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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


It’s legal in US but not in most other countries

Honestly, Google back in the day was a great company. They were focused on putting the best product for consumer, supported open standards, kept ads at a minimum… A bit like Valve today. They really were “good guys”.

Then I’m not sure what happened, they stopped caring and left the MBAs in charge maybe.

Yes Mozilla is a good example. They’re run like any other Silicon Valley company and spend more in C-suite develop their damn product.

The problem of being stuck on an old kernel isn’t because of Google or Android, but because of chip makers (e.g. Qualcomm) not providing drivers.

Good, Baker can go find an other x millions salary elsewhere because it’s necessary for her family (as she said in an interview), and Firefox can become a community project again that still pays salary to actual developers but without the expensive bullshitting C-suite.

What does Google have to do with that?

It’s easy to make the most capable product if you disregard the price point completely.

They’re living off the rent from older products. What’s their last innovation? Vision Pro??

I believe they’re talking about the damages made by Bob Swan, the previous CEO who is indeed an MBA and was CFO of Intel before.

My car (Citroën) has a contact less key, I don’t have to get it out of my pocket and the car automatically opens.

But it still includes a small physical key to open the car when the battery (of the car or key) is dead.

GOOG-411 was created specifically for Google to gather voice samples, with different ages, accents, etc. to train voice recognition. It was never for the sake of providing a service.

In France installing a charger in appartement building is mandatory if the resident asks for it, even if they’re renting.

Just buy one if you need. I don’t understand people who prefer forced bundles over deciding what to buy.

Unless you think an included charger is free. It’s not, it’s factored in the price.

Just read to the top comment saying it’s profitable to replace them anyway.

You can deploy open source software or your own apps even on big tech infrastructure, on your own domain.

The problem isn’t infrastructure, it’s that access to content isn’t decentralized any more. Access to content is reliant on Google search or social media algorithms (who decide what to promote).

Maybe, whatever. It’s just too annoying for me to click on that shit.

I just don’t like Linus because he’s annoying and abuses clickbait thumbnails and titles.

Some of their videos (from other people than himself) are good, but usually I’ll avoid LTT content all together.

For that reason I’m not really sure what happened, and I don’t really care.

Especially coming from Google, who was one of the good guys pushing open standards and interoperability.

OK, generative AI isn’t machine learning.

But to get back to what AI is, the definition has been moving forever as AI becomes “just software” when it becomes ubiquitous. People were shocked that machines could calculate, then that they can play chess better than humans, then that they can read handwriting…

The first mistake have been to invent the term to start with, as it implies thinking machine but they’re not.

Or as Dijkstra puts it: “asking whether a machine can think is as dumb as asking if a submarine can swim”.

Or simply squish them like they were rubber instead of destroying them.

Sounds just like the Rick and Morty episode “Night Family”.

Went great for them!

I’ve seen cases where it takes some time to the group of people in the elevator to figure out the obstruction. Because it won’t even touch the object, just reopen again and again.

So no, elevators don’t do that, and I assume the parent comment is sarcastic.

Yeah, but everyone could see that as soon as they released it.

It doesn’t matter how it’s implemented, it could have been done as an app from day one.

But they made it a device instead because it makes it easy to raise funds and to get journalists to talk about it. As simple as that.

Cybertruck, and shitting on his customers on Twitter.

Most Tesla buyers are urban left wing people, not rural redneck. Shit on “the libs” and you’re shitting on your customer base.

The title is super confusing, it looks like Kubernetes is part of Red Hat

That’s the problem that everyone shouting “parents need to parent better” here is ignoring.

If you cut off access to the group chat, her friends are not going to call her daily on your landline (that maybe you don’t have) to exchange gossips. What will happen is that she’ll be out of the loop, isolated from the group. When they’re planning an afternoon out they might forget to tell her.

You can’t make your kids live in a 90’s bubble, because when we were kids in the 90’s we had friends living like us. Cut off your kid from messenging and you cut them from their friends and isolate to them from their age class.

That’s absolutely not good for them, and it’s not good parenting.

(Not talking about you comment parent BTW, your parenting is fine, I’m just responding to your comment to address all those saying it’s just parents’ fault)

I think most of them get an older phone from their parents.

There will still be humans in 100 years. The planet is fine, we’re just making it harder for us and many other species to survive.

How many humans there will be, and how they will live is a different question.

We can already create enough abondance that no human starves, sleep outside or can’t affotd medical treatment. Still look at the world.

Last time I checked BYD prices, they were not cheaper than other EVs.

What am I missing?