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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


And I want whoever came up with this idea to spontaneously combust, but neither of us is going to get what we want.

Oh yeah dementia is a hard no for me. My dad had glioblastoma and it was like cancer and dementia combined. Watching him made me even more positive that I’d rather jump off a cliff than live like that. Every day was confusing and scary and he became really volatile, but he turned down assisted suicide when he was still lucid, so there was nothing we could do. If I’m ever in that position, give me the drugs, I’m done.

Yeah, no fuckin shit. I’ve been incredibly fortunate and started saving for retirement at 22 (not because I could afford it, it’s mandatory when you work for the government) and I’m almost 40 and still only have about $220k saved. I’m miles ahead of most of my friends, and miles behind where I’d actually need to be to retire at 65. I realized a few years ago that my options are to work until I die or retire when I’m ready and off myself when I’m out of money. Option 2 is a lot more appealing - at least I’ll get to enjoy myself for a few years instead of none.

I’ve given up on the idea of owning a home. That’s just plain never gonna happen on a single income.

My comment history was like 50% shitposting about the beauty industry and 50% hating on Christian fundamentalists. There’s honestly no way it won’t make AI at least a little bit worse, and I’m not mad about it.

I’m doing well, just cooling off with my AmazonCommercial HVF20-SP Industrial Fan, 20", which is the perfect size and has multiple settings, which I appreciate as a human shopper looking for a good deal on a great product. It’s versatile enough to cool my bedroom OR my warehouse. I love my AmazonCommercial HVF20-SP Industrial Fan, 20". How are you? Are you also enjoying a powerful, yet quiet, cooling experience, my friend?

I tried to swipe some word earlier and it decided what really wanted to say was ConocoPhillips. Why the fuck is that even in the dictionary in my phone? When would I ever want to say that?

I know! Giant and knobby and gangly but then they have those Disney eyes and lashes. They’re the best.

Giraffes are my favorite animals. I have a zoo membership at least 50% because it means I can just go hang out by the giraffe habitat and watch them for a while, so I’m basically an expert and can say that this baby is perfect and amazing and I would die for it.

Huh, his art is technically fine, but I’ve seen photorealism done better (and really, it tends to be one of the most boring genres of art imo, because it’s usually more focused on accuracy than on any kind of meaning or feeling). I probably wouldn’t have thought twice about him if I ever came across his work, but now my impression is that he’s not particularly likeable in addition to being a pretty mediocre artist. Especially since the original review was very fair - maybe nicer than he deserved. That chicken hand was rough.

I would love to cancel it. I almost never watch it and there’s nothing I do watch that I couldn’t live without. Unfortunately, my mom does watch it constantly, and she’d just sign up for her own account if I got rid of mine, so in the interest of keeping her bills down, I’m kind of stuck. At least I got her to dump Hulu’s outrageously overpriced live tv option, so I got that going for me.

I’m only moderately classy, but I’ll do it for $400. I’m really good at pretending to be interested in stuff I don’t care about, so they can talk about whatever weirdness they got going on that makes them willing to pay $500 a month for fuckin tinder. What a steal!

It’s not sewing thread bobbins, it’s these - they’re just a thin piece of plastic to start with, so I think 3D printing will work fine. They mostly just sit in a box or on a ring if I’m taking a project with me somewhere.

Thanks! I found a design on printables, now I just need someone to print me like…200 of them. Hallelujah, no more paying DMC for their crappy product that only kind of works.

Thank you! I found pretty much exactly what I’m looking for on printables, so at least I have a starting point.

So I don’t 3D print, and I just happened to come across this thread scrolling all, but on the flipside, is there a good way to commission someone to do smaller jobs? I embroider and the available floss bobbin options are a total suckfest. I would happily pay for some better ones, but I don’t know how to even find someone to give my money to?

Ugh, I would kill for a small truck. I don’t need a truck I have to use a ladder to climb into with a bed that’s 4 feet long because the extended cab takes up the rest of the space. I love my 11 year old RAV4, but I would consider buying something new if small trucks actually existed anymore. Or, yeah, an electric car that wasn’t full of useless tech. I love tech, in it’s proper place, but my car is not it.