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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


You can still do that. They’re called body repair panels. They are usually plain metal. You have to cut out the old, weld in the new, grind them flat, prime and paint them. This isn’t cost efficient if your car is worth less than the paint you’d need. The parts usually are around $100-$300 bucks (if you don’t need OEM parts) but the labor is expensive. And if you do it for cheap it will look like crap.

Yeah, and the one on Amazon is broken for years and no one cares.

There is: https://mycroftproject.com/
There you can just about anything to Firefox’s search providers.

RX470 is fully supported with the latest drivers. Anything from Radeon HD 7000 (GCN2) series from ~10 years ago and newer uses AMDGPU with (almost) all features available. GCN1 is experimental but also works.

Older cards use the Radeon driver and miss out on Vulkan.

I have it disabled anyways along with the Carrier Services app. Guess what: my battery life improved dramatically.

So, I feel taking an .epub and putting it in a .zip is pretty transformative.

Also you can make ChatGPT (or Copilot) print out quotes with a bit of effort, now that it has Internet.

Make sure to put anything you want public under the correct license. If a platform doesn’t support CC or GPL or MIT, then leave.

EDIT: Or Apache, or IDGAF, of course. ;) But what I would really want is a license that forces your content to remain free, even if used in something else. Basically copyleft: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/copyleft.html

The only thing Spotube does with the Spotify API is fetch your lists and recommendations. Everything else it streams off Youtube (Music). Sometimes this is a bit wonky.

Yeah, they should also sue the ISP, the power company, the company who built the criminal’s house and the people who paved the road he used. /s

Oh not wait they are suing ISPs for zeroes and ones that flow through their cables. Strange world we live in. No one would have sued the postal service for a letter they got, or their telco for a call they received before the www.