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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Yes this isn’t news- it’s called AI cannibalism and it’s the high tech version of making a tape of a tape of a tape. It’s part of the great enshitification.

Consider this: a lot of general knowledge is trained into ai using Wikipedia. Since ai bots have a friendly chat interface and natural language processing that makes a decent attempt at understanding context and language intent, asking ChatGPT to look something up results in an interestingly summarized, cross referenced answer that might draw from 5 or 6 wiki articles that otherwise might have required a couple hours of reading and diving to derive organically (with your meat computer). Since just asking ChatGPT is way easier than spending 2 hours clicking on Wikipedia, people start just using the bot instead of Wikipedia. Fast forward 5-10 years. People don’t even go to wiki anymore because why would you? People stop contributing to wiki because no one goes there anyway, it’s as useless as a serial port gender changer. So now 90% of the web is just the summarized output of ai bots. Wiki goes offline because no one donates, no one visits. Now the latest gen AI is trained on Russian troll bots, Instagram comment sections, and Reddit comments which have all become 90% ai bot spam. The thing that made AI good was the quality of the training data but now all the new data is absolute trash, just SEO ad garbage. The generation of AI model trained on that can’t help but produce total static because who the fuck is taking the effort the put real quality on the net anymore?

I’m really sad about this future… (this present).

31299966 man, I didn’t realize it was still running. The live text chat was the best.

Last week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California released a ruling that concluded state highway police were acting lawfully when they forcibly unlocked a suspect’s phone using their fingerprint.

You can turn that and Face ID off on iOS by mashing the power button 5 times- it locks everything down.

Man, I miss shittymorph. I remember when this was posted for the first time and everyone on Reddit lost their minds because it wasn’t an undertaker joke. Lost my dog this year, makes me a little sad :(

Then they should count as dependents, grant the parents tax breaks, be eligible for social benefits, receive child support payments, be counted as passengers when in mom driving in HOV lanes, etc.

Yeah it’s like “I actually like getting brutally raped at the dealership, excited to get my backside exploded!”

Well I guess if anyone had doubts before about SC being a giant fucking scam, they can put those to rest. I was on the fence previously, but this answered it for me.

Yeah I’m a fan boy but I agree with this 100%. In the old days I’d just buy lowest ram config and then replace with after market but obviously we dont have the option anymore. It sucks because I could use at least 64 in my m3 but it was cost prohibitive.

I’m guessing you have a nozzle not screwed in fully, or there was filament above the threads preventing it from seating. I’d warm the print head, remove the nozzle, run a bit of filament through without the nozzle, then yank it out, hopefully pulling any globs down and out of the heater block. Reassemble hot and make sure the nozzle seats firmly. Good luck!

This is great! You could charge your battery in only 7000 hours while generating megawatts of waste heat!

This will never work for so many reasons.

I’m starting to think some of these Israelis aren’t the nicest people

I had this issue on an fdm printer when the z axis was binding up. Bumping might do it too. But since you said you paused, I’m guessing that’s the culprit, not sure why though, maybe resume doesn’t take zoffset into account or something, maybe a bug.

It costs more money to have a human tell you to go fuck yourself and musks shitty AI isn’t running yet. Rest assured in the near future, you’ll have to have a text convo with fucking grok.

Apple fan here, and I love what they’ve done with hardware the last few years. That said…. I have to agree. Base RAM config is silly low, and higher RAM and SSD configs are stupid expensive. It’s a money maker for sure, I wish it wasn’t so obviously a cash grab. I’d be ok with a bit more padding in the base hardware price if the ram wasn’t so expensive to upgrade.

In the old days this was a moot point because you buy base config and immediately swap for after market big sticks- I did that for decades, but these days with soldered RAM and storage…. Eh, it’s a bit of a kick in the balls.

I am stoked for my new M3 next week though, good thing work pays for it!

So they’re upgrading from famine to 4g huh? People will be able to look at approved pictures of food?

I mean, of course. By the same token, if I brought a $100,000 red setup into my basement without lighting, composition, stabilizers, makeup, etc etc etc it would also look like shit.

I think the point here is that a cell phone camera from 2007 would not be able to do any of this even with all the great kit, but here, something very pro was created without $$$ spent on a body, a back, or lenses.

Would those things be even better? Sure! But what crazy times we live in that dropping in a cell phone into a film set can produce production grade output. Is it a bit of theater? Sure, but it very clearly demonstrates why no one buys digital cameras anymore and increasingly don’t buy DV cameras either.

That’s really generous of them because if musk offered to sell it to me for $50k, I’d laugh in his fucking face. It’s a dumpster fire living on borrowed time since some dickhead took a giant shit on it.

One part of the issue is the m1s where so damn good, people aren’t itching to replace every 3 years. With intel every year people were desperate for cores and better battery because it was so bad.

I used to love Google, the company, the search, the tech. But god damn if in the last 5 years it hasn’t become the most insane ad delivery tool in existence. Sometimes when I Google something it’s multiple full pages of ads before I actually see what I’m looking for. I switched to duckduckgo.

Fuck that shitstain, I hope people demand refunds and he’s forced to pay.

Yes. Guy on Reddit a few years ago stole one out of a tent where they were giving free readings and did a full tear down. It’s a cheap Chinese ohm meter with a few extra circuits added for fancy dials and lights. It’s basically a movie prop.

Edit: of course it was part of the purge: https://www.reddit.com/r/electronics/comments/8zrlav/detailed_teardown_of_a_scientology_emeter_high/?rdt=44960

You can’t abuse something that has no limit. Stop calling things unlimited and then blaming users when they are not.

You should watch the documentary show about the duggars and how they’re part of a huge cult that systemically indoctrinates kids, fucks them, and gets them into politics. It’s disgusting. It’s an organized push of quiverfull fundamentalist shit being pushed into law.

Ah yes, the skill to work 100 hours a week and be on call 24/7 and expect things like breaks. They should ask Amazon where they hire because that’s much of the same!