I make things of metal and code. I do road trips.

My main website is sensitive research (my queer scifi novel [The Delivery]is there), Rambler automobiles, Rambler Lore.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


The replies to this thread show a deep uniformed ignorance that’s frankly appalling and depressing.

You are simply factually incorrect. You need to read morecthsn just fanboy sources.

Language Is a Poor Heuristic for Intelligence
Yes! This is a brilliant explanation of why language use is not the same as intelligence, and why LLMs like chatGPT are not intelligence. At all.

I wonder how many complaining here actually read even this bland and uninformative article.

At issue I believe (because it is not stated, but discussed elsewhere in better venues) is that UK wants to be able to see inside encrypted comms and files, under the guise of CSAM detection. Apple is right to oppose it.

Arguments based on hypocrisy real or perceived in other venues (china) has nothing to do with this decision its just piss-taking. Give it a rest.

I wish everyone EVERYONE would stop saying “ai”. It is not in any way intelligence. These are large language models.

This is a bit long, but John Sayles says it right.


Figures. No surprise really. When you’ve maxed everything out the only path to growth is to squeeze existing customers.

Then bequest them now while they are still silly fun and make people happier.

Plain Matrix rooms are a bit too foreign to Discord users i’d say.

Not so long ago, Discord was entirely foreign, to all Discord users. When it was new. Yet they persisted!

Right. I wonder, now, if he had any idea what he was doing. Not to argue with you. His fuckups are just so weird here. If he wanted it “off” he could have been a lot more effective. He just looks like a fool and not one decision looks intentional. It is interesting though. A very slow motion car crash… I assume the bridge abutment or cliff is in front of him somewhere.

Right! If you don’t upgrade service periodically the freezer temperature goes up by one degree a month. It’s for your convenience!

It's graphically very pretty, at least, and I'm gonna miss the place.

There’s a lot of these sorts of “alignments”, where a random but reasonable deep interest (online games, cars) gets a fairly specific kind of sociopathic behaviors (creeps like Comer; endemic conservatives in car culture).

Anger, lack of assimilation of social feedback, male) in common.

Gamer creeps are loners aren’t they? Car creeps form clubs.

TIL how loooong it takes for a largeish business to die. It’s hard to grasp scale I guess. I thought it would be over in months.

I find it hard to believe Facebook is so terribly great. Keep in mind these are not businesses like a grocery store; they’re publicly traded and the metric is growth, not profit. (Edit: Twitter is private now no idea how that change is accomplished.)

Truly, I’m hoping they all die.

It’s hard to believe this is a viable business model. Vehicle makers seem to be playing to the top of the market, that’s only so big and doesn’t seem like a long term thing.

70k and up, hard to believe this can last. Vehicle complexity is insane.

It’s been this way continuously since computer memory was thought up.

Here’s a chart of memory price change since 1957


Facebook’s egregious behavior (Cambridge analytica) and their most extreme of all data collection makes TikTok look look like nothing.

TikTok has been investigated 20 times the rest and little bad behavior was found – assuming you accept what’s done today as acceptable, which I don’t.

People hate TikTok because of trumped up stories in the media.

Notice that NOT ONE SPECIFIC ACCUSATION has been lodged against the company.

Now I sound like I’m defending them. Just the opposite – condemning the bullshit and racist stories.

Downvote me all you want, but I dare you to find one thing that TikTok does that’s as bad as American companies. And post it here.

Tatar- is correct. “growth” is the problem inherent in publicly traded corporations. Growth sounds good. Living things grow!

But growth in this case means expansion,literally unlimited (in theory) which is how you take something quite viable (coffee, food, net service) and turn it into a monster that needs to endlessly grow, cut corners, cut salaroes, etc.

Growth has little to do with profit. Public corps are sold (shares) and to maintain/increase value of those shares, get monetarily bigger.

The whole “IPO” thing is a model based on this expectation of future growth.

Not profit salaries and goods, like a corner store. THAT could be sustainable.

And this is interesting…

"rodhilton Rod Hilton @rodhilton@mastodon.social I have some insider knowledge here that I wanted to share.

This is not happening because Google scrapes Twitter and is now unable to. Google has been a paying customer (with a special negotiated rate) of the Firehose API for nearly a decade. Presumably, that deal was still in effect, barring API rate changes having an impact.

So this decision is solely because the results can no longer be viewed by non-logged-in users.
