u/nexusband on Reddit

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023

S12/S9E09 - “The Futurama Mystery Liberry”, Discussion
So Season 12 (or 9, the count is vague) has been a bit of a mixed bag for me, but i absolutely loved this episode. Granted, it isn't that the writing is that great, but overall and including the Themes and Throwbacks it's a solid 8/10 for me personally. You see, "The Three Investigators" have a very special place here in Germany and they are very popular - i and many others grew up on them and i still love listening to the audio books. They don't take themselves overly serious and it's just innocent riddles. The homage Futurama paid them was just great! Same goes for Tin Tin's Adventures, i've been glued to the comic books as a kid and they do a really good job there as well. The last one fell a bit short, until Neil DeGrasse Tyson came up and had some really great one liners. And well, LeVar Burton is just LeVar Burton. Awesome Episode for me, but i may be very heavily biased on this one :D

Nah. The issue is way more complex than that and begins in proper training for drivers and ends in some proper road worthy inspections of vehicles so that they at least have their lights correctly aligned and aimed.

There are no such issues in Europe. Sure, you get the occasional double blink from matrix led system, but I’d take those systems any day of the week over some who just forgot to turn off their high beams or has their lights aimed incorrectly

“AI” is probably simple machine learning?

reads article

Yes, it is.

for example production of base chemicals that are used in various other follow up products, lot’s of efficiency due to special membranes and so on.

Smaller corporations have it easier, IF they took IT Security serious. For the simple fact, that there are just a lot less entry points and way less whack amole playing.

And Microsoft never took security as serious as they should have.

Edith: And I highly doubt, we’ll see a substantial change on Microsoft’s side. 1.: There’s less Money to be made. 2.: In some ways, their hands are tied because of the still ongoing Patriot Act/USA Freedom Act (which is a bullshit name) or rather the safe harbor stuff.

Well, since working in the industry, i can say with a very high confidence: There will be substitutes, but not for everything - at least at this point in time. There may soon very well be a breakthrough in material science, but at this point there is no alternative in some use cases (like gaskets, that have to sustain extreme temperatures and pressures…).

But i absolutely do agree with you.

Oh i absolutely agree with you. Especially in cosmetics and other “day to day” products that are disposable.

But that’s also exactly the argument - make companies and customers dispose of these products correctly, because banning PFAS outright will have devastating consequences. (Like 3M just shifting production to China from Europe. Europe had the highest safety and production standards for PTFE - now they are going to be produced in china with absolutely no standards )

And if there is a proper way to recycle those PFAS, there is no need to shift production to places where there are no standards so you can get a porper goretex jacket (for example), because phasing out PTFE for something other that’s substitutable now has an incentive.

You do realize, many of those “forever chemicals” have no alternative? PFOA for example is essential for modern production, because there is no other material known to withstand the temperatures and pressures needed in the production processes? So the alternative is either not to use them at all, with ALL the consequences - or we have use a proper way to dispose them.

Purification Plants are the same argument analogy.

That’s not true, Gasoline doesn’t have to be made from Fossile fuels either. It’s pretty easy to make actually - there are a number of European companies doing it and with the Co2 Taxes, it will be a viable option by 2028.

Spain and Portugal laughing from their benches on their roofs…surrounded by lush green plants…

Yep…makes Synthetic fuels an even more no-brainer for me personally. Granted, it doesn’t for those companies and lobbyists because it’s going to be a lot more expensive initially, but if there’s really a will to do something against climate change, the first thing to do should be taxing those companies doing this shit willfully and knowingly to hell and back. A few wind turbines with some electrolysis machines suddenly become a lot cheaper.

And it’s a Win-Win for everyone - lots of people keep their jobs, execs keep getting money and I can keep driving ICE - and no extra co2, methan or other gasses are being released. And with these Satellites, there’s actually a way to keep companies from being shit.

But that may very well be a bit too utopian…

Siberia isn’t the permafrost melting - those emissions correlate to known Oil and Gas Wells, that mostly have been just left open, so that they can be used easily again. Melting permafrost is still releasing relatively little.

No idea, but HVO100 is around 1,82 Euros per liter where I fuel up and it’s considered an “E-Fuel”.

Porsche projects around 2 Euros per liter in 2025. By 2025 the fossile fuel prices are expected to be above that due to the co2 taxes. However, that’s not the “final” state of the plant, which is expected to be done by 2028 for 500 Million Liters a year. 2025 is 55 Million liters a year…

I’ve been on the hydrogen bandwagon for years, but the fact of the matter is, E-Fuels and HVO Diesel is an actual, viable option now, especially with efficiency reaching ever higher numbers year after year. 5 Years ago, one liter of E-Fuel was around 3-4 Euros (projected), now it’s around 80 cents.

There is nothing cheaper than just changing out fossile fuels for sustainable and carbon neutral (maybe even carbon negative, because some company’s are already thinking about putting a part of the saved carbon in the ground for long term storage, because it’s going to be cheaper with co2 taxes to just put a part of that away for good) stuff and just using existing infrastructure.

The 25-30% of people that are going to be getting EVs are easily buffered with the existing grids.

Yeah, Anarchy is such a good thing to teach AI, Kids and others…

For the Europeans, look up AEG, Bauknecht, Electrolux, Liebherr…sad story as well. And one hell of a case for rampant capitalism running amok…

Never considered buying Haier anyway, but i am looking specifically for appliances that have HAOS support. So them pulling this shit will put them on my black list for ever. I get why Mazda did it, but the car doesn’t need the app to be useful, i can just ignore that part. But this is an home appliance that looses a big part of it’s usefulness…

Nope, same goes with public transport. Trams are actually pretty bad in terms of particular matter

Whoever thinks EVs are zero emission should be slapped with tires and brake dust.

Having a 7900XTX and a 5800X…I don’t really get the wate of money part. I can throw everything at it and it runs exceptionally well with 5120x1440 resolution. Most, if not all,is running well inside Freesync 2 range…I couldn’t be any happier and since I’m getting old now, I’d compare it to the Athlon 64 X2 times with a Radeon 850 XT…between that and now, I never had a system that did so well with the games of it’s time.

Edit: Oh you mean spending 1400 on games…well, yeah, games are ridiculously priced…considering you don’t really own a copy either…

Yep. These numbers will plummet. EVs are not getting cheaper, Renault phased out the Zoe as well… Not only that, more and more people are going to just drive and repair the older cars - which is a good thing because you’d be able to drive many 100k km for the 10-15 tonns of Co2 a new EV needs to even be built… Co2 prices will make fossile fuels go out of fashion very fast, like in Sweden, we’re over 80% of Diesel sold is renewable and gas 90% less Co2 emissions, most new-ish diesels are very clean (even the VW ones…) and particulate matter is “made” by both vehicles, so going by bike is the best option for that.

Many people I know actually bought new bikes, rather than a new car in the last 2 years…

Where would those benefits be? Let’s start with gaming on the M3 Mac - it’s CPU bound in many games even though apple’s compatibility later is actually good. And the GPU is a joke, even compared to the Intel dGPU offerings. Let’s not start on encoding (besides iMovie), packing or compiling things. Or even actually rendering stuff…

Technically, with HVO, diesel engines can run without emissions. So “EV only” is not necessarily what this means…

I disagree with that notion, because while only 70 years, there’s still ways to read punch cards as well. Sure, if society completely collapses and education will not be “reinvented” in 5000 years, those things probably won’t be able to be read anymore. But the nuclear sign for example won’t be changed anytime soon.

For that matter, how much smartphone evolved in the last 10 years, in 50 or 100 years, all smartphones probably will have a Geiger Counter (or we have those implanted).

Actually, the Xperia 5 series from Sony is “small” in comparison, so is the Pixel 8 and they all have the same hardware specs - except the zoom lense. Which is a damn shame, because my Pixel 6 Pro is just a tad too big. I wouldn’t wanna go back to my Xperia Z1 Compact, tbh. 4,3" is not big enough anymore…