• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


I wonder how AI bro come up with this idea.

The collar is chatgpt api user. It doesn’t understand your per. It doesn’t translate language whatsoever.

This case is quite similar with Disney+ case. You press 'Agree', you lost the right to sue the company.

Interesting. Please click the link, it worth your time

Nah, what about not use shallowban and pretend users are too stupid to realise their voice is not heard by anybody.

Now car do get dlx, subscription.

And when you sell a car, all dlc are lost.

Yeah it is like Chinese students got to learn history, and how communist party have given th bright future

They have invested a lot in branding, now they got to claim it back.

Moreover, a high retail price make that bag valuable.

Nothing new. People doing this for years.

I know my neighbour who take photo of the god altar in his house and put as location on google map.

So here is photo for those who don’t want to click on link.


No, most shareholder don’t have voice in big corp. Only a handful of shareholder who invest ton of cash can speak

yo, make sure pay everyone their salary before pay your ceo

really ? How reddit take over google when reddit is slow and clutter while google still fast ?

We cannot lower carbon emissions if we keep producing steel with fossil fuels.

yeah, I think he is doing it now. Because if you dont boost, unlikely anyone will see what you tweet.

But Youtube already take more than half of what creator should earn.

If the contract is up, is there a limit or can you increase at much as you can ? Can you refuse to renew, envic the tenant , then put up higher price ?

Just curious, can you raise the rent and evic if tenant don’t agree to pay new price ?

Instead of traveling the world, that lady instead waste a ton of money on Chinese manipulated show. Unbelievable.

This is a fucking trap. Monthly subcription is a bait to force you into monthly but commit annuall subcription. And you got to pay the fine if you cancel.

So, it is basicly lock in unaware user.

I wonder what if a user use adobe for 13 months and cancel ? Do they have to pay the fine too ? Got to cancel the percision moment to avoid fine ?

A problem with EV is those cars are infected with DRM.

Remember tesla deactivate DLC ?

Huh what ? They prevent people read .mobi because the format is old ? What about plain text ? .txt ?

So, this is where lolicon and shotaco live. Look optimistic, it is better for AI to endure the abuse rather than real human victim.

I have quality drop that I can’t even see the scene.

huuuh, movve or lost your job.

It is suprised to see many people want to lost their job instead of move.

Kid these day are so lazy.