• 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


0.6 nozzle and still got decent detail. Ive been having a ton of fun and productivity with the big nozzle but can't wait to go back to 0.4 which I haven't used in a long time, or to try out the 0.2

Is this a crazy or stupid idea?
So, I have an extra stepper motor, lead screw/bearings/coupler, and an extra Z axis slot on my motherboard. I also have my camera (C920) mounted statically in the corner of my lack enclosure. I'm planning on putting the extra stepper and lead screw in the corner and having the camera go up with the Z axis, but at a slight distance... This all seems fine, the only issue I can forsee is having the current to drive the 3rd stepper - my board is a BTT skr mini v3, so I'll be running 3 Z steppers off of a single driver. Are there any inherent issues with this, or any others I'm not thinking of? Thanks!

Great answer - I’ve considered a resin printer but my use case doesn’t include any miniatures or game pieces, so I’m sticking with FDM, but if you’re after super fine detail, more than you can get with 0.2 or 0.25, then go resin but be prepared for the mess, toxicity, and other drawbacks before you make the jump

I’d ask what you’re mainly using your printer for, and what you hope the new one will do that you currently can’t.

Here’s 100% vs whatever size I printed this one for reference https://files.catbox.moe/248u0b.jpg

Yep! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1388237 This one is 250% or 300% scale, I don’t remember what I did in the slicer last night lol - but it scales well, the normal size is a great toothpick holder

Thank you for reassuring me amigo- running my first ‘big’ petg-cf print in your honor

It’s about 38%RH in the house, I just throw the spool in the dryer for a bit and bowden goes straight from dryer to filament sensor in the enclosure

OK perfect confirming what I thought - the have their uses but I have no interest in minis and don’t need anything more detailed than I can get at 0.12 layer height

Talk me into one! My understanding is Downsides: Mess/smell ? Upsides: Level of detail ?

I’d really love to know your thoughts haven’t been able to sell myself though - I mainly am looking for part strength or resilience, detail matters less to me

Thanks that’s very kind of you - I’m grateful that I’m a bit older and have a pretty good hobby budget, so I tend to dive deep when I get into something (vintage stereo stuff, e scooter, record collection, rare tropical plants, sea kayaking, etc) I tend to get into one or two a year and the good ones stick - the kids get into stuff too, our 15yr old has his own vintage stereo setup and record collection now but he keeps snatching my MF Doom and RTJ records so it has its downsides as well :)

I have definitely thought about it, but I really don’t have a use for one or the will to deal with the mess of resin. My understanding is that the benefit is significantly greater detail is possible but don’t know of any other upsides, and the nastiness of resin seems like a big downside. Do they do anything else better other than detail? I’ve only been in the hobby for a few months so I’m still learning about this stuff.
Thanks for your comment on the print - it’s taken me a LOT to get PETG dialed in but I can crank it really consistently at this point - aside from settings in Cura, my magic bullet was direct drive and bringing retraction way down. I could definitely get this print smoother with 0.12 or 16 layer height and going slower but I wanted to get it out quickly for the kid, this was at 90mm/s

Fair enough! It was a pretty cool print and out of my normal comfort zone but I’m pretty pleased with it, thanks!

Pretty happy with how it turned out- 0.2 layer height in PETG, took about 9 hours

Remarkably, no - I did crank flow to 110 because I was worried but went fine through regular .4 (hardened steel) nozzle

I also have a roll of their cf htpla that I haven’t touched because I’m scared of clogging with cf but will be giving it a shot soon

So if I put a 10x40mm neodymium magnet on my fridge it’ll hang horizontally from that, but it won’t stick to fridge by itself

Aaah this rotation bug anyway everybody go like this (-: and you’ll see it better

Kidding, was a carefully thought out change of extruder, but I've definitely bought a p1p with what this printer runs now...

It wasn’t originally any celebrities or high profile people at all, it was literally like, “I’m a postal worker who’s also an amputee, AMA” and it was great. Rampart ruined the format, IMO.