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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Since you seem to know a lot about Tesla: when people pay those $12,000 for the “Full Self-Driving package,” does Tesla tell them they can’t use it when it gets cold outside?

Wait, I don’t get this argument.

You’re saying parents are cool with it if their kids see atrocities committed by Israel, but as soon as a Palestinians terrorist group commits atrocities, parents don’t want their kids to see it - implying parents want to protect the reputation of Hamas?

No that was an observation.

An observation about the argument is part of a debate, an observation about the person that is making the argument is an ad hominem.

It’s literally the definition of “ad hominem.”

In that regard, your defense that you were merely making an observation is irrelevant. It’s relevant what you were making an observation about.

I’m not judging you for it, I don’t think you’re of poor character due to it.

Again irrelevant, and I don’t particularly care either way what you may or may not think about me.

The relevant point is that instead of tackling the argument that was being made, you decided to instead attack my comprehension.

That’s an ad hominem, an attack on the person you’re having a conversation with.

I’m not complaining about that, by the way, I’m merely providing you with an explanation since you’re apparently ignorant - i.e. lacking the knowledge - of what does and what doesn’t constitute an ad hominem.

You, on the other hand, are the one complaining about being attacked after bringing the conversation down to a level of ad hominem attacks, and you seem to be interested in maintaining that low level of discourse by throwing in another ad hominem here.

So my suggestion to you would be: either refrain from attacking other posters and focus on the arguments they’re making, or try not acting insulted when you’re being treated the same way that you’re treating others.

Of course, I’d be happy to!

It was when you questioned my comprehension of the argument that was being made instead of the argument itself by saying “you just haven’t understood the position.”

That’s literally an ad hominem.

Why complain about ad hominems after attacking me? You’re the one who lowered the level of the discourse - why are you complaining now?

You were clearly arguing against a position that nobody here took.

That means you either lack the reading comprehension to understand what was stated, or you’re purposefully creating a strawman to argue against.

I’m merely reiterating the position of the poster you replied to.

You can disagree with that position, but you seemed to be replying to a position that nobody was even taking.

they implied the root comment was saying that two things couldn’t be bad or only one could be solved.

I don’t agree with that interpretation.

They simply stated that ranking things by “badness” also implies a ranking in terms of which one of those bad things is more urgent and should be addressed first - not that one thing was bad and that the other wasn’t, or that only one thing could be addressed.

No, they said it was “far worse,” which definitely implies a ranking of how bad they perceive the respective issues.

A lot of the subscribe-to-use software that you never, ever actually own but that has become “business standard” is essentially ransomware.

We just don’t call it that.

Like 99 percent of companies who are suddenly doing something good and acting in the interest of the consumer.

If weight isn’t an issue, then it makes sense to use a system that only costs a fraction of a hydrogen-powered setup.

Trains don’t need to fly. Just pack them full of batteries or - arguably even better - just electrify the line wherever possible.

That’s just not an option for planes, so hydrogen remains a potentially viable approach.

So Elon is now going for the severed horse head under the bedsheets approach to persuade advertisers?

That’s a bold move.

I think his base has shifted, though. Used to be people who were interested in technology, in space exploration, in green and sustainable technology, etc.

Now a significant part of his fan base are people that decided he’s their hero after he purchased Twitter and then unblocked white supremacists, Nazis, racists, white nationalists, fascists, conspiracy theorists, xenophobes, etc. and decided to harass, block, and mock middle-of-the-road journalists, national public media, and use all the far right dog whistles and megaphones.

So yeah, he still has a lot of support - but it’s not the same support he had 10 years ago.