Pronouns: any. You can’t get it wrong

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


That says you cannot replace individual broken cells in a Tesla pack. That doesn’t say you can’t replace the pack

Aren’t all the cells worn in a ten year old battery?

Now that Linux can run pretty much all the games I play on the PC I don’t think I’m going to have much use for windows at home anymore

Aluminium has traditionally been smelted with electricity. It’s easy to move to green tech

Steel is harder. There is serious work that had been going on for years trying to come up with new low emissions ways of making steel

I’m one of those people, definitely not a bot. A friend with several invitations to the beta available offered me one a few days ago and then it was opened so I didn’t need it

I would rather have my team happy and working well rather than bitching about a crappy commute. I don’t enforce the organisation’s WFH rules on my team

“a legacy service” according to the article, but it was a legacy service that had access to Exchange

Yeah it sucks if your government just rolled over when asked for strictest copyright.

I’m pretty sure VCRs and tape backup got it legal in the US to move media you have right to watch between media

Australia got its law on circumvention through American diplomatic pressure, we refused leaving out the interoperability clause. Others under the same pressure didn’t push back

Australia: If you do that for interoperability (in this case you want it accessible from your library) it’s legal.

In my country (Australia) you’re allowed to break the DRM for interoperability purposes. We could legally use deCSS, back when DVDs were state of the art, if we wanted to play them on our Linux computers

I don’t think blue ray is nearly as easy to break I just double checked. Not quite “super easy, barely an inconvenience” but quite do-able

I have massive logs from IRC in the 20teens. I used IRC loads when the web was new, and revisited it and built a couple of bots in 2015ish, and one of those logged everything as part of a game - it was a spy

IRC is chat. Chat is sometimes nuts

Denser air also means more drag. Few IC cars are optimised for aerodynamics

I reckon completing level 255 isn’t going to happen for human players on the NES. They are pushing the input hardware beyond it’s design to play the levels they’re at now, and also crashes become more common at higher levels making a clean run to 255 even harder

This person did it by playing it until it crashed. There are several points where particular actions will crash the game.

I would argue though that to beat Tetris you would need to beat level 255, at which point the level counter wraps to level 0

They steel-manned the argument. They ignored the setup and supply of fossil fuels, while counting those for solar and battery, and even with giving the advantage to fossil fuels they showed solar and batteries both much better than fossil fuels

The article focuses entirely on the CO2 spent, and uses a pretty high number for batteries, taking nearly a year of daily use and clean charging to offset versus gas

You have the software design costs, which are high but one-off, so they’re amortised over the entire production - and it’s either the same or nearly the same across each brand’s entire range

In practice though Tesla has buttons for the controls you need while driving.

Cruise control/lane keeping/cancel is a lever

Indicators, flash high beams is a lever

Park is a button

Windscreen wiper single wipe is a button, same button is window wash

Set speed is a scroll wheel, volume is a scroll wheel (and a touch control on the passenger side)

Navigation is on screen keyboard, but you should stop to change navigation, or have a passenger do it

Climate control heats or cools towards your target temperature, heated seats and steering wheel are automatic or touch screen, but you know you need them before you get in the car

What more would you want physical controls for?

Is the previous host your own server? You can get a free, good, and well recognised SSL certificate through LetsEncrypt. It’s dead easy to set up and there are many guides on how to do it

Though your link works fine for me on Chrome on Android, so I don’t really know what the others were complaining about

Edit to add, the site has a CloudFlare certificate and security, that should be fine

Sure, that’s because California compliant motors have equipment added to make them compliant, it’s easy to continue selling those with the extra parts not installed

If you need repair equipment or parts, you’ll be able to buy them from California if your state doesn’t implement similar rules

Hmm. I use 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 (I seldom need to count beyond 31 (and have up to five more bits if needed), or to zero)

This is good for all of us, as California is big enough that what companies do for them they do for all