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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


The fine article bounces back and forth between base salary and total compensation (salary + bonus + stock grants). It’s hard to be certain of which they are actually using, but I work in Silicon Valley and this seems more like total comp than base pay. (Stock and bonuses can more than double total comp.)

It’s not possible to be both Conservative and Radical
Here in the US, the Republican political party is called conservative and the Democratic party is called liberal. These two words have meanings. Definition 1 for conservative at Oxford Languages is: "Averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.. Definition 2 is: "(In a political context) favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas. Okay. And then we have Republicans in Congress labeling Democrats "the enemy." The traditional term for the other political party (in the US and some other countries) is "the loyal opposition." There's nothing conservative about painting the half the country that you disagree with "the enemy." We have some prominent Republicans admitting that Hitler had a point as well. Nothing traditional in that. Heck, in Germany this might require a prison sentence. They're also in a moral uproar over immigrants. Even legal ones. And then we have Democrats. They support LGBT rights and the self determination of pregnant women. There have been abortions almost as long as there have been births. There is something very traditional about abortion. We also have the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" There are no exceptions here. It doesn't say "unless you are gay," or anything similar. We've also got Republicans firebombing and having shooting sprees. (Yes, there is the occasional Democrat here, but it's the exception that proves the rule.) These, like many of their other actions are *radical*, not conservative. Radicals by definition are not conservative. By definition, radical means: "a person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims." Let's think a bit about how overturning Roe v. Wade after 50 years is a radical change. How about all those new anti-transgender laws that are being signed into law? I'm a trans dyke who's married. Marriage is utterly conservative. While we might not want to admit it, gay folk have been around forever too. So traditional. So what's up with those radicals? Why are they demanding to live in the 1950s? Turning back time 70 years is quite radical and puts all of society in turmoil. These are not the plans of conservative people.

I find myself in-between at the moment. I have more experience with resin printers, but I started with a cheap resin printer and a cheap FDM printer. I had a stellar accident with my resin printer this week – I forgot to bolt down the tray, which got hoisted up and hooked over the build plate, spilling lots of resin everywhere. This particular printer (which will not be named), has a big hole, without a raised edge for the arm that supports the build plate. Of course some of the resin ended up inside the printer. I cleaned what I could see, and even opened the printer to clean inside, but it was insufficient – the build arm froze on the next print. Currently it’s broken into pieces and sitting under a fluorescent light attempting to harden everything. When it’s hard, I will disassemble further and attempt to chip all the resin out.

In the mean time, my only fall back is the cheap FDM printer, which has never worked well. I bought cheap printers to experiment with. While I’ve just effed up badly, I know a lot more about what I need in a printer. I’ve ordered a larger scale resin printer (Elegoo Jupiter) and have had my eye on Bamboo for FDM. Why both? Each has advantages and disadvantages. Resin handling is a PITA, and fiber has a lot of variety (and easier cleanup).

I haven’t upgraded the fiber printer yet. I intend to, but I’d like to recover from this disaster first. ;-)