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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I don’t like this Altman guy I’ve bit. He’s a punk. I think it was a mistake on Apple’s part to partner with him.

Let’s hope they can offer alternatives in the near future.

100% correct.

At the moment there are tons of Ai companies all trying to be The One that everybody will use.

But Google has Gemini and it has Android. Android has 70% market share worldwide and is offering Gemini for free to every user. That’s MASSIVE exposure.

For openai to get on Android the user has to install it as an app. It’s VERY difficult to get your average user to know what openai is and why they should use it, never mind getting them to install the app.

So to be the default Ai on iPhone is a HUGE deal for openAi and gives them massive exposure over the competition.

Google pays Apple billions to Apple to be the default search engine so openAi not having to pay anything is actually very surprising to me.

I think the only reason Apple isn’t making them pay is because Apple plans to offer other Ai services in future.

Exactly. Also memoji on Android would be nice as well as the better emoji content on iPhones…

The bedtime mode on iPhone is also very cool as well as the ability to set your contact photo which other iPhone users will see when they call you.

Plus I think Apple have done a better job with widgets because they look nicer and are stackable.

Imo as an android user, android has been neglected by Google for a while and apart from Samsung no other OEM’s are adding for software to rival Apple.

Which is one of many reasons why I’ll be switching back to iPhone. I see more and better user features being added to iOS.

The only thing Google has done with android lately is Material You, and it’s not as rich as apples customisation. And circle to search is a stupid feature which only benefits Google more than the user.

Exactly. You get it. At the end of the day they are all going to get many of the same features.

They both copy from webOS anyway, at the end of the day. That webOS from Palm was way ahead at the time but lacked the hardware and Carrier support needed to succeed.

I can’t afford a new one so I’m looking at used IPhone’s to get. Because Apple tends to support them for 5+ years, I still should get at least 2 years OS updates with a used one.

I’m thinking iPhone 13 is a good one to get.

Too much fuss about nothing. Samsung just want to be sure that they aren’t getting ripped off on warranty repairs and that they have an accurate idea of the devices repair history. Especially with 4 - 7 years OS support on new models, that phone will likely belong to several owners over the years.

When I worked in Telecoms back in 2005 - 2008, Samsung had the very best repair centres. Out of all the OEM’s their repairs were the fastest and the best quality and if a phone went in for repair more than twice, they would replace it on the third repair with a brand new unit.

Could not say that about Nokia, HTC, Sony Ericsson or Motorola. (There was no iPhone yet in my country at that time)

They’ve been dodgy since day 1.

I use Linux at home exclusively (Linux Mint Debian Edition).

Don’t need Windows for anything but when I worked Enterprise IT the move to Windows 10 was a massive pain but we finally got it working and it wasn’t too bad as an OS. There is no reason why you’d want to upgrade.

As for home users, from my experience people don’t like change. If you move a single shortcut on the desktop , they are lost and panic .

So changing the entire look of the UI is not something people want. Plus Windows 10 auto update borked some windows 7 systems so users with that memory won’t be keen to repeat it by upgrading to 11.

Did you not see him type into Yahoo who the major shareholders are of the companies in question? And the results? It was very clear.

I saw a documentary recently where they show how virtually all the worlds brands are owned by BlackRock as the largest shareholder.

BlackRock has 4 major shareholders: Rothschild’s, Du Pont, Rockefeller and one other I forgot. Rothschild’s holds the larger share.

The same Rothschilds who boast about creating the state of Israel.

Whatever you use, Apple, Google, Coke, Pepsi, Amazon, Boeing, Airbus, whichever car you can name, they basically own it. And all your money goes to them.

It’s near impossible to escape their grasp. So don’t waste your time unless you self host at home or find truly independent alternatives.


In my experience my default browser is always used, Firefox. And I disabled Chrome.

For anything secure I’d always open it in Firefox and never use the in app browser just in case.

That’s because it’s getting harder to find CD’s plus the majority of people buy digital

I run Linux but only and recommend Firefox. Cross device sync is the best I’ve ever seen, the add ons library is good, you can theme it and it works well for me. Plus there’s no chrome bs on there and the privacy defaults are good.

For search I use Google because it’s still the best. And the others typically just give you Google results anyway. If you want Google results but without the tracking, in theory, look at Startpage.

Great news. I wish they would also deduct stars if the heating/cooling controls are not physical too.

I never said China was good either. I just said Apple are being jackasses.

Newsflash: there is no such thing as a good government or politician. They are typically all scumbags.

Seems Apple is following in their footsteps

I didn’t say China was bad. I said Apple was bad.

And you can make a very good Android phone with AOSP. You won’t have Google services but you could make your own app store like Huawei and Samsung have.

Many of these companies still exist but do other things. The biggest open source successful project is Servers - much servers run Linux. After that the next most successful open source is Android - the best selling mobile OS on the planet. That’s really my friend…

Are you on drugs or something bro? I don’t hate anyone. If anything I feel sorry for apple customers because they are being abused and don’t even know it.

You should read up on Richard Stallman and the ideas of Libre Software/Free Open Source Software.

Then you will understand how bad Apple really is towards its users and why everyone should be using Linux and open source software.

Lol. Apple is at the HEART of communism and NWO. It is BIG BROTHER. That’s why their devices are locked down - to lock you in…

Don’t forget Apple complied with Chinese Communist government to give them access to users iCloud accounts and also banned apps Chinese government doesn’t like. Meanwhile Google is still banned in china because they refused to censor the internet.

Plus on android I don’t have to log into anything Google and can install open source apps to me hearts delight, with zero spyware or even install a different OS. Can’t do that with apple stuff.

Rethink your world view.

I wish the EU would just ban Apple altogether and be done with it! No more sales of anything Apple.

Close all the stores, both local and online, stop selling accessories, stop selling macs, iPads, TV etc.

Let current device owners use it until it breaks and then recycle it.

End of story. That company is just poison. The apple logo suits them - it’s the poisonous apple given to snow white!!

HP is in the extortion business now…

Batteries and their construction if at the moment a worse alternative. And involves slave labour.

At least C02 is already naturally occurring. Btw, humans and plants need C02 to live. Without it we die …

I’m sure there is more that can be done. I’ve heard that Porsche have developed a cleaner fuel that can power petrol cars. I’m waiting so that what that is.

Unfortunately the car manufacturers typically have supported the petrol suppliers, which are big powerful entities, but if they stop doing that and really focus on clean fuel, I’m sure it can be achieved.

EV’s at the moment are NOT good for the environment and create WAY more pollution than petrol cars in their manufacturing process. Making batteries produces WAY more pollution than what petrol cars with catalytic converters will ever make in a lifetime. This is a fact.

Finally someone sees common sense. EV’s simply do not make sense. Petrol is the way to go. Just make the engines cleaner and leaner.

For the majority of the planet, petrol is far more accessible and affordable than electricity.

I’m sticking with petrol no matter what they say

I’ve been through quite a few keyboards both open source and closed and they pretty much all suck. In the end I found Gboard to be the only viable option.

I did go into settings and disable all the data sharing, uploading/downloading options so in theory it should send nothing to the cloud.

It’s swipe typing is also best of the rest at the moment. I swipe type 99% of the time

No offence but I don’t think this phone will be any good in a few years because of the CPU choice.

If it’s already sluggish now, what will it be like in 5 years? Unusable.

Another idiot company who seriously thinks this will work. All that will happen is the remaining employees will have to work twice as hard to keep things afloat but the CEO will give Ai the credit…

Lol. Thanks. But I take don’t give a crap about up or downvotes. I literally never look at that ever. I just want to get my opinion out and see what other people’s opinions are.

But you’re right, it’s probably the isheep…

I’m not surprised. Apple Vision Pro is junk. Zuckerberg released a short video giving his opinion and he’s right::Quest is way better in every way and 7 times cheaper.

The Quest is lighter, has no cables, can do AR and VR, has better controllers, has way more apps and games and costs 7(!) times less.

The Vision Pro is bulky and heavy, cords get in the way, the battery only lasts 2 hours, you need special lenses if you use glasses, it barely has any apps and it’s watching you all the time.

Apple should really be embarrassed at how bad this product is after years of R&D and millions spent. They can’t even compete against Quest. All they had to do was copy it but they couldn’t even manage that.

What a joke!

This can’t be right. This is Africa. There is barely any electricity let alone charging network for electric cars.

This can’t be right. Petrol cars will live on WAY longer than the politicians like to think

I think we all saw this coming. But the worst part is this: they want to replace white collar jobs like Developers, Managers, Architects, Engineers etc - all the educated people.

Whereas it should be used to replace manual labour jobs in conjunction with robotics to spare humans doing heavy and dangerous labour, freeing them to go study and get white collar jobs. Thereby improving society and raising people on the bottom, to the middle and beyond.

Instead they are cutting down the top and the middle, making these people jobless and poor thereby increasing the poverty!

Just so that a few billionaires can get even richer! It’s disgusting!

Blame everyone but themselves and their greed… Interesting how Ai never replaces the CEO or The Board…🤔

It’s just a big money grab! Everyone is trying to get rich quick. Like with the App Store. Everyone is hoping their bot breaks into the big time and makes them rich.

This is what is terrible about society. Few are making bits that help people, they make bots that appeal to the base desires. A race to the bottom if you will…will man ever learn???

Wrong. According to the companies who pay for iOS and Android exploits in other to make tools like Pegasus, they say it is far harder to get a working android exploit than it is too get a working iOS exploit and as a result they pay more for Android exploits because ios exploits are far more common.

Why is this? Because Google has an Android security team that actively seeks exploits and patches them and Google also invites people to Hackathons and pays them for exploits.

Android is now harder than iOS.
