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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I launch hero launcher in gamemode already as well as navigate with my controller. Do i still have to launch this to get to the epic store when you say it integrates with gamemode, do i leave the gamemode select screen the same way i do with hero?

yeah it’s like with F1 racing you hit 99% of your min lap time but then it take a million dollars of R&D for each second reduction in min lap time after that.

well it’s worse than that becase most of those houses and other assets were bought for the most part from loans taken out at very low interest rates against the stock he has in his company’s and other shares in his portfolio . The stocks on whole give better return than that interest rate. So it’s free money they can spend an they don’t even have to sell their stock and pay taxes on the returns just the dividends at a way lower rate that any working person. the way this is setup it becomes impossible for him to spend money fast enough for him to actually lose more money than he gained.

Didn’t the Soviets try this back in the 90s? I remember it was a failure and you would need so many satellites. Already have enough problems with Emerald Mine boy as it is.


what kills me is we Solved Cheating in the 90s and early 00s. It’s called dedicated servers. People would buy a game someone would setup a server and if you were a dick or cheat you would get kicked and each sever was like a community just like it is here.

But the companies want control they want to be able to shut download the game on their timetable and get you to buy the next game. A tool or system is never going to fix this people and breaking communities into manageable chunks can.

Hell back in the day servers were hacked on purpose to create new types of games. Anyone remember CS Surfing and Sniper only maps in TFC.

the point is people can hack away break the game beyond recognition but they can do that off in their own space.

Now I know that breaks global leader boards and other ego driven things but I’m just talking about having fun with games.

and them going after women’s rights and trying to keep them the kitchen makes sense.

I really hope we vote these dickwads out in all countries if we even can.

anyone else see Ryan Reynolds in that picture?

star trek: starfleet academy

it’s an old game but setting up the pads to be an action menu. makes that game fun to play in handheld mode. I would say I’m faster with the trackpads than with a keyboard