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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Not on your phone, though. That’s just ambush after ambush. Statistically, IRL there a higher chance of escape in that analog.

(Hol’ up. What’s a double entendre that’s not sexual called?)

The title literally doesn’t, and it’s a shitty attention grab, nothing more. 🤌🏽

Tasmanian Devil baby?! 😱🥰🤗

I swear, I recognize him. Dang. That’s gonna stump me for a while…

Hey, wait. Isn’t he a famous actor?

AI trainers are getting away with plagiarism right now.

No. They fucking aren’t. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Oh! It’s a squeeze bottle? Yeah, that design wouldn’t work as well, I completely agree. 🤙🏼

Nice job! 3D printing is amazing! What do you think about designing a house that fits over the cap and houses the cups?

Interesting edit…

So, not unlike, say… “Ow, My Balls!” era IRL? That tracks.

Best I can do is two scrubs and whatever’s left of our collective hope for the species.

He’s afraid for his job, NGL

edit: please tell me there’s someone (or, better yet, multiple teams) already training an LLM on every Abrahamic religious text and leaders’ speeches, etc. so that the new Cyber Pope can be this species’ new monolith…

Weinstein? Do you say Harvey Weinstein? I could’ve sworn you said Harvey Weinstein has had festering dick rot for so long that he’s become an oozing open wound entirely, but that assumes he wasn’t already.

“Film studios” can eat a bag of rotting dicks. Hollywood was literally founded on the specific plot of land that was not only cheap AF, but also as far away from the European filmmakers (they were stealing from) as they could afford.

Fuck. Off.

I used to hunt griefers in my Black Friday skinned Mur-de-Lance w/ a Huge Particle Cannon and tuned yaw slip to kite and atomize those assclowns for profit. Hit my first Elite that way. The second was Void Diamonds, grinding for those “gonna be SO cool” flagships. I nearly made it the full trip with the whole gang doing the massive trek to the edge and back, but RL got in the way, so I’m not Triple Elite, and you know what? If it weren’t for the Silverbacks group (OGs, chill and welcoming, no pressure, from for RP and what TF ever, but always got your back), I don’t even know if I’d have played as long as I did.

You keep truckin’, space cowboy. 🤙🏼

As someone who logged an unhealthy amount of hours in E:D, tricked out the computer chair with vesa mounts for a Warthog HOTAS and coded hundreds of macros and voice attack triggers (and a whole set up for an Index) only to give it all up when Frontier dropped the ball on atmospheric landings (their initial offering was complete shite as they thought that the “community” wanted political intrigue and inter-factional complexity — which we did, honestly, but they delivered shit there, too). Hell, I even came back for a minute, hoping the flagship update was gonna be The One… But, they locked that into a fucking grind with specialized fuel, etc., too.

Shame on E:D, but fuck Star Citizen.

So, you’re not accounting for the required training and licensing to operate those, I take it? FYI, even if you “fast track” the training and go straight for the written exam that precedes logged flight hours (sim and real, both), you’re still looking at ~$30k just to be allowed to fly. Then, there’s the routine (& frequent) maintenance, storage, fuel, etc.

Sure, you can buy a cute li’l death trap for <$50k, but it’s a lawn ornament without licensing.

Don’t get me wrong: fuck Star Citizen sideways with an alien chode tumor. Just, don’t point to garage-tier aviation “solutions” as a fair comparison. 🤗

No, it’s just believable™, the newest in short-term psychotropic aerosols that make even the most run-down janitors closet seem like an endless rainforest paradise for minutes per dose.

Plus you can send a healthy individual back to their families and into society work again.

This is how the US will use this.

This isn’t that other place. Just block them. Next. 🤗

I presume that we’re not yet concerned with what the Ansible tech awoke in the vast emptiness between, hmm?

Apparently, as a nation, we’re supposed to be surprised that they’re trying to pass laws that “let” them do what they’ve already been doing for decades…

🎼🎶*“Do you hear what I hear? A baby cries. Where we find baby there are milk nearby. If we look in baby bag and there could be. Plenty milk for you and also some for me.”*🎵

How do you say it in Ukrainian? 🍄🤩💕

Oooh, look! The translation’s coming through!!

Thanks… for… all… the…

For what? Thanks for all the what?!

For real, though. I hope I’m alive to see the archaeological science tech improve to the point we can finally uncover the story about that mystery baby-daddy: was he a local, and that’s why they left town? Maybe he was a traveling sandal salesman (there’s a lot of foot washing in that book, just sayin’), and Joseph got wind he was spotted in Bethlehem? Somebody’s got that ancient tea, and I wanna sip!

They’d lose their little minds at the countless species that shift gender when necessitated by circumstance, not to mention the ones that generally propagate their line by mating with themselves. Don’t even get me started about the evolutionary origins of “labyrinthine vaginas” or the necro proclivities of sea otters. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Simply put: a healthy reading habit is a great inoculation against idiocy. Critical thinking is invaluable.

edit: I’m not drawing a line between any of that, except to point out that a lack of knowledge is no foundation for loud opinions.