Oh hi.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


I say we let him build up a huge satellite fleet and then force him to sell a huge chunk of it under antitrust law.

Genuinely curious, this isn’t snark, what do you suggest in the US that’s better than the NY Times? I mean, NPR, of course, but I can’t really detect much of a difference between the two.

I hope you’re right. Something about the scope and type of change we’re seeing here feels quite different. It can be mistake too to assume that things will go the way they usually have. I wouldn’t advise anyone to be complacent. We had to have something close to a second civil war in the US to get things like an 8 hour day.

Yeah, American here. This isn’t a huge mystery. Electric cars here are expensive because people refuse to give up their giant vehicles. American culture is so gross…

The pattern is: Offer something really cool for cheap or even free, then once people are hooked slowly reduce service while increasing price. It’s a giant bait and switch.

So, do we know if this means users have to have the ability, or the people who run the app? Seems vaguely worded.

There are some gems hidden in the rubble. But one probably wouldn’t say they’re good because they’re low budget.

Elon has the vibe of someone who likes low budget TV shows now that you mention it.

I’m just going to go out on a limb and say, maybe it shouldn’t be possible for one person to have enough wealth to singlehandedly buy and destroy important social institutions.

Also, maybe smart people shouldn’t be putting all their eggs into one privately owned basket.