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Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


With the different distros of Linux, do different things support different distros? Like Zoom is support on Arch but not Mint, and Steam is supported in Mint but not Arch; or if an app supports Linux, it is on all distros? And if there is differences, do you have different partitions for different types of Linux?

If anyone can survive the AI text apocalypse, it is wikipedia. They have been fending off and regulating article writing bots since someone coded up a US town article writer from the 2000 census (not the 2010 or 2020 census, the 2000 census. This bot was writing wikipedia articles in 2003)

In a statical job applying world, if everyone had a ln equal chance of landing a job (which isn’t the case, but it makes the math easier), you would, on average, have to apply to as many positions as the average number of applicants that apply to the positions your are applying to.

So if each TRUE job opening has 10 people apply to it, you have to apply to 10 jobs (plus a bunch of false postings) to get a job.

If each true job opening has 10,000 people apply to it, you have to apply to 10,000.

I hate it when I go to full screen and one of my (100s of) tabs has a youtube short that thinks “Oh, time to start playing again!”

Now I’ll have paused tabs start making noise and I won’t be able to find it until the ad is over.

I finally understand Trump supporters “Fuck it, burn it all to the ground cause we can’t win” POV. Only instead of democracy, it is copyright and instead of Trump, it is AI.

I didn’t skip it. If you are going to use a tool, use it right. “Study shows using the larger plastic end of screwdriver makes it harder to turn screws than just using fingers to twist them. Researchers caution against using screwdriver to turn screws.”

Kids who use ChatGPT as a study assistant do worse on tests

But on a test afterwards, these AI-tutored students did no better. Students who just did their practice problems the old fashioned way — on their own — matched their test scores

Headline: People who flip coins have a much worse chance of calling it if they call heads!

Text: Studies show that people who call heads when flipping coins have an even chance of getting it right compared to people who do the old fashion way of calling tails.

Even if it doesn’t work the same way, humans anthropomorphing pattern detection will grapple on to it as “same function, so same thing”. As we slowly build general AI, other “things that don’t work that way” will be attached on to it until we have a full general AI whose brain works nothing like humans but has pieces that work in similar fashions.

Sort of like how 60 Watt LED light bulbs don’t use 60 Watts. “They produce the same about of light, so they must use the same amount of energy!”

“A Hacker Stole OpenAI Secrets, Raising Fears That China Could Already Has, Too”

There was a fix number of taxis (at least in New York) for a growing population. All the consumer wanted was more taxis - it was the businessmen that wanted all the regulations and safety rules gone.

Voice recognition vs. Download an app where you can’t make mistakes (and a giant corporation can harvest your data). Hmm, I wonder which mcway mcdonalds will go?

“Will you be using our app today?”

They realized that no matter how much they charged as a one time fee, the people the got the one time fee enterprise license would eventually cost them more in computational costs them the fee. So they switched it to 6000 image generations, which wasn’t enough for most of the community that made fixes and trained loras, so none of the “cool” community stuff will work with SD3.

Is Google not using a RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) system with their llms?

I am just wondering if they are referring to citivai, which tries really hard to be seen as an art and base model/lora site.

The article: Adobe did a thing. It was AI. AI looks real. Fin.

Are those two paragraphs the entire article? Or is there more buried under the ads?

Every politcian: So how do we funnel this money to kill foreigners while profiting by taking kickbacks from weapon manufacturers?

Conservatives on Roe: “There is no right to privacy!”

Conservatives on FISA during Trump: “There is no right to privacy!”

Conservatives on FISA during Biden: “My right to privacy must be protected!”

AI will (be a great excuse to) reduce workforce, say 41% of people who get bonuses if they do.

Think about how they reconstructed what the Egyptian Pharoahs looks like, or what a kidnap victim who was kidnapped at age 7 would look like at age 12. Yes, it can’t make something look exactly right, but it also isn’t just randomly guessing. Of course, it can be abused by people who want jurys to THINK the AI can perfectly reproduce stuff, but that is a problem with people’s knowledge of tech, not the tech itself.

If people randomly drew your name out of a hat, on average you would have to apply to “the average number of applicants for positions you are applying for” number of jobs to get hired. Keep at it, some jobs see thousands of applicants.

So you are telling me that there is now 300,000 tech workers now able to focus on open source projects to keep their foot in the coding door while they drive forklifts or serve McDonald while waiting on the AI hiring bots to read their resumes?

Building giant empty cities in the middle of nowhere doesn’t help the housing crisis in China.

Building giant solar and wind farms in the middle of nowhere does help with the pollution crisis.

Glad that they finally found something that uses dumping money in the middle of nowhere that can actually improve peoples lives instead of just prop up an economic bubble.

… and also abortion doctors to carry medicine that reverses abortion if a women wants it.

Come on dems! Republicans are blowing us out of the water on requiring absurd technology that doesn’t exist. We should try to enforce the 3 laws of robotics!

This new “finger-printing” technology is a bad idea, said cops in the 1800s. Few people are trained on how to accurately take and match “fingerprints”, so mistakes will be plenty, and innocent people will go to jail because if it. Everyone but the cops think it is a bad idea, so we should never use fingerprints to solve crimes.

AI/automation could replace almost every job- but at a higher cost and a lower accuracy. Everyone is asking why AI is automating creative jobs an not manual labor. Automation COULD replace manual labor, it just costs more. Right now we are looking into which jobs are cost effective to replace with llms, which is why there is such investigation into copyright abuse. If you can’t train AI without huge copyright payments, llms might cost more than just employing people to do the mind numming jobs that the llms could replace.

I read that as “Privacy websites” and came here to post “How do we know that then?”

I wonder if the act of picking cotton was copyrighted, would we had got the cotton gin? We have automated most non-creative pursues and displaced their workers. Is it because people can take joy out of creative pursues that we balk at the automation? If you have a particular style in picking items to fulfill Amazon orders, should that be copyrighted and protected from being used elsewhere?

This will be done more and more until the first crash. Then everyone will freak out and everything will be grounded. The engineers will point out that statistically the flights done this way were safer ( 1 million miles were flown by AI in the last 3 years with only one incident. The same done by commercial pilots would have caused 3.5 incidents!)

Then other incidents will be dredged up. Some won’t be actual incidents, some won’t be the fault of the AI, and some will be because a human overrid AI control. However, the public will firmly be on the side of only humans should fly planes. Laws will be drafted. Then loopholes for “drones” will be made. A decade later these loopholes will be large enough to fly a 737 through.

No one will remember why they were put in place in the first place, but one political party will be firmly against removing the laws. It will take another generation for them to finally be removed, and by that point computers will be so far integrated with humans that biological humans might be banned from flying under the law if things didn’t change.

Hopefully, people will look back on this and say, lol, no, that post was edited in 2035, but good try.

Back in the day, cereal boxes contain “xray glasses”. I feel like if those actually worked as intended, we would have already had this issue figured out.