An early bird in the hand gets the low hanging fruit in the bush.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


I have a hard time equating the display or firing of a gun with promotion of violence but context makes a difference. Same thing with baseball bats. Both are used in competitive sports or could be tools for killing/maiming others. It’s performative and pandering but not necessarily violent without more information.

Sounds like A Nice Morning Drive. As noted in the archived page above, that story inspired the song Red Barchetta by the band Rush.

Sheesh, kids have it so easy now… Back in my day, we had to set sail along the Atlantic trade routes looking for ships full of the latest wax cylinders out of Europe and Asia. Didn’t have anything to play them on but at least we owned our collections.

It’s a lack of supervision, mostly. They assigned Jim to do the bolting that day but didn’t check his qualifications or work. At least this explains the hours of security footage discovered early in the investigation showing Jim sprinting back and forth between the work stations.

You can queue (stand in line), you can cue (signal or cause to start). Not complete definitions. They sound the same and there are cases where you could use either in an otherwise-identical sentence for a valid but different meaning.

If I were a school bully, I’d be concerned about the readily-available projectile that could emerge in this scenario. Only one type of asshole should be doing its job in there.

They’re orphans too and one has cancer (and it’s whichever one you think would be sadder).

Have your misery fantasies quietly and out of sight like the rest of us.

"People have the right to order a pizza … without then being asked for sex or a date.”

I’ve seen plenty of documentary footage showing that arriving with a pizza often ends in an invitation to personally deliver the sausage.

“Let us see the data and analysis products you’re gathering on our citizens to send home to the CCP”

“How dare you ask us for such an invasion of their privacy!”

Great photo, looks like a nice day to be a dog.

That’s fair, there’s definitely more to it than just having the capability when you’re also dealing with weather and other factors that impact your deadlines. I’m not a fan of equipment manufacturers who exploit their stranglehold on their customers even though I see why it happens.

Sounds like another industry in dire need of competition. Makes sense that they’re fighting tooth and nail to keep a deathgrip on what they’ve still got (for now).

I mortgaged my house for a computer-generated ape that my son’s cousin’s uncle’s neighbor’s mailman said would one day finance my retirement.

Are they trying to say that NFTs are some kind of bullshit scam that should have dissolved into the ether like the crypto bro’s cocaine-fueled manic state that spawned them in the first place? How shocking and unpredictable.

I’m going to need the IDs of all Twixxer employees first. Gotta verify that my data is in safe hands, after all.

Could burn out their sensors, brick the hardware or otherwise make them useless without creating a new debris cloud.

US Space Force: “Stop laughing, we really do have a purpose!”

Things could get interesting if they start competing with the Navy to be another taxi service for the Marines though.

Putting the attention-grabbing part first means people are more likely to keep reading after the first word or two. A sea of “Study suggests ____” or “Report states _____” won’t direct as many views to the stories the users are interested in reading. This is particularly true when the headline may be truncated by aggregator sites or mobile notifications but works for paper as well when parts might be hidden behind other items at a news stand.

I bet this will have an impact on the same crowd who insists upon abstinence-only sex education to prevent unintended pregnancy, they’re usually receptive to research and data.

I may have gone profile-stalking to find it already. Thanks for posting the video, your friend is very cute.

Going to need a few more photos for proof here too. Can’t be too careful.

Also the video, that sounds adorable like compelling evidence.

VPN industry lobbyists disguised as morality crusaders if you like tin foil hats as much as I do. Most likely not though, just people who feel the need to control how others spend their time and precious bodily fluids.

Definitely a hazard. My ideal solution is something that could be built and evaluated in a way that allows me to know that it does what it’s supposed to do and nothing else. From there, I’d want to run it on my own hardware in an environment under my control. The idea is to add enough layers of protection that it’d be easier and less expensive for that authority to change my behavior by hiring goons to beat me with a wrench. At least then I’ll have a fairly unambiguous signal that it’s happening but getting to that point would take a significant investment of effort, time and money.

Could be helpful if it silently (or at least subtly) warns the user that they’re approaching those boundaries. I wouldn’t mind a little extra assistance preventing those embarrassing after-the-fact realizations. It’d have to be done in a way that preserves privacy though.

The King James Tiberius Kirk Version is a better translation than most. Even keeps the line about beating bat’leths into ploughshares with the original context to show it as a shameful act.

Where do you think the bible got it from?

You made it clear that you weren’t interested anymore. Their unanswered “are you really really sure?” message doesn’t entitle them to your money. I’d get in touch with support about refunding and (if your schedule allows) set a secondary objective to cost them at least double what you paid in support staff wages.

A rare case when you hear hoof beats and find a zebra. Sucks to be that guy but I’m not going to lose sleep over it, our law enforcement and intelligence agencies are doing what they should.