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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


in my defense, your honor, i didn’t think anybody would actually fall for it

windows 11 is a next generation experience. microsoft teams now has 16 times the detail

why write better software when you can simply tell the customer to buy better hardware?

from the article:

Robots.txt is a line of code that publishers can put into a website that, while not legally binding in any way, is supposed to signal to scraper bots that they cannot take that website’s data.

i do understand that robots.txt is a very minor part of the article, but i think that’s a pretty rough explanation of robots.txt

so many leaders are forgetting what the point of protests is. yes, protests are annoying if you’re a leader. but they’re better than the alternative. that’s the whole point.

“Limiting training data to public domain books and drawings created more than a century ago might yield an interesting experiment, but would not provide AI systems that meet the needs of today’s citizens.”

exactly which “needs” are they trying to meet?

The default allocation for Recall on a device with 256 GB will be 25 GB, which can store approximately 3 months of snapshots.

this comes out to about 2 GB / week. it’s honestly terrifying they could be generating 2 GB of activity data for just a weeks worth of computer use. it’s both a privacy nightmare and an optimization nightmare

completely agree. and it’s even more insidious when you take into account how he’s spent the past 6 years bragging about how he has a salary of $0 because he’s “only working for the betterment of humanity” or some nonsense like that.

Board chair Robyn Denholm wrote in a letter included in the regulatory filing: “Elon has not been paid for any of his work for Tesla for the past six years… That strikes us, and the many stockholders from whom we already have heard, as fundamentally unfair.”

Musk’s compensation for 2023 was $0, the filing showed, as the billionaire does not take a salary from the company and is compensated through stock options.

it’s so unfair that elon hasnt gotten a single pay check and has instead had to settle for making billions off of his stock options. think of all the mega yachts and social media companies he could’ve bought if only he had been paid a salary.

they finally found a way to add a built in service fee to taxes. i just hope this new model is compatible with turbo tax premium

Everybody knows what free speech means.

i really dont think so.

free speech is a pretty complicated thing and i feel like many people dont have a solid grasp on it. i think a good number of people think they know what free speech means because they know “it only applies to what the government can do to you”, but there’s quite a bit more to it than that. like how to deal with hate speech, threats, misinformation, disinformation, etc.

and this is directly related to the problems twitter is facing: elon musk started out by saying hes a “free speech absolutist”, but twitter has been slowly rediscovering why “free speech absolutism” doesnt work. and you can see those discoveries in real time with twitter reintroducing moderation policies (among other things)

you seem to be assuming that children have the same logical reasoning faculties that adults do. this is not the case.

i agree that parents should not have a monopoly over the information that their children get, but i think that well-educated school teachers are a better solution to this than the internet. (although this would require the US to put some kind of emphasis on improving its education system, so it’s probably unlikely)

i feel like javascript could also be

Problem -> solution -> 3 days pass -> all dependencies had breaking changes made -> problem

this is just like in regular math too. not being a number is just so fun that nobody wants to go back to being a number once they get a taste of it

yeah exactly. and hopefully being banned from making shows will motivate them to finally work on their terrible UIs. it’s so annoying that so many streaming services still lack basic functionality and have almost no customization options.

its so insane these companies are competing with each other over what’s on their service instead of how pleasant it is to use their service.

i hate it when i open my laptop and there’s an error sign blocking the trackpad

a warning that they better stop or else they may receive a strongly worded letter

there might as well only be one silicon valley company at this point. they’re all trying to do the same thing. AI is currently that thing

it’s better than reaching for a semicolon and typing a russian flag again

the wikipedia page says:

MMT is controversial, and is actively debated with dialogues about its theoretical integrity, the implications of the policy recommendations of its proponents, and the extent to which it is actually divergent from orthodox macroeconomics. MMT is opposed to the mainstream understanding of macroeconomic theory and has been criticized heavily by many mainstream economists.

i don’t think your comment properly highlights how controversial MMT is. i’m not an economist, but i don’t think it’s fair to use language like “taxes funding things is a myth” and “technically nothing is funded by taxes and taxes are just a money void”, when those claims rely on such a controversial theory.

remember to disable your adblocker in order to help fund this years default fees

i think we all have areas of life that we treat like your dad treats his web browsers. for example, im like that when it comes to cooking. i could probably cook meals that tasted much better if i put in a bit more effort into learning different techniques and some new recipes. but i just don’t like cooking that much and the stuff i make is good enough for me. my dad is much like yours when it comes to web browsers, but he knows a lot more about cooking than i do, and he enjoys it a lot more too.

what i’ve gathered from people i talk to about it is that a lot of it comes down to convenience. edge comes pre installed and microsoft makes it not super straightforward to switch. i’m sure most people could figure it out if they wanted to, but lots of people don’t want to “futz around” with their computer. it also doesn’t help that edge is pretty much the only thing that works with windows search along with certain outlook and teams features.

i like to spend time messing around and customizing my computer to be better (i still use vim as my main editor), but for many people its annoying and they don’t want to “fix it if it isn’t broken”. this is all just a very long winded way of saying they don’t really care it’s not the optimal solution, as long as it works.

here’s another mathematical approach (that has the added benefit of only working when x and y are both positive).

let f denote the linear functional on ℝ2 defined by f(1,0) = x and f(0,1) = y (and extend by linearity). then the operator norm || f || is equal to max(x,y).

must be a pretty busy guy if he has to install them in all those cars

incredible that the modding community can make something like this within a week of launch and yet bethesda couldn’t make it in 7 years

i wish they had a plan that only had hbo content, most of the time the other stuff just gets in the way and is annoying to scroll past. maybe they could call it “hbo max”