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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


… and execution speed is faster. And they’re both open source. I mean, good thing we have choices, right?

Sure, once you have root on the host system you can pretty much do whatever you want … adding entries to udev isn’t anything revolutionary.

When I saw “Copilot Recall” I initially thought they recalled Copilot … one can dream

That would require me to buy an iPhone which I won’t do for many many reasons… but ok, maybe Apple Maps is a decent competitor nowadays, good to know.

Google Maps, their traffic data has no rivals, unlike gmail which has plenty of good competition. It’s the one thing I couldn’t easily replace yet.

The real numbers we need to see are watts per volume, or watts per mass

You have to chase it down, following the link to electrek.co, but then it says: “the prototype cells house an energy density of 720 Wh/kg”

(of course, I’m just stating what is claimed, no idea how true)

If you (or that website) want to spread this kind of alarmist information, some would say conspiracies, you’d better back it with credible sources for all the claims in there. I read it and saw exactly zero evidence.

I love osmand for outdoor activities, recording hikes and bike rides, they actually have better info on trails than google maps (though there are specialized outdoor apps that are even better, usually paid). The UI has a lot of features and it’s not the easiest to navigate, but I love it exactly because it has all those features. Searching for places used to be a nightmare, but it got better. It even works with Android Auto (not sure abt Carplay for Apple folks).

So, what is it missing? Traffic info. And that’s why I still have Google maps.

that they look for a way to moderate cheating without just lazily requiring Windows in order to play online.

I would avoid those kernel level malwares anticheat anyways, whether they’re for Windows or if they port them to Linux (“to run this game, please load this kernel module”… no thanks).

I mean, yeah sure, but are the alternatives that much better in this respect? Which alternative non-ad-ridden, privacy-respecting smart tv would you recommend (or ended up buying)? Asking for my future tv choice…

Once again a misleading headline: No, Nissan isn’t evil trying to force people to buy a new car (Edit: well maybe a bit, see replies). Those older cars rely on 2G connectivity, which is soon to be shut down in the UK, so they are sunsetting support for the features relying on it…

TL;DR: The 2G network they rely on is shutting down.

Yeah, misleading headline. They’re talking about the linux desktop, and based just on browser stats. Marked share of linux as a whole, including all datacenters, servers, cloud infrastructure, and heck, throw in IOT devices, android, routers, etc, I’m pretty sure it’s the dominant OS already.

Forced to embrace, extend and extinguish? Or is this actually a good thing? (sorry I didn’t watch the whole 50 min video)

Wait, you did this on an AMD processor, or did I misunderstand? Isn’t it only supposed to work on Intel processors? Either way, I’d try with an Intel processor if I were you, if you have one handy, to see if it makes any difference.

As much as I’d like to use public transport, even with LA traffic on a Thursday (for those who don’t know, Thursdays are always the worst in LA), even when the 405 is a parking lot, taking the metro / bus is still at least 2x slower than driving. Yes I tried, it’s that ridiculous. There are a lot of ongoing projects to build and extend metro lines, new bike lanes, etc. but progress is very slow. As others have said, the whole metropolitan area was designed with cars, and only cars in mind.

Right? I don’t known why some Americans think they’re the only one capable of building AIs, and if someone else did it, they must be stealing it… (or more likely it’s an excuse)

Still using WhatsApp only, because I failed to convince people to switch to Signal (so far).

Didn’t they start as a non-profit? But I guess, as someone I know used to say, there’s one god everybody worships: the money god.

I see, thanks for the explanation. Yeah, burner phone, or I guess, have a “phone” using only wifi and use some secure messenger app to call & text (I want to say Signal, but that requires a phone number…), for the truly paranoid.

I read the article but I must’ve missed something: basically it’s saying if I go to another country and use my phone or device in roaming, my home telecom operator, and so my home country, can track me via the GSM signaling protocol. This is pretty much expected, so I don’t see the big deal, but …

Two questions:

  1. Can a third country not related to my home country or the country I’m visiting track me? the article uses the example of Saudi Arabia tracking saudi citizens abroad, which is troubling but unsurprising. If an unrelated third party / country could track, that’s more interesting
  2. Can’t I just avoid this by simply buying a local prepaid SIM card when traveling? The article says “there’s not much you can do about this” but if I were to buy a local SIM card, then I’m not roaming.

Also, Google could just more simply stop funding Firefox: Mozilla gets a lot of money from Google just to be the default search engine. Then again, maybe Firefox can switch to Bing or Duckduckgo, though I don’t know if those would pay as well as Google.

Time to boycott widevine and insist websites switch to an open standard … (though honestly good luck with that, Google might very well win that battle)

There’s no constantly on sensors, just a microphone… A microphone is not a sensor, right? right?

Yet one more thing I’ll avoid like the plague (together with tiktok, temu, anything apple or tesla, the list keeps growing)

Or, you know, we could just forget about iMessage, and instead use Signal (or your favorite end-to-end encrypted messenger app) that works on both iOS and Android with no meaningful differences.

You still need a phone number to create an account. This just lets you hide it, and lets you share a chosen username with new contacts rather than your phone number, but you still have to provide the phone number to signal.

I think I saw somebody selling drugs in a park next to a playground. We should forbid parks with playgrounds because they make it easy to sell drugs to kids.

Cameras as usually passive (i.e. they don’t emit light or any radiation, they just absorb the one that happens to land on their sensor), so no, not really.

Tha would be true only for those infrared cameras that have active IR LEDs to see at night, or lidars, radars, structured light 3d cameras, time-of-flight distance sensors, etc or anything that actually emits something. Regular cameras don’t.

Ignore the downvotes. I’m glad somebody still believes in freedom, and not just the crazy ones (i.e. fuck Andrew Tate, but fuck censorship too). People have died for us to enjoy this right that others want to throw down the drain.

Or stuff like:

Someone needs to firebomb the school board.

oh wait, that was you…

Honestly, I don’t care if he’s a climate denier or full on conspiracy theorist about everything, even a broken clock is right twice a day right? So when they say something right, I acknowledge it (and even people like you that, based on their profile are usually a bit less crazy, occasionally say crazy things as above).

While I would never need anything with Andrew Tate’s name on it, I absolutely agree with the statement and that’s why I stick with android. Upvoted.

At this point, I have to conclude that Musk is actively trying to kill Twitter.

You’re speaking with current lithium battery technology in mind. Supposedly, scientists in the article figured out a new technology that can be charged in 6 minutes. No word on whether it’s still necessary to slow down at the end, or charging efficiency. Time will tell I guess

Alright, so let’s assume a 100kWh battery like some tesla models. Now, someone made such a battery that can be charged in 6 minutes… how much power does it need?

100 kW•h / 6minutes = 100kW•h / 0.1h = 1000kW = 1MW

So, we need 1 MEGAWATT car chargers … that’s some power required there.

Sure, but why now? If it was a problem, why didn’t they do something about it 15 years ago or so?

It is alleged Google protects its franchise by shelling out billions of dollars annually to be the default search engine on the iPhone and on web browsers such as Apple’s Safari and Mozilla’s Firefox.

This has never been a secret, for years (decades) browsers like firefox, back when it was the dominant browser, would have its default search engine choice given to the highest bidder. At times, it was yahoo, or bing, before google outbid them in the following release of the browser. Obviously the same happens for safari, to noone’s surprise.

So, the real question is: why does this come up only now as potentially illegal?

we really need to be cranking up things like UBI and separating access to healthcare from employment.

Of course, some of those things are already there in non-USA countries. The US just needs to join the rest of the civilized world.

I really wish they’d just kill it. We already have one tiktok, which is already one too many