• 27 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023

Wayback Machine back in read-only mode after DDoS, may need further maintenance.

AI is also likely to continue or exacerbate patterns of harm and exploitation that have historically been common in the biopharmaceutical industry. One example discussed in the paper is that the ownership of and profit from AI is currently concentrated in high-income countries, while low- to middle-income countries with weak regulations may be targeted for data extraction or experimentation with the deployment of potentially risky new technologies.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/20664372 > X (formerly Twitter) claims that non-consensual nudity is not tolerated on its platform. But a recent study shows that X is more likely to quickly remove this harmful content—sometimes known as revenge porn or non-consensual intimate imagery (NCII)—if victims flag content through a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown rather than using X's mechanism for reporting NCII.

Fusion energy is still a distant pipe dream at this point. Don’t believe the hype.

Look, i’m not saying that this isn’t a problem. My only question is, is this one of those “global warming is because people don’t recycle their soda bottles” things? In other words, How concerned should I be about this vs, taking attention away from the energy, beef, and transportation industry?

How do we keep forgetting over and over again as a society that people are spreading bigotry and conspiracy theories ON PURPOSE? We keep deluding ourselves into believing that if we just get the right tool to properly educate people then the problem will go away.

LLMs can and are being used to spread misinformation and propaganda and conspiracy theories and bigotry at least as rapidly as they can counteract it.

When the water is just right.

The model, called GameNGen, was made by Dani Valevski at Google Research and his colleagues, who declined to speak to New Scientist. According to their paper on the research, the AI can be played for up to 20 seconds while retaining all the features of the original, such as scores, ammunition levels and map layouts. Players can attack enemies, open doors and interact with the environment as usual. After this period, the model begins to run out of memory and the illusion falls apart.

In 2014, a woman undergoing surgery for epilepsy had a tiny chunk of her cerebral cortex removed. This cubic millimeter of tissue has allowed Harvard and Google researchers to produce the most detailed wiring diagram of the human brain that the world has ever seen. Biologists and machine-learning experts spent 10 years building an interactive map of the brain tissue, which contains approximately 57,000 cells and 150 million synapses. It shows cells that wrap around themselves, pairs of cells that seem mirrored, and egg-shaped “objects” that, according to the research, defy categorization. This mind-blowingly complex diagram is expected to help drive forward scientific research, from understanding human neural circuits to potential treatments for disorders.

Seems like it would be better to have government buy-in to federated platforms. There are some governments that have moved their official announcements to Mastodon, which is a good start.

What the Fediverse really needs to ensure longevity is government and journalist support.

Reddit has that effect. I admit I was a little unhinged when I came here, but either people calm down and start acting like real human beings, or else they realize they can’t have their fun being trolls and they leave. It’s a funny thing that happens when an entire platform is centered around people, not profit. Bots and ragebait are great for stonks - they drive “engagement” and inflate MAU - so they are pervasive on every platform with shareholders.

Reddit isn’t really intuitive either. Most platforms have at least some learning curve. We have a great ecosystem of apps that help. I only wish a YouTuber would make a good explainer.

Here’s one for the Fediverse that I saw recently: https://youtu.be/QzYozbNneVc

Cool, I’ve heard that people love paying for access to their own content that used to be free.

This is a good time for anyone still on the site to share some Lemmy links.

Singapore’s Ministry of Education said Monday that roughly 13,000 students from 26 secondary schools had their devices wiped remotely in the incident. The agency said it will remove the Mobile Guardian from all iPads and Chromebooks it issues. Second breach in 4 months Also on Monday, Mobile Guardian revealed its platform had been breached in a “security incident that affected users globally, including on the North America, European, and Singapore instances.

Thanks. I couldn’t understand if there was a data breach that led to this or if it was just current users.

“This is a premium feature. To unlock the right-click menu, just enjoy this 30 second ad, or click to add to your monthly subscription.”

It’s always seemed like a laundering scheme to me.

Although they did actually market and sell oversized lighters at a hefty profit (as “flamethrowers”).

I don’t totally understand how or when article image headers populate.

I especially love the image, which is both a literal and a figurative illustration of AI failure.

It’s clearly meant to be an ouroborus made out of tech. The AI image generator left out the key trait - it’s supposed to be eating itself.

You can also use this calculator app, as well as camera, recorder, gallery, dialer, text messages, and more. Also well designed and also FOSS


You can replace your calculator, as well as your clock, contacts, record, translate, and more pretty easily. It’s well designed, and it’s FOSS!


Thanks, I appreciate it. I’ll check it out.

Not sure what you mean by “train.” If you mean “test” then yes, they are in alpha and anyone can submit bugs. As other users have said, we have only their word that they intend to keep the source available. If you mean “track users to train ML models,” then no. The whole point is that the software is private. All of the processing - the gesture typing, the audio processing, the LLM, etc are all performed on-device. And the source is visible for all to see, so it offers similar protections to FOSS software in this regard.

The software doesn’t “phone home” - it can’t even check itself for updates. It just sends you a little message on a predetermined schedule to manually check. (or you can use a repo/software manager)

In theory and in practice, any Open Source project could be purchased by a for profit company who takes down the source code. However, any prior code would remain under the previous open license. Apparently one of the issues with this license is that it contains no durable license for the code itself. You can’t just fork it and make your own version, although you can use any of the code with certain noncommercial and attribution requirements.

Thank you - I would love to read any resources that you have

Outside of software spaces the discussion around copyright seems so much more nuanced. Any creative commons license is generally considered “copyleft” regardless of the details, and some are far more restrictive than the FUTO license. Consider projects like Wikipedia which accept content licensed under GDFL, or CC-BY, or CC-BY-SA, Apache 2.0, or PD.

I am not a programmer, so maybe I am missing a huge piece of context, but what is the insistence in the free software community for what seems like total license purity? I even see software engineers arguing that “everyone” should use Apache or MIT and not the other, which is somehow bad for the FOSS community. What am I missing? Isn’t more free better than less free?

I’ve been using it for about a month now on a pixel phone and it’s been excellent. Parts of it are still in alpha, but I have been lucky.

A pretty interesting take, and an interesting discussion about what it means to be open source. Is there room for a trusted space between open source and closed corporate software?

Google owner Alphabet is in advanced discussions to buy fast-growing cybersecurity startup Wiz for roughly $23 billion, a person familiar with the matter confirmed to CNN. A takeover of Wiz, which makes cybersecurity software for cloud computing, would represent a major bet by Google on cybersecurity, marking the tech giant’s biggest-ever acquisition.

Although Wikipedia is occasionally prone to group-think, and the editing process is truly Byzantine, it is also one of the most indispensable projects on the internet. this diatribe reads a little like: Why are you so obsessed with me?

Sorry, but I believe that terror groups (such as the KKK, Proud Boys, GDL, ISIS/Daesh, NJP, Patriot Front) should not be allowed unlimited free reign to spread their message and recruit followers but that’s just me. I understand the argument for unlimited free speech on every platform, but I happen to disagree.

It is specifically not that. It’s about people misusing the term “Zionists” to refer to Jews, which is also a thing that happens.

The complete statement is here if you want to see it. The posted article does a pretty poor job explaining it.

Who said anything about banning it? You can read the full statement here. As I said, this is about bigots co-opting the word to say bigoted shit, taking into account the nuance of how a word can be used or misused. Literally no one other than propagandists are talking about Meta “banning” the word.

We do not allow content that attacks people on the basis of protected characteristics such as nationality, race, or religion, among others. We do allow people to criticize adherents of political affiliations and ideologies.

That is exactly it. Antisemites figured out a while back that they could say whatever they want about Jews as long as they swap out the word Zionist. This has been a feature of white supremacy for ages. It used to be “people with big noses” or “people who wear hats” or even “bankers,” or “globalists.” The latter two are more similar to the use of “Zionist” because they represent actual groups that people criticize. That gives more cover to the actual antisemites.

This is actually a good thing, because it removes that cover from bigots who want to hijack the movement and hide behind it.

Thanks, I’ve been trying to find them to include in the App Directory, so please let me know if you happen to find out!

Ersei, the developer behind this so-called Cloud Native Computer, says the project was primarily a “silly” pursuit. There is also a problem with booting from Google Drive currently being very slow. However, the dev also boasts that “the possibilities are endless” and would welcome any companies or individuals who wish to get in contact and discuss commercializing this project or something related to it.

The rocket was undergoing a static fire test of the stage, in which a vehicle is clamped to a test stand while its engines are ignited, when the booster broke free. According to a statement from the company, the rocket was not sufficiently clamped down and blasted off from the test stand "due to a structural failure." Video of the accidental ascent showed the rocket rising several hundred meters into the sky before it crashed explosively into a mountain 1.5 km away from the test site.

Or that part of the Bible was written by a politically motivated king to centralize his power and overturn the checks and balances between the monarchy and priesthood.

Gosh it would be awful if someone taught all those kids that Adam was originally androgynous, that priests are required to perform abortions, that the sin of Sodom was not fully supporting the poor, and that Joseph was a drag queen.

Sure would be a shame.

Okay, now we’re cooking!

This is like when the bad guy from the last movie teams up with the heroes at the last minute to help fight the new big bad.

In December 2019, astronomers were surprised to observe a long-quiet galaxy, 300 million light-years away, suddenly come alive, emitting ultraviolet, optical, and infrared light into space. Far from quieting down again, by February of this year, the galaxy had begun emitting X-ray light; it is becoming more active. Astronomers think it is most likely an active galactic nucleus (AGN), which gets its energy from supermassive black holes at the galaxy's center and/or from the black hole's spin. That's the conclusion of a new paper accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, although the authors acknowledge the possibility that it might also be some kind of rare tidal disruption event (TDE). The brightening of SDSS1335_0728 in the constellation Virgo, after decades of quietude, was first detected by the Zwicky Transient Facility telescope. Its supermassive black hole is estimated to be about 1 million solar masses. To get a better understanding of what might be going on, the authors combed through archival data and combined that with data from new observations from various instruments, including the X-shooter, part of the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile's Atacama Desert.

>With a dataset this large, no site that allows logins is unaffected by these leaked credentials

Tack "&udm=14" on to the end of a normal search, and you'll be booted into the clean 10 blue links interface. While Google might not let you set this as a default, if you have a way to automatically edit the Google search URL, you can create your own defaults.

Coffeezilla asks: "Is the LAM a Scam? Down the rabbit hole we go."

Despite seemingly having nothing else in the pipeline and the AI Pin being dead on arrival, Bloomberg reports the company is "seeking a price of between $750 million and $1 billion in a sale."

FOSS scanner app surpasses Microsoft for usability
**A Personal Journey Through Enshittification** As an important part of my work I often need to scan paper documents, and then use those pdf documents generated to update records or often reprint copies of the same documents. Using a full size document scanner/copier is often not an option or is just plain inconvenient compared with the quick availability of cell phone scanning. For anyone who is used cell phone scanning at any sort of professional scale, you know that it is often finicky. White documents come out gray, stray shadows ruin the contrast on half the page, text and images alongside each other Turn out to be difficult to optimize. Enter Microsoft Office Lens. This was a great little app that has excellent filters making it easy to fix shadows and white balance in a snap (or rather a tap). However, in order to use all the features, Microsoft began nudging users toward Microsoft Office Mobile. For example, did you want to view or edit those scanned PDFs? Better get another app to connect your other Microsoft apps. Congratulations, you now have multiple redundant apps! Office Mobile replaced the Lens Scanner on my device. Microsoft Office Mobile was itself discontinued in 2023 in favor of Microsoft 365 (Office). This brought the same functionality while also pushing other niche Microsoft apps (like OneNote). In the latest update, I was horrified (but hardly surprised) to see that the latest app is little more than a platform to launch Microsoft Copilot, their AI assistant that the company has clearly gone all-in with. Mind you, there is already a Bing App, a Microsoft Launcher, Edge Web Browser, *and a dedicated Copilot App*, all shilling the Microsoft AI front and center. **A Light at the End of the Tunnel** It's at this time that I decide to re-evaluate an App I had tried months ago: [OSS Document Scanner](https://github.com/Akylas/OSS-DocumentScanner). When I first experimented with making the switch, I found that it lacked the image processing, text recognition, and ease of use I needed to really replace what at the time was still a very usable non-free app. When I checked in on the project, I was blown away! This was not the juvenile scanning app I tried to test-drive before. Here instead was a fully functioning, powerful, and user-focused app. It is able to quickly and accurately detect document edges, scan multiple pages in a row, detect text (with a simple in-app download), and crucially, to automagically white balance each page for clear, readable, and printable results. Saving and exporting is a cinch too. If I sound overly excited, that's probably true. This was a frequent pain point in my day to day work. I prefer to use FOSS apps whenever it makes sense to do so. There are many tasks in my life that are simply not easily replicated by FOSS software, so when I find one that is actually *better* than the non-free options out there, it really makes my day and I want to share it. If you ever use your phone to scan documents, check out this app, or share with a coworker: [GitHub](https://github.com/Akylas/OSS-DocumentScanner/releases) | [Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.akylas.documentscanner) | [IzzyOnDroid](https://apt.izzysoft.de/packages/com.akylas.documentscanner) | [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/oss-document-scanner/id6472918564)

“Well over half of the musicians on streaming services are *paying mony* for you to pay money to listen to their music.”

The video feed of Flip, a short-form vertical app, is a 2020s QVC in a nightmare, as if a bunch of teens started an influencer marketing agency where brand safety is not a real concept. It doesn’t really matter what’s in these videos, as long as the product being reviewed is linked below.

They frame it as though it's for user content, more likely it's to train AI, but in fact it gives them the right to do almost anything they want - up to (but not including) stealing the content outright.

The device provides a realistic sense of hot and cold in the missing “phantom” hand by delivering thermal information to nerve areas on the amputee’s residual limb that the brain believes are still connected to the missing hand.

“We developed a deep neural network that maps the phase and amplitude of WiFi signals to UV coordinates within 24 human regions. The results of the study reveal that our model can estimate the dense pose of multiple subjects, with comparable performance to image-based approaches, by utilizing WiFi signals as the only input.”

2017 Medium Article: “Why The Hyperloop Will Fail”
"At the end of the day I just want to know who’ll be responsible when the tube collapses and people get seriously hurt or worse. Can’t say I didn’t warn you guys." Problem 1: Thermal Expansion Problem 2: Vacuum Problem 3: Scale Problem 4: Energy Requirements / Cost Problem 5: Deceleration Problem 6: Acceleration

23andMe Terms of Service Update | Hacker News
Following a major security breach that saw millions of users' genetic information compromised, 23andMe has updated its terms of service to make it harder to sue. Users have been receiving emails forcing them to opt out of new arbitration rules: >Please notify us within 30 days of receiving this email if you do not agree to the terms, in which case you will remain subject to the current Terms of Service. If you do not notify us within 30 days, you will be deemed to have agreed to the new terms.