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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


That’s why it’s on the OS-level. For example, for text, it seems to work in any text app that uses the standard text input api, which Apple controls.

User activates the “AI overlay” on the OS, not in the app, OS reads selected text from App and sends text suggestions back.

The App is (possibly) unaware that AI has been used / activated, and has not received any user information.

Of course, if you don’t trust the OS, don’t use this. And I’m 100% speculating here based on what we saw for the macOS demo.

He sort of invented it, so you have to think he’s commenting on the concept here, not the implementation.

I have tried a lot of medium and small models, and there it just no good replacement for the larger ones for natural text output. And they won’t run on device.

Still, fine-tuning smaller models can do wonders, so my guess would be that Apple Intelligence is really 20+ small and fine tuned models that kick in based on which action you take.

I do agree, but privacy in 2024 is sadly about trust, not technology, unless you yourself can design and create every chip used in your devices and in the network cells you connect to. No setting on your device on “do not allow…” have any meaning without trust in the creator.

I mean, that’s fair, I personally use Apple devices specifically because I trust them the most on privacy, but if you don’t trust Apple with privacy, which is a 100% valid take to have, then of course this mayor selling point of their marketing becomes moot.

How so? Many people want to use AI in privacy, but it’s too hard for most people to set it up for themselves currently.

Having AI tools on the OS level so you can use it in almost any app and that is guaranteed to be processed on device in privacy will be very useful if done right.

Care to elaborate?

The suspicious parts to me was that they didn’t show much of the private cloud stuff, how much it would cost, and that they still feel the need to promote ChatGPT .

I mean, that’s fair, if you don’t believe in his integrity than this news have very little value to you.

Actually, really liked the Apple Intelligence announcement. It must be a very exciting time at Apple as they layer AI on top of the entire OS. A few of the major themes. Step 1 **Multimodal I/O**. Enable text/audio/image/video capability, both read and write. These are the native human APIs, so to speak. Step 2 **Agentic**. Allow all parts of the OS and apps to inter-operate via "function calling"; kernel process LLM that can schedule and coordinate work across them given user queries. Step 3 **Frictionless**. Fully integrate these features in a highly frictionless, fast, "always on", and contextual way. No going around copy pasting information, prompt engineering, or etc. Adapt the UI accordingly. Step 4 **Initiative**. Don't perform a task given a prompt, anticipate the prompt, suggest, initiate. Step 5 **Delegation hierarchy**. Move as much intelligence as you can on device (Apple Silicon very helpful and well-suited), but allow optional dispatch of work to cloud. Step 6 **Modularity**. Allow the OS to access and support an entire and growing ecosystem of LLMs (e.g. ChatGPT announcement). Step 7 **Privacy**. <3 We're quickly heading into a world where you can open up your phone and just say stuff. It talks back and it knows you. And it just works. Super exciting and as a user, quite looking forward to it. https://x.com/karpathy/status/1800242310116262150?s=46

The concept is useful. A well known idea capture of it is the famous “As We May Think” article from Vannevar Bush all the way back in 1945, which conceptualized a machine “Memex” that would enhance humans capabilities with for example memory and recall. A lot of humans needs help with this and use devices for this daily, with notes, map lookups of where you parked, find my things for devices, analytics for photo libraries etc etc etc.

The only issue here is the implementation.

I can’t find any source for the numbers from Vietnam and WW2 in the linked sources.

Oh cool, just tested with !sumk on random YouTube share link in Safari on iOS and it worked like a champ.

Even when I asked about how to do this in the Kagi discord channel I didn’t get this answer, so thanks! To everyone else, check out Kagi, it’s awesome :)

Just use https://www.summarize.tech/, and if the transcript is too long, send it to a summarize like Kagi.

Much appreciated, thanks again for the suggestion.

Yes but as I said I don’t want to be logged in to Google in my browser.

Right. But I don’t just watch random videos from links. YouTube is my main media platform where I have tons of subscriptions and good recommendations.

I just hoped I could keep that without paying for premium, but it might actually be the best option for me.

I guess the main downside for me having to be logged in to something Google while browsing other websites, and I don’t think I can be bothered logging in / out all the time

OK so it’s that easy? I won’t use Brave, but will try from Safari and Orion. Thanks

I primarily use iOS to watch YouTube. I haven’t found good solutions.

It’s the media platform I use the most. With Premium, I’m evenly supporting at least 50 creators that I watch regularly. I couldn’t meaningfully do that for the same price through Patreon.

The Internet is actually very fine and alternatives to the big guys will keep popping up.

For tracking in general there are several options like pihole, adguard and NextDNS on a DNS level, Firefox/Orion browsers, Proton / Mullvad etc VPN and services.

For search I’ve been fairly happy with DuckDuckGo for some years, but not swears by Kagi.

What is gone is the early days of the seventies / early eighties with free servers at universities accessible to anyone. It doesn’t scale.

Various models tried to figure it out until we got what we’ve had for the last 10 years, “free” services where you are the product.

What you won’t get going forward is free services that gives you what you want without also tracking and collecting data on you and using it for ads etc.

What you can get is high quality services that you choose to pay for.

For now, a fair bit of them is niche and sort of expensive. Hopefully that will expand to giving is fairly broad service coverage from providers that are mostly crowd funded and open.

Is that whole video rant made just in the misinformed belief that version 12 of FSD is released?

While the root issue was still unknown, we actually wrote one. It sort of made sense. Check that the date from isn’t later than date to in the generated range used for the synchronization request. Obviously. You never know what some idiot future coder (usually yourself some weeks from now) would do, am I right?

However, it was far worse to write the code that fulfilled the test. In the very same few lines of code, we fetched the current date from time.now() plus some time span as date.to, fetched the last synchronization timestamp from db as date.from, and then validated that date.from wasn’t greater than date.to, and if so, log an error about it.

The validation code made no logic sense when looking at it.

This bug has created havocs for me. We had a “last synchronized” time stamp persisted to a DB so that the system was able to robustly deal with server restarts / bootstrapping on new environments.

The synchronization was used to continuously fetch critical incident and visualize them on a map. The data came through a third party api that broke down if we asked for too much data at a time, so we had to reason about when we fetched data last time, and only ask for new updates since then.

Each time the synchronization ran, it would persist an updated time stamp to the DB.

Of course this routine ran just as the server jumped several months into the feature for a few minutes. After this, the last run time stamp was now some time next year. Subsequent runs of the synchronization routine never found any updates as the date range it asked for didn’t really make sense.

It just ran successfully without finding any new issues. We were quite happy about it. It took months before we figured out we actually had a mayor discrepancy in our visualization map.

We had plenty of unit tests, integration tests, and system tests. We just didn’t think of having one that checked whether the server had time traveled to the future or not.

I’ve always found this classic the best measurement: WTF’s per minute

The creators also get a good chunk of the money from premium as far as I’ve been able to verify (by asking some I follow directly).

Okay but could you not cross post to 10 communities or something? I hoped to leave that behind at Reddit.

I don’t have any agenda, I just tried answering your question.

I don’t know if it’s maybe a judicial thing or something or if they are technically required to do an official recall registered in some system, even if they can actually solve it OTA.

I would suspect the rules around required recalls are not really updated to reflect the extended amount of issues that a vertical system integrator like Tesla can solve OTA.

I wish Mullvad would expand their service to offer something like NextDNS with blocklists. I love DNS expect for the fact that they are based in the US and have the capability of logging.

That said, without the occasional log I would probably never have been able to fix some issues.

No, they are for some reasons called recalls. Didn’t Tesla recall their entire fleet this spring? It was solved by OTA updates.

It’s mostly digital recalls solved by software updates over the air.

So is MementoMori half bot, half human? I’ve blocked bots because they post so many articles of poor quality, but then you have people like this who also posts a lot of low quality posts without any opening comment, but is not marked as a bot and occasionally write some comments.

Lemmy and Tildes has really shown me how much more interesting information is when it’s given by a real person with some context or an opening post.

A news article posted by a bot to… farm karma on Lemmy?? It’s just noise. Many of such articles posted have clickbait titles and comments under them tend to have less value and are based around uniformed opinions coming from the (often misleading) title alone.

Quality aside, I guess I don’t really see the point. To who’s benefit are bot content posted? It feels like advertising to me. I’d like to think that the community are able to sustain itself by the content someone cared enough about to bother post it here.

In short, bot created content is noise to me, while content posted by real persons has value.

It’s not marked as a bot?

Edit: nvm, just Voyager that doesn’t show it or let’s you block bots yet.

Do you have a source for the secure part?

Genie is out of the bag. It was shown early on how you can use AI like ChatGPT to create and enhance datasets needed to generate AI language models like ChatGPT. Now, OpenAI say that isn’t allowed, but since it’s already been done, it’s too late.

Rogue AI will spring up with specialized purposes en masse the next six months, and many of them we’ll never hear about.

I don’t use TikTok and welcome replaceable batteries, but I also still hope for a waterproof iPhone I can take swimming. Probably be harder to do.

It’s not a distant future, the benefits are already here and increasing with each launch.

I’ve been tracking a sailboat crossing the Atlantic Ocean the past weeks which have been able to upload videos to YouTube everyday, something that would be impossible without Starlink.

Of course, this specific use case isn’t important, just used it to point out that Starlink is already working well.

Very interesting, three of my books this summer are related to / mentions DEC and the PDP-11 so this is right up my alley!