volvo 142 :-)

Maybe you can’t do that any more because of complex crumple zones, but I bet we can do better. A car shouldn’t just have a life span of 6-10 years.

We’re getting close to 100% meetings and bullshit reportings in tech was what I tried to convey.

People (sometimes) use it far too much and in wrong ways.

Like inherit when you could just instantiate, or use a template.

Or when “everything should be a class” was also a bummer (inhetit “run()”), like I’d instantiate “main” twice (cool if it had worked I guess).

Or old code written by “wizards” where they cast cast cast instances onto other classes to use specific behaviour in crazily dangerous manners. And you’re the one to “fix it” because it doesn’t work well…

Otherwise OOP is good.

Managers are not smarter or better educated than other people.

Also, many have inflated fragile egos, and feel less worthy than those who do “the real job” (the workers) and feel the need to do stuff so they feel they are doing stuff too.

Or so I believe. It’s so rarely about real productivity and so often about some sort of control. To control something they don’t understand (I’m in software development).

I’m working on a protocol that makes information quite hard (I won’t say impossible because nothing probably is) to take down, because I believe in both information shouldn’t be censored and that everyone should be able to share what they want (yes moral stuff like a song).

I’d love meeting like-minded people to learn more about what other people do and think about stuff like that :-)

I mean there are ways to get around ddos or the “great” firewall of china for example. So why not do it?

Tried to reach out on matrix and some niche communities but they were very (very) small, so I’m still looking for some melting pot.

Any idea?

Thanks, excellent information!

How come debug exes are bigger? Is the nifty stuff tucked on at the end?