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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


A fraction of what it takes for thousands of machines to perform rework of the same problem.

This isn’t the good argument you think it is.

Pound-seconds, I believe. Good ol’ LM giving imperial numbers to NASA.

Aren’t these the same guys that have a stick up their ass about AMD and/or they get paid by Intel to be biased?

It seemed sensible when the economist Henry George postulated it as the solution for wealth inequality and the seeming rise of material desire that the uber-rich cause in the market. Unfortunately no one listened and the landlords won, and now we’re here.

It’s exactly what you described.

Essentially people will hold onto property in order to make more money on it through land value inflation.

If we tax the crap out of property that isn’t being used, then either the tenant will do something with it or sell it to someone who will, instead of just waiting for the market to double their money while they play golf.

Except for the part where you have to rip out everything and build it virtually from scratch due to the severe lack of plumbing infrastructure to individual spaces in the same way that apartments require.

It sounds great, but realistically it’s almost easier to just demo the buildings and begin from the foundation.

Either way the issue isn’t the ability to construct apartments and/or condos, it’s the land being owned by people who either want it for a commercial use-case or it’s just being held for value increase.

No it doesn’t, unless you have it set that way.

I love Linux but most complaints about Windows is just lack of user knowledge and getting mad that it doesn’t work like Linux.

The usual “answer” is to burn the system down and figure out a better one later. I’m sure someone will get to it. Definitely not someone that wants to sieze power in a vacuum though, that doesn’t happen.

Quite a few since the late 1800’s, if we are ignoring the specifics of “billionaire” and just focusing on people who have the most significant portion of the wealth. Rockefeller and Carnegie weren’t any different a hundred years ago, despite them not being billionaires in their day.

They currently aren’t hiding anything on the radio and are still getting away with the shit they’ve been doing since forever, hard to see this as actually being worse when the lack of encryption hasn’t lead to a perfectly transparent police force.

Elysium has human laborers, though. The main character literally works at a factory creating the droids for the station’s uses.

Humans consumers will still exist, and at that point we would have no choice but to facilitate some kind of UBI or else there’s going to be a few billion people that aren’t going to just sit around and die.

They took a waste product and used it to heat homes, sounds responsible and efficient.

MitM attacks are also one of the major threats to MFA.

They don’t seem to talk much about TLS which is the current standard for most things (VoIP, email.) We still use ssh for a lot but HTTPS is secured through TLS 1.3

Plus you’d absolutely see that traffic on your network, especially if you lived in an area where you only get like 5Mb/s down.

It’s a solid anecdote, for sure.

Absolutely not “proof” though. Unless you made absolutely sure to not accidentally look at a photo on social media of a baby for too long, or scrolled too slowly past a YouTube reel aimed at kids, or listened to a baby shark trap remix on Spotify.

We have LLM models that can give you (mostly) accurate data on how to do a given task based purely on their ability to guess which word comes next from the sources being fed to it, and you don’t think algorithms exist to extrapolate your potential buying habits based on the aforementioned data points?

I’ve gotten very specific targeted ads before that were completely wrong, just because I’d watched like one YouTube video about the hobby or something. It’s really just a prediction algorithm based on the troves of data our use of digital devices gives them.

Exactly, their predictive algorithms are entirely too accurate and it’s not just clicking on or searching for products that gives them the information. Even how long it took you to scroll past something is used to analyze potential future behavior and deliver you ads.

You take in so much content everyday that you don’t even realize. They probably saw plenty of them that OP didn’t even realize, I’m sure they gave it away via some other means.

People have tested this before and gotten no additional ads based on their words, it’s all anecdotal.

It’s just a regular install with “block trackers and ads” enabled. The only YouTube related plugins/extensions I have are tube buddy and dearrow to remove clickbait thumbnails. I don’t use unlock, ad block, or anything like that.

Still using Vivaldi with only the built-in ad blocking, still noticing no ads, still noticing zero performance issues.

Step 3: “Go to torrentio lite - stremio addon”

Is this in stremio or the play store? You don’t specify a source and I can’t find it in the stremio add on section even when directly searched.

There is something called torrentio on the play store so I assume that’s what you mean but it isn’t called “lite.”

Sure, and like with everything else the free market is controlled mostly by broke morons and rich assholes. So it’ll happen anyways because those two groups will fall for it, believing they’re entitled to nice things.

I mean I save plenty, but there’s no way in hell I’ll ever be able to own a home without a serious bubble burst somewhere. I have a career in a skilled field that pays generally pretty good, but even a 1 bed apartment where I’m at requires a six figure income let alone a house.

Of course I’d be down to buy a studio apartment since I really don’t need that much space, but zoning laws prevent anything like that from being constructed unless I move into the city which I don’t want to do (it would just be even more expensive anyways.)

I don’t buy into the “just don’t save, treat yourself” mentality since it’s so obviously self destructive, but unless something big happens it’s unlikely that the major life milestones will ever be within my grasp. That really does put a damper on any hope for the future and makes dating and marriage seem pointless too. Can’t even afford a place of my own how am I going to support a wife and maybe kids? Assuming she doesn’t work which she would almost have to anyways.

I was hoping that in the wake of an entire generation having a fraction of the buying power of their predecessors we would see a ton of businesses collapsing and people would realize how stupid of an idea reducing earning potential and kneecapping everyone with five times the cost of education was, but unfortunately I’ve seen how poor of consumers most people are and they’ll keep these shitty businesses alive due to entitlement that they deserve to live luxuriously instead of letting them die to prove the point that we don’t have enough money to survive.

It sucks that the community for technology here hates tech more than loves it.


If a group tries to violently overthrow a system then yes they’re authoritarian. Shouldn’t be that hard to piece together.

Last time I checked anarchy involves the destruction of all systems of economics and government because people aren’t smart enough to realize that’s a fucking delusionally stupid idea.

This comedy sketch illustrates with literally just one example how ridiculous the idea of not having some kind of meta structure to handle human needs is.

Yes but antifa is anti fascist.

Damn, it’s like you didn’t even understand literally my entire comment.

Capitalist authoritarianism and socialist/communist authoritarianism are both the same thing, using terms like fascism to pretend it’s different is the problem.

If you use authoritarian means to get your way you are only different from fascism economically. If you aren’t authoritarian then you’re not going to support any group regardless of what they refer to themselves as or what they consider the opposition to be called.

Only if you’re dumb enough to just assume whatever a group titles themselves actually reflects their beliefs.

Do you think the Nazis were socialist? How about the Soviets?

You can call yourself whatever you want, if your group is anti fascist and acts in an authoritarian manner, then you’re the same thing with a different economic outlook.

Just because the rich are protected from their white collar crime doesn’t mean the concept of crime as a whole is a social construct.

Crime exists, crime is crime. Your boss short changing you money wouldn’t get the same reaction as lifting money from the till but you’d still have legal recourse to either get the money from them or take legal action to sue them.

Double standards under the law doesn’t equal “crime is an invented concept.”

Authoritarianism is highly effective at making things happen, it’s just really REALLY bad at human rights violations since anything that gets in the way of the state is an issue.

Yeah Apple, a flat mouse. That’s what the people want. Absolutely nothing for their palm to grip onto while using the damn thing.

It’s unfortunate that you have like four up votes for explaining the actual History behind it but the guy who just thinks it’s an issue that popped up ten years ago has dozens.

I’m sure all of their extreme pro models all shitting the bed at my company had nothing to do with them being faulty considering only a few worked after their firmware patch.

I didn’t say he was country dumbass, I said country is the clothing style for casual wear down there.

He’s from New Mexico, country-lite is the style down there. Did you think rich people just wore suits literally all the time or something?

Why wouldnt he be? He’s got money, time, medically allocated testosterone, and personal trainers and chefs.

Once you have all of that it’s just dedication to putting the work in, if the average gym bro can muster it I’m sure he’s capable.

You realize the community you’re in, right?

What else did you expect to be here? Linux memes?

Yeah, from two years ago and it wasn’t even surprising then.