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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I’m definitely interested in a modern Steam Machine and I wish them luck. But it’s tough to manage the logistics of crowdfunded hardware if you’re inexperienced and I’ve been burned before. Hopefully they can handle it.

I’m not defending Google but I think the change is just an admission that the old “Chromecast” branding is outdated. It wouldn’t surprise me if less than 5% of users still regularly cast from a desktop browser.

I don’t understand why LTT wouldn’t negotiate a settlement first with the accuser in exchange for a nondisclosure and non-disparagement agreement before releasing any statement. You could view their posturing as defiance.

Exactly. Maximizing shareholder value is an inherent conflict of interest.

Tim really wants that visionary breakthrough product to “cement his legacy”.

I’ve been working in tech for close to thirty years now mostly with larger tech and financial companies. For my parent’s and grandparent’s generation, you could reasonably expect lifetime employment at the same company. Work well and you’ll be treated well.

This started to change when I began working in the 90s and especially after the 2001 and 2008 recessions. Since then, it’s gotten much worse.

Companies don’t want to treat all employees well anymore, just their top talent that they want to retain. Who cares what the rest think because they’re transient anyway and won’t be around for more than a few years. Build around your top people and view the others as interchangeable parts.

Don’t bother investing in the rest of your employees. Just hire when needed, fire those you don’t like, who aren’t a good fit, and who are too old. Firing is one of their top tools if they want a quick cost reduction to boost their stock price.

Maintaining the upper hand of the employee/employer power dynamic is much more desirable than properly treating the people who work for you. If the employees don’t like it, they know where the door is. They’re replaceable anyway. That’s why employees have lost the RTO battles.

As an older worker, I despise how cutthroat the corporate world is now. I feel like I’m about to be tossed out with the trash.

I’m on a cruise ship trying Starlink for the first time and it’s impressive. I haven’t tried anything yet that requires low latency like gaming but websites and video streaming are all fast and responsive.

It’s a combination of higher interest rates, short term thinking, and a follow the crowd mentality when CEO’s see everyone else cutting back.

I had a more hate than love relationship with Reddit over the last decade. Quit and rejoined twice. I viewed it as a necessary evil so I could keep up with some smaller tech subreddits.

So I was more than happy to delete my account for good after the events of the last month. Looking forward to being here.